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Resistance is Futile


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I briefly had over 1000 boxes of GS cookies in my garage! My wife is the "cookie mom" for my younger daughter's troop, and that troop is fairly big and one girl sold over 300 boxes. So that was around 700.


Then my older daughter sold about 350 boxes herself (she's crazy into it; have to drag her home from selling when it's dark and freezing).


So our peak number was just over 1000 boxes. But then the other girls' cookies got picked up and we started delivering some, so I think we're down to around 300 or so now...

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  • Baller

@Brady There are some recently released studies by very respected researchers and doctors that show a direct link between sugar intake and cancer and also heart attack. The studies proved that caloric intake is not the main problem, but the amount of sugar changes a protein secreted that directly increases cancer growth. It also increases triglycerides which are a direct contributor to arterioschlerosis and heart attack. Both effects drop drastically when the intake drops below 10 teaspoons(40 grams) of processed sugar/fructose per day. They estimate the average person takes in 22 teaspoons(88 grams) with a lot taking in over 50 teaspoons(200 grams).


So eating your cookies and then working your ass off at the gym only offsets the effects of weight gain.

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  • Baller

Just freaking rain on my sugar parade...


When I was younger,,I could walk right past the candy trays and donuts, now at 53, I am addicted. If I eat one thing sweet, I want some more. It's like an alcoholic crack head.

The Doc says it is the yeast inside me going crazy, so I go on yeast and sugar free diet and feel good for a while, then it starts all over.. As soon as I slack off, even a little.

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  • Baller
It'll be a long time before I start worrying about a few cookies here and there. I will also admit that working out a lot does make up for some of my indiscretions. Would my workout be even more effective if I lived bulletproof healthy? Sure, but I'm going to enjoy myself, too.
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  • Baller
I may be the 1% of this topic but.... I have been eating Paleo for about 1.25 years now, and for the last 4 months really concentrating on being pure with it. My cravings have really gone away. I used to be a big chocolate cookie and ice cream hound and now I can finally walk past them(wife and kids just made a huge batch) and not have the urge to eat any. I truly believe that wheat and sugar are addictive and even a little will bring back the "need".
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  • Baller



I'm not sure that study condemns sugar as carcinogenic. "But, research shows that eating sugar doesn’t necessarily lead to cancer. It’s what sugar does to your waistline that can lead to cancer." "So, should you avoid sugar? Our expert says no."


Your brain needs nutrients and sugar is an energy intensive nutrient. Than is smart because he eats 300 boxes of cookies. The only thing that crosses the blood brain barrier faster than sugar is alcohol. So if you want to be smart and can't eat sugar, drink!



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