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the elephant in the room


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Below is the official DOJ press release about Chad. I personally like Chad. I am not 100% sure what he did or did not do but I doubt that he did enough wrong to deserve 13 years in prison.


A former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent was sentenced today to 160 months in prison for nine crimes related to official misconduct, including perjury, obstruction of justice, and theft.


According to court documents, Chad Allan Scott, 53, of Covington, Louisiana, perjured himself and directed others to commit perjury to obtain a conviction against an alleged drug dealer. He also falsified forms so that he could take possession of a truck bought for him by a drug dealer. When he and two other law enforcement officers began to worry that they would be investigated, Scott and the others conspired to throw evidence of their wrongdoing into the swamps outside New Orleans. Scott also stole money and possessions from defendants his DEA group had arrested. Scott was found guilty in August 2019 and June 2021 after his case was severed into two separate federal trials by Federal District Court Judge Milazzo.


“Chad Scott wielded his police powers to victimize the very citizens he had sworn to serve and protect, eroding the community’s trust in law enforcement and undermining the rule of law,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicholas L. McQuaid of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “Today’s sentencing shows that law enforcement officers who betray the public’s trust will be held accountable and punished accordingly.”


“Chad Scott took an oath to serve his community with integrity, but rather than use his badge to protect his community, he used it to break the law,” said DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. “This goes against everything that the Drug Enforcement Administration stands for. Scott betrayed the very people he was entrusted to protect and today he is being held accountable for his crimes.”


“Corrupt officials who break the law and breach their oaths will be prosecuted and sent to prison, even if they come from within the ranks of federal law enforcement,” said Special Agent in Charge Douglas A. Williams Jr. of the FBI’s New Orleans Field Office. “Today’s sentencing demonstrates that Chad Scott will be held responsible and that no one is above the law. We thank our partners at DOJ, DEA-OPR, and DOJ-OIG for their strong partnership and unrelenting pursuit of justice.”


“While he was a law enforcement agent, Scott compromised cases and conspired to steal from the people he arrested,” said Special Agent in Charge Douglas B. Bruce of the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-OIG) Denver Field Office. “His actions were antithetical to the oath he swore to uphold. Now, he will rightly serve time for his many crimes.”


This case was initially investigated by the Louisiana State Police and later by the FBI, DEA Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), and DOJ-OIG.


Assistant Deputy Chief Timothy A. Duree of the Justice Department’s Fraud Section and Trial Attorney Charles A. Miracle of the Justice Department’s Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section prosecuted the case.

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  • Baller
I know little bit about this case and the charges against Chad. Personally I like Chad after getting to know him at tournaments. Weather or not you are a Chad Scott fan this is a sad day for Chad and his family. A man goes to prison for over 10 years a wife looses a husband and support system along with a son losing his father. Please don’t forget the parents . I’m sure that the case is under appeals. But until the case resurfaces in the courts I wish nothing but strength and hold the Scott family in my prayers.
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  • Baller
@The_MS yep sticky situation, in an environment where nobody trusts police officers and a DEA agent gets popped for multiple felonies and we wonder why people don’t trust the police?? Unfortunately it’s cases like this that make it more dangerous for honest cops to do their job.
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  • Baller
I have no information about the case or Chad. A police officer is supposed to be an example of the Law. Somehow I know many Americans who are able to live and thrive without lying in ways that ruin other’s lives (even if those others are bad people) or stealing. He may be a good friend to some and fantastic driver but that does not change that doing something against the law should be prosecuted. These kinds of cases are horrible for our police because there are way more good than bad.
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@vtmecheng if you know nothing about the case maybe you should not comment. A lot of us know a bunch about it and it is very plausible that this conviction was very heavy handed.
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I'm sure @vtmecheng didn't mean I disrespect but for those of us who have been following this carefully it does seem like Chad got thrown under the bus.
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  • Baller
I guess I trust the police, the law, the courts, the investigative process in just about all instances. It isn't perfect, but it's a cornerstone of our nation. Facts matter, personal feelings don't (or shouldn't). I wasn't on the jury, so no position for me to judge, but rather to trust the process.
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  • Baller
Undoubtedly one of the best drivers in the sport but he was an DEA agent first and foremost. He broke the law multiple times and tried to cover it up...10 years is certainly a heavy term but federal agents are held to a higher standard and it seems like he's being made an example of what happens when they abuse their power. I do truly feel for the Scott family
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  • Baller_

I know just enough reliable information to be convinced Chad got royally screwed. This case was less about anything Chad may have done wrong than about building careers for DA’s prosecutors and judges. Chad was no Boy Scout, but you don’t send Boy Scouts undercover with drug dealers. What he may have done wrong is nowhere deserving of the sentence he received.


For those saying “trust the system”, stop and give some serious thought to some of the high profile cases from OJ to more recent ones that we rightly don’t discuss on this board. Then ask yourself if you were a law enforcement officer involved would you “trust the system” for your fate?


I’m no tin foil hat guy, but it’s not rocket science that our “justice system” is seriously broken.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

Yeah we can all arm-chair quarterback thinking we are in the know or not in the know...when it is perhaps "more in the know" or "less in the know".


Like politics and religion, no one will convince one another that their position is right--but likewise no one here probably knows the entire story from both sides.


