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WILL ASHER - More Than A Skier: FlowPoint TV S2 E6


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  • Baller_

Thanks guys for the kind words! Sometimes it gets really hard to stay on track and keep pouring time and energy into this project. But this Asher piece was one that I was really excited about. Like Will with ski design, I'm never satisfied with the end product....I feel I could have done better with this piece. But I wanted to get it out....couldn't hang on to it any longer.


Thanks for the support and thanks for sharing it.



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  • Baller
Agreed this is a great video. My relationship to the thinking quote. "I think I am skiing and then all of a sudden I am done. Should have concentrated harder on the deep water start." That still above is a great example of what I think I am doing however I am more like the slide in the background, vertical. @MarcusBrown thank-you so much for this insight into who and what Will is all about. I met him at the Denver boat show after he had won nationals and even then he seemed like a class act. Glad to see he has evolved even further with his comment about giving that feeling to others. Shows why water skiing has some of the most genuine people involved in it.
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  • Baller
@scotchipman I love that shot also. One thing I was watching during the footage in that video is how close Will's hands are to his body when he is in pulling position. That is something I know I and many of the folks I ski with need to improve on. His body position is awesome.
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  • Baller
That is one very well done piece! Awesome Job @MarcusBrown!! What a great looking site to film at too! Marcus - your attention to detail was superb - it was really nice to see what line length he was skiing at in the video's. Keep up the great work!
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  • Baller
Well done Marcus! I didn't see a shot that looked out of place or weak. The editing moved with Will's dialogue and never distracted from what he was saying. I'd say you got it out at the right time! You may have screwed it up if you fussed with it more!
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@MarcusBrown Curious what Will was alluding to when he was talking about taking time off the gym lifting weights and doing everything from biking, running to crossfit? Has he been battling some injuries? He mentioned it might take a few years to "get back" to that place? Can you elaborate on that?
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  • Baller
Excellent work and as stated by Will "... about giving people that cool feeling." There are some parallels to the work free ride work you have done @MarcusBrown that are truly the essence of how we pass this sport on and bring others into it. The forum constantly talks about how the sport is dying. Yes attendance to tournaments might be, but tournaments and buoys do not solely define the sport. Everyone needs a start... and see equal enjoyment in perfecting some skills as I do in bringing someone completely new to the sport and seeing them comeback again for more!
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  • Baller

@Ralph Lee Stated "Like to see him get three bouys" , well that opportunity is not going to present itself on many occasions, are Malibu big enough to give him a free hand and stand by him if he gets the opportunity behind another boat manufacturer, Will Asher has always stood by Malibu boats and is unlikely to change.

What is a Boat Manufacturer's stance on this scenario ?

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I have no idea what deal Will has with Bu but the deal is generally finical. If a team skier breaks the record behind their sponsors boat they get a pretty nice pay day. My guess is that if will had a shot at the record behind any boat he would take it and Bu would understand (pure speculation) .
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  • Baller
The tie in 2015 looked like it was a Nautique. A record behind a certain boat would have no influence on me as to which I would buy. I could see it being an advantage if your were a new manufacturing trying to brake into the scene.
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