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Handle length


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  • Baller

I used to use an .880 diameter 11" custom grip and I loved them. I never missed the grab and I felt it concentrated my pulling power. In my last few seasons I went to a small diameter bent handle (US Gear 12"). They are great handles but US Gear is really a challenge to do business with.

I do feel the bent handle reduced the elbow pain.

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  • Baller
I went from 13" sraight handle to a 13" bent radius US Gear handle. Best thing I've done for my skiing. Elbow pain is almost total gone. I never mis-grab anymore. Also I never get the blister on my pinky finger were it wedged against the rope.
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  • Baller_

As a general rule, if you are a bigger skier with broad shoulders, broad chest and/or big gut, the 13" handle will allow your hands a little more separation and thus allow you to get more torso between your arms and achieve a better "stacked" position. At 6'2, 185 and 43 long jacket, I find a 13 to be too much handle. I use a 1.03 12' radius from In Tow with spectra.


On the other hand, like so many other things in skiing, if it is comfortable and works for you, go for it. They make lots of handle variations for just that reason.


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  • Baller
Years ago I switched to 12" handles after having a series of 13's fold up on me. Damn near didn't get my hand free in time the last time it happened. Years ago, skiing at Matt Rini's old lake near Clearmont he asked me why I was using such a short handle, that it wasn't allowing me to get my shoulders back properly. Told him the story, he suggested the ML Pro series handles with the solid core. Switched back to the ML Pro 13", I like the 13" better and have never had a problem with them.
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  • Baller

Noting @Ed_Obermeier commenting about handles 'folding up'. Both AWSA and IWWF have

specifications about handle strength, but I wonder if there is any sort of independent testing done

these days. Doubtful. Probably that hasn't happened since the days of Jim Sylvester and his

testing lab in the 1960's. Additionally, I wonder if any manufacturer makes a handle that not only

meets the strength specs. AND also floats.

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  • Baller
@oldjeep I tried the Radar ExtEnd Handle last summer. Ours survived about three sets before one of the plastic side pieces tore in two and dumped one of my ski buddy's violently during a hard cut. Messed up his hand pretty bad as the jagged edges ripped through his hands. I promptly returned the remnants for a vapour handle and haven't looked back. Mine may have been the abnormality but I would recommend careful inspection of yours before each use.
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  • Baller
I never paid attention to this until I ordered a Radar radius handle and rope. Turns out I've been using 12" handles my whole life and don't like this 13". It's new and never used if anyone wants to throw me a couple bones for it. Otherwise it'll go on ebay in the spring.
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  • Baller_
One thing I have noticed about handles: using an In Tow with 41 Tail gloves, I get almost a full season out of my gloves and two or even three out of my handle. I don't mean to knock Masterline and frankly I haven't used their gear in a while so maybe it has changed, but when I used a ML handle (top of the line, whatever it was called) and the kevlar K Palms, I would go through two or three pairs of gloves and a handle every season. On the other hand Russ would restring the handle and turn it over for less than like $20 so it really was a two year handle, but when I switched to a radius (bent) handle to take stress off my elbow) that option went out the door.


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