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What are your winter plans?


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My I am currently suffering from motivational issues but the plan is …

  • Ski as much as is practical / at least once a week or 4 sets a month.

  • Stay at an easy pass most of the time and work on technical things I wish to improve

  • Not get fat / should try to be thinner


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  • Baller_

Ski of course, silly question :D

Although living in the great white north it will be on white fluffy stuff but hey, it is still skiing.

Hopefully Europe and Canada let us in, the Alps and Powder Highway are calling.

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  • Baller

During the day instead of working I will be clicking relentlessly on my ski favorites hoping someone says something interesting about skiing, checking shipping status of equipment I have ordered even though I have everything I could ever need, and checking the weather conditions at my ski sites for the first signs of spring. At night I will prepare by visualizing passes before I dream about them.



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  • Baller
Not my plan but over the winter my body will forget most of what I taught it this year. Hopefully the weather will allow a few sets a month to reduce what my body forgets. I will get in better shape to start next season focusing mostly on core strength.
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For those of you looking to lose a few lbs, hit the gym, rehab injuries, try not to lose all the muscle memory you gained in the season, etc... what's your actual plan to do this? Do you have one? If so, cool.. let me know, I'm always eager to hear. If not, @MarcusBrown and I have created @FlowPointMethod to...


1. Help keep people injury free (aka: longevity in the sport)

2. Address common body mechanic dysfunctions seen in skiers (aka: asymmetrical athletes taking heavy loads)

3. Get athletes stronger (but not "bulky" strong).

4. Improve joint function (flexibility/mobility/stability)

5. Train specific energy systems used during skiing (aka: sports specific training)

6. Give you nutrition tools to actually fuel for health and performance.

7. Build a community of like minded, supportive skiers

8. Coach you along the way... all year round!


Interested??? Hit us up or check out www.flowpointmethod.com. We offer a 14 day free trial to our program so you can actually give it a shot and check it out, no strings attached.


Also, if you have any questions, please ask! We want to help.

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  • Baller
I need to figure out what the general consensus is out here on the river for putting in a course. A bit tricky with 3 parties involved - the non-indigenous cottagers, indigenous land owners, and Hydro One (who have rights to the river/flood zone). If I get the go ahead, have to choose, purchase, and figure out when to set up said course. If no course is going to happen in my water, I need to find the nearest course and become friends with those who have a boat on the water there! So in short, my winter plans are to figure out how to ski the course more without paying every time at Bush's in Bala.
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  • Baller

Since I retired in June I took the summer off and skied 5 to 6 days a week.


Go to No Wake lake around 9:00 am, ski buddy and I ski a set, eat lunch, ski another set and I get home by 2:00 PM and if needed get house work done. My wife is still working full time so I now do all the house work she used to do. This is still better than working a full time job.

My main ski partner went back to Colorado for the winter and I am quit bored.

My wife could pull me on the weekends but I no longer like to ski in the winter and use a dry suit.

So for winter I got a part time job 30 hours a week at a HomeGoods store unloading trucks, processing (opening boxes) and stocking store. This is different from soft ware developer work I did for 44 years. This job keeps me on my feet for 6 hours moving doing manual work. I have lost 10 pounds so far and making extra money for new ski stuff this coming spring. Looking forward to next summer when my ski buddy comes back to Chattanooga. I will then quit part time job and we can have another ski summer like this past summer.

Tom Smothers (oldmanskier)

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  • Baller



Very interested in this program.


I tried signing up for the 14 day free trial but it appeared the only way was to commit to the yearly subscription with my credit card then cancel later.


Do you have an email address?


Thank you.

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@scoke if you want, you can email us at flowpointmethod@gmail.com :)


for the 14 day free trial, you do have to put in your payment info but will not be charged unless you surpass your 14 days. if you decide before you 14 days are up that you're not into it, just go in and cancel your payment and nothing will go through. if you do like it and want to go through with it, your payments will automatically come out.


shoot us an email anytime. :)

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  • Baller

This winter I am closely following @Horton goals. Last year I got 2 ski days a month in Dec/Jan/Feb. it was enough to keep the March early season aches, pains and endurance conditioning issues to a minimum.


Our lake closes from Dec1-Feb28. I am joining a neighbor lake (3 miles away from primary lake) over the winter.


My goals are to:

* get in one set a week, and hoping for a 1.5 sets/week average

* Work on improving technique with easier passes

* Get on the mountain bike throughout winter

* Keep winter hibernation weight off, loose some lbs


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  • Baller

“It is how we choose what we do, and how we approach it, that will determine whether the sum of our days adds up to a formless blur, or to something resembling a work of art.”

― Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life

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  • Baller_
Add to the 100+ days on the water strapped to a carbon board with as many days sliding on the white stuff, so snow baby snow. Add in time on the bike and keeping Covid at bay. Wishing all BOS’ers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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  • Baller
Be the best Dad, Husband, Employee and Water Ski Fun Haver as I can in that order; well employee and Water Skier can swap if its a warm glassy winter day, and sometimes I am a better Dad and Husband after water skiing, and I Have Fun Water Skiing by seeing incremental improvements in buoy count while simultaneously having fun on the water and boating. Waterski as much as I can with open water 5min away & buoys 1:35min away. Perfect my HIIT training routine to best mimic ski sets, mimic going from mildly warmed up (aka waiting on the doc/boat) to HIIT - Mix of full body strength training moves, isometric pulls and 400m run sprints (aka Skiing a full set)
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