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Is this a better way to do the Ski Reviews?


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Below is a fast and dirty re-review of the Denali C65. I actually missed some key points about the ski but the questions is - Do you like ski reviews in this form better than written text.


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If a video format would replace the written review, I would be much less pleased. But this video definitely has merit, and if you're willing to do them in addition, I think that would be great!


One thing I've been meaning to suggest is that you pin the reviews as "Announcements," or something like that, for a long time. I'm thinking maybe the two most recent reviews are pinned such that any review will run atop the forum for at least a month.


I was really surprised how many people flat-out missed the Denali review, even though many people were eagerly awaiting it. What seemed to happen was that few people commented on the review thread itself, and so it very quickly faded from the front page.


Considering all the work you put into these, I think you should make sure people see them!

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  • Baller_

Maybe the mid review can be a video. Usually you have good things to say about most skis at that point. Would certainly be a shorter video for @thager and others. The written reviews are good and reviewable at any point. Videos would be harder to find the points you want to search out on any particular ski.


What you added in the vid I liked and feel the same:


-Wide enough...yep

-Allows skier to easily be more technical and calm..yep and I over skid it initially

-Never an out the front despite the deceiving flat look...yep, continuos rocker I believe

-It's a different ski, strange product...yep and it shows in really good meaningful ways

-Smooth...yep auto pilote

-Customer support..yep. Andy was the closest I know of that had as much personal care for skiers on his skis.

Buford Danger is cute...yep and then some.




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  • Baller

Horton thanks for doing these reviews!


I don’t think this video is comparable to a parsed written review. This video seems to be more free form; some comments about the ski, follow up to feedback on the written review and discussions with Denali staff. A better comparison may be made with a video in which your following a script.


I think either way people like your thoughtful comments on the products. The delivery method video or text likely maters less than what you say.

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  • Baller
so far every written review has been prefaced with a video of the ski in action so having access to both is obviously better coverage of the important info. to me this question is like my cellular carrier asking me if i'd like them to reduce the area of non roaming coverage they give me but still charge the same fees.
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  • Baller

The written review gives me something of a reference, to go back and look at. Especially for new skiers, on old equipment, to understand the Ski for them. I don't need to ride the thing, to help get it set up for them, knowing the skis tendencies, and the riders, your old reviews have been invaluable.

I like the format, and breakdown of, wake to ball, turn, ball to wake. I believe it's very helpful.

I also think that pinning them, as @Than_Bogan suggested is good, as well as locking them down to advanced topics for those qualified to throw down their input/setup. I'm guilty of tailing on the latest Vapor review, looking for setup thoughts. That would probably be better suited for the 2018 Vapor thread, rather than the review.

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  • Baller

I like the written reviews more because as others have stated, they are a nice reference to go back to. Also they are more structured and give a more comprehensive analysis of how the ski performs. I think the written reviews help draw people to this site as well because there have been numerous times I have used a search engine to find something about a specific ski and been directed to BoS.


I did like a few of the random thoughts that seemed to pop into your head throughout the video review though. If you were going to consider doing both, maybe after you complete your ski tests do a short video review about a few key points that stand out. Kind of like a prelude to the written review.


Also definitely pin the reviews, I have missed a few and forgot about them. It would be nice if they stayed at the top of the page for a while. Just my 2 cents.


Thanks for doing the reviews @Horton!

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  • Baller
Both are helpful, but the greater detail and the though that goes into the editing process makes the written more cohesive. The added entertainment value of Buford Danger's cameos in the video review does make that format appealing, though.
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  • Baller

I would love to a summary page/comparison chart of the skiis that have been reviewed with links to the in depth reviews, that would be super handy for people looking for a new ski.


The summary page could have metadata and individual reviews hung off it - much like tirerack does for tires. Not sure if the software used to power BOS has support for that.

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