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Should the Jr Masters, Jr US Open , Team trials, CAN/AM, qualification scores require class "L"


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  • Baller
@Horton I agree that these tournaments are hard to find and expensive to host. There is not a single one in my state. I will be looking to change this next year. If we want to have the best Jr. Teams possible to compete on a world stage they need to be the best prepared for the tournament conditions they will face at an international competition. If they are only skiing Cs in their back yard and not at foreign sites how will they raise to the occasion if they have never had to do so?
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  • Baller_

Please Keep in mind that Their are numerous committees that set qualification Criteria.

Jr Masters is the Masters Committee and Nautiques.

Jr US open A AWSA sub committee.

Team Trials and Can Am The IAC committee.

To try and lump qualification into one bag is not fees-able.


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  • Baller
All of those tournaments technically "international" tournaments and, as such, would be run under world rules. It only makes sense to use scores which are achieved under the same set of rules. So qualifying tournament scores would need to be run under class L or R.
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  • Baller

The requirements are 2 class C or one ELR. Many problems here. Two years ago at Team Trials there were only two skiers for four spots on the U21 team. This year is a little better. There are a total of seven. Read that again. SEVEN in the entire country. Under the requirements for this year u21team, there are less than five male skiers in the country that have scores to get in. Pretty tough no matter what the class is. Look at what is needed. 190 feet in jump for a single event jumper. Really??? There is not a U21 jumper that has posted a 190 jump in the past year. Besides Adam Pickos, and maybe Dylan Schafer, not a single event tricker. Tyler Scott has a slalom score good enough. The scores needed to get in a as three event skier is set VERY high.


If anything,the requirements need to be set to allow more skiers.


See you this weekend at team trials.


As Kelvin said, except for Flordia, ELR tournaments are VERY tough to find and expensive to attend.

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  • Baller
I agree I was looking over the qualifications the other day and the bar is set pretty high. Just because a skier is not skiing those scores right now does not mean that they could not be by the time of the event. Should there be a way to get in post trials if there is a spot is open? I say yes. I also believe that the team should be filled with the best skiers possible even if they don't meet these qualifications. Really there should not be any qualification scores. The best skiers should fill the team and go not mater how far they jump, trick or slalom. Fill the team with the best anything can happen in a tournament, how can the US not win Jump if there is no one there to jump!
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