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  • Baller
I was trying to ski behind a friends boat last night i kept loosing the rope getting up. Consequently my forearms are killing me - is there some exercise I can do to help this get better - i want to get back on the water.
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  • Baller
Farmers carries. Get 40 lb dumbells and carry them as far as you can. If you don't have dubmbells carrying gas jugs as far as you can will do the trick. Pullups, body rows and deadlifts also help build grip strength.
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  • Baller
In the short run you will need to let them rest and perhaps get some massage. In the long run, @Chef23 nailed it. I have found nothing makes forearms hurt more than having the handle pulled out, particularly when it happens gradually (vs just popping out of your hands quickly).
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  • Baller

Had same problem when started skiing

"Captains Of Crash" was a solution.


Start with

model #Trainer, then gradually go from #0.5 through #1, #1.5.

When you will be able to train with #2 model, nothing could pull handle out of your hands


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  • Baller
There's another exercise that you can do (in private) but let's keep this PG. @Chef23 has great advice with the farmer's walk (though 40lbs might be a bit light) and deadlifts. Also try doing wrist curls with a dumbbell.
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  • Baller
Another one: Grab two flat weight plates (say 10 lbs or so). Place them vertically and touching flat sides together on the floor. Now grab both in one hand from the top, lift and hold. You will be using your grip to continue to grasp the two plates simultaneously. Safely set down before your grip fatigues to the point of dropping them. Repeat with the other hand.
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  • Baller
Agreed with the other Jordan, Vice gloves will improve your grip on the handle in the short term and help both with your starts, and with less arm fatigue during your sets. Long term, build the strength up as everybody else has mentioned.
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  • Baller_
20+ years ago, I hosted a clinic with Mike Hazelwood. It was the summer of OJ Simpson. Anyway, we had a skier come from Long Island. He was all pumped up and did the hand grippers whole driving the five hours to the clinic. Next morning he couldn't move his hands. We got Overton's to overnight a pair of Clinchers. That solved the problem. #iskiconnelly


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In addition to pull-ups, farmer carries, and deadlifts, I like to do heavy kettlebell swings. The larger kettlebells usually have a thicker grip to help build grip strength.

Also, in the off season I use Fat Gripz when doing dumbbell work. The meatheads at my gym swear by them to strengthen their forearms. You will have to back off on weight a little when using them. The first time I used them, my grip was so trashed the next day I couldn't hold on to my dogs leash. So don't use them during ski season!

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  • Baller

Never tried it but I've heard several baseball players say a 5 gallon bucket full of rice. Sit and make a fist and just push your hand into the bucket and twist.


My personal suggestion since I don't go to the gym would be to go run a chainsaw for a few hours a day...nothing and I mean nothing I have ever done from the gym to dirt biking can wear out hands and forearms like a day running a saw with the subsequent moving of the blocks of wood and splitting them.

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