Some human tragedy for sure, and I'm glad I've never had to be a law enforcement officer, much less a high level DEA agent playing on that playing field--tough and risky jobs and I'm thankful for those who risk themselves to do them.


Whether or not justice is truly served here I have no idea, because I don't know enough nor do I deserve to know. My guess is that those who feel they "know" don't know enough, either.


Is this about waterskiing? Sort of...

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  • Baller

A few weeks ago I had several discussions with Chad concerning this. He was hoping, that my Wife, who works for Tiger King/Net Flicks, could find someone to publicly represent the Facts pertaining to his side of the story. He shared these facts with me and I am in total agreement with what @Bruce_Butterfield stated, who hit the nail on the head, and I could not have said it better. Many of these facts were never allowed to come out in court. This has been a Hatchet Job from the very beginning.


As @Horton said, he was thrown under the bus. I would add the bus was then allowed to back over him !!!


Articles, like the one above, are typical of misrepresentation. Especially in the "WOKE" environment that pushes Negatively against Law Enforcement. Does anyone remember the lie "Hands Up - Don't Shoot." Proven to be totally false, but promoted by Hate Groups and the News Media to start a whole movement.


I stand with Chad on this one and only wish I could have done more to help him with his case. I can only hope that somehow the WHOLE TRUTH is allowed to come out under an appeal with a different prosecutor and judge. I TRULY wish his whole family the best in getting through this.



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  • Baller_
Thank God that there are people that will get in the trenches and deal with the scum an cockroaches of the underworld. This is just one more injustice that will give anyone thinking about protecting us, another reason to find a different career.
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  • Baller_
When this shit first hit the fan, a friend of mine who is a retired DEA agent suggested that matters of this sort would typically be handled internally as a disciplinary matter and would likely result in maybe a month suspension without pay, with termination being a worst case scenario.


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  • Baller
When rap songs by killers, and dealers put his name in them, you know he was working on the right side of the fence. That world is a world that most all of us will never know even exists! I hope he gets out ok, in much less time for good behavior.
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  • Baller
Does Chad's situation need to be laundered here? If I were smoked in a medical malpractice case would it need to be tried online secondarily by the membership of BOS? This is his personal situation--shoot maybe he doesn't care but I would.
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@6balls I sat on this for a couple of days trying to figure out what to do. In the end Chad is a public figure in water skiing and a friend of many people in this forum. To ignore what happened to him would be a disservice to the community. On the other hand I certainly take no pleasure in his misfortune.


You will need to become a much more famous water skier before your dirty laundry will be aired here.

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  • Baller
I appreciate @Horton for putting this on the site, rather than letting someone who does not know the case, nor know Chad, post it as something “wrong with skiing today”. Every dirtbag who testified against him has felonies. Some of them, one being the main witness, (a cop) has committed felonies since testifying. All had something to gain by testifying. There’s a lot that went on here that was simply wrong, and not in any way “justice”
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  • Baller
I’m just glad that @Horton did put this out there as other skier’s issues have been put out on this forum. No matter what opinions or side he or other members might be on. What was fair game for one well known skier’s issue should be fair game for other well known skier’s issues on this forum. Thanks @Horton for keeping it fair.
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  • Baller_

Chad will have the opportunity to read these posts. He will see the positive and sincere outpouring of support and prayers for his well being.


Chad got a raw deal for sure. It is a war fighting the scumbag under linings of humanity. We have no clue as to what it takes to fight off and bring these scumbags to justice.

I like many thank Chad for his service and for watching societys back and doing his part to get the drugs and scumbags off the street.


This thread could easily become political as to the current attitudes of society and how it has affected Chad. I will not go their but most of you know how I feel.


Thank you again Chad for holding the thin blue line!


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  • Baller
The system sucks for some like Chad, for example, Bill Ayers bombed NYC police headquarters in 1970, the US Capital building in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972 resulting is some deaths. He never spent a day in jail! I agree with others that the present political attitude toward law enforcement may have contributed to his down fall and lengthy sentence. Hope he appeals.
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@scuppers honestly I have some heartburn with this one. After quite a bit of thought I realized that announcing Chad's jail sentence probably falls in the same category as obituaries or other awful news. It sucks but it is water ski news.
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  • Baller

I think the statements here come in two flavors...


I know him and I think he is being treated unfairly or

I saw enough law and order episodes to know what happened.


Good for you Horton for having no sacred cows, and I don't envy the tight rope you walk here some days. Keep up the good work!

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  • Baller

@Keith_Menard I met Chad once, to say I know him isn't accurate. To say I watch law and order or any other similar show is also not accurate.


What actually happened(Chad's business) is none of my business--right or wrong I feel bad for him and his family. I'm sorry that his name is big enough in the water ski world to be the topic of a social media thread. It makes me thankful for my relative anonymity, and that I have not had to live in a Chad's world to make my living.


Having said that after some thought @horton I understand your position given the focus of the website, and Chad's position as a great skier and world class driver.


Hope the best for all involved...

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  • Baller
I didn’t know Chad professionally, but I did know how awesome and professionally he pulled this old, overweight woman 8 skier many times. Although I did go for 7 buoy once at Nationals when he drove me, @Jody_Seal also did that to me once at state championship—two of the best drivers ever???. Sending positive thoughts to Chad that he’s back on the water soon. Missing u at the ski dock.
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