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Congrats to Bailey Austin


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  • Gold Member

Great job!


Admittedly not as noteworthy, but the Bejerano girls from my home town also skied relatively well in their first Nationals -- all 3 getting within a few buoys of their ever-increasing personal bests. I'm looking forward to coaching them more this fall. They are slalom info sponges!

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  • Baller

Thanks guys. Just saw this. She is on a Nano One at the settings I published. Just further forward on front boot.

This almost tops winning the 2010 BOS intergalactic championship. Her parents are both proud of how hard she has worked. Thanks to T$, Drew and Leigh Ross and Chad Scott for all the help and support, especially with me out of the country half the time. Couldn't get a better group to work with and we are grateful.


Thanks to Jimmy Siemers too. An 800 point PB in trick and a 5th place medal in a awful tough group proves she's not just a tall slalom chick. She couldn't of gotten either medal this year without Jimbo's help and support.

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  • Gold Member

@Zman @MAD11 My regular ski partner @MikeT is considering a similar setup. He prefers the toe loop, but he's looking for increased protection from ankle stress after tearing his achilles (just like Zman, if i recall corretly).


But in the past, he hasn't tended to ski as well with stiffer boots -- even stiffer rubber boots. Does the Reflex "feel" like a hard-shell?


In case it matters, he has run -38 quite a few times in tournament over the years, and holds the MA record in M4 with 4 @ -39. But in the last few years he has been beset by injuries and other bad luck, so his M5 career hasn't been nearly as spectular -- yet!

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  • Gold Member

@MAD11 @joemac Where is Ruth's ski in the photo? I thought she was also on the Nano One? (If the N1 goes gold and silver is that a "Nano Nano"? ... ouch.)


I would have thought Dave would have come running in with a prop ski if she had forgotten to bring hers :).

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  • Baller

@Than - thanks - and yes, I am using my "downtime" to consider options for boots/bindings. Like Mike I like the thought of a front release. @Mr.Jones mentioned a "stuffing the tip" scenerio in the "Reflex R" thread that is exactly what I did when my AT popped. I 'think' a front release would have saved me.

But, I am not sure the R-Type rear boot is still be supplied by Reflex. If not, might have to consider the new (2012) double boots/double releases - the ones with the white collar.

Maybe Mike and I should get each other's email and touch base on what we are considering for next season.

Laos - thanks for your updates on the N1 - maybe I'll blow the bank next spring! First priority is getting the safest boot system for what is my most common "injury prone screw up", stuffing the tip. And, of course, working on "not doing that"!

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  • Baller
@Than Matt skis with a Reflex front and a RTP and it has worked well for him. There are a number of top skiers that use that combo. Someone told me recently that sometimes you need to move the front boot back a bit when moving from rubber to hard shell. If Mike is LFF I have a reflex on my trick ski he can try next year.
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  • Baller
@Zman Bailey uses a Reflex front boot and rear toe plate. Not planning to change this anytime soon. If it's a good enough setup now for Andy Mapple, were hoping she can get by with it. Also a Powershell front with a rear toe would be fine too. Seems to be about the safest setups you can go with and skis great. I use double Powershells, but I am experimenting this winter with a Reflex front and R type rear for the same reasons @MR. Jones mentions.
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