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Live Trick scoring system EyeTrick How it works?


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  • Baller

eyeTrick is the result of ten years work creating a system to make trick judging faster, more accurate, more consistent and more transparent.

Live video from the boat (or memory cards if that's the way you do it) goes to the eyeTrick server from where three or five judges each control their own video stream using a tablet.

A predictive system presents the judge with the most likely next tricks based on what the skier has done - making it extremely fast for each judge to enter the run on their tablet.The full pass is reviewed by each judge and the system reconciles all the judges passes to produce a final scored run before the skier is ready to come back for the second pass.

Data is sent in realtime to the eyeTrick Mobile App or a webcast so anyone can see the pass building as the skier goes down the lake!

Feedback has been amazing from judges, skiers and of course the spectators.

You can see more detail on how it works in these videossplasheye.com/eyetrickvideo

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  • Baller

@RAWSki for test and development we have worked with remote judges so it is possible but has its challenges. The current version of eyeTrick is very much a base that will allow the trick world to build out lots of exciting new developments.

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  • Baller

Maybe a trick judges' database is in our future. It would be good to see analytics which find bias or outliers in trick calling.

It could identify if 1 judge is more frequently the outlier vs the others present during an event. This could suggest a training opportunity.

Also, if a judge is consistently cutting T5B more frequently than his or her peers, and so on. It could highlight opportunities for conformity, education, and training.

It could also track skier-judge pairs to see if there is an outlier of potential of bias in favor or against the skier vs other skier-judge pairs.

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  • Baller

@ToddL with eyeTrick it's not the future, it's the present.Everything you describe is already builtin to eyeTrick.We believe the education and training potential for our judges is enormous.Not only that but eyeTrick makes trick judging fun!!

More judges, better judges, happier judges = happier skiers.

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  • Baller

No one suggesting you need eyeTrick to ski @Jody_Seal . But if you want to make an incredible event more interesting and relevant to skiing and non-skiing spectators alike then we need to do something about how we judge it. Or maybe you think there is nothing wrong with how we market trick skiing. In which case I will respectfully disagree with you.

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