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Everything posted by OldboyII

  1. Did not know that boat exhaust does not equiped with catalitic system as a every today car. Fair enouhg for nearly 100k boat of 21st century...
  2. It is necessary to agree about criteria before comparison.
  3. Could help to improve offside turn as well.
  4. Plus one Rubble ( :) ) to T-factor. It makes a difference!
  5. Try to hang couple of kilos weight on it and heat it with hairdryer. It will fix.
  6. @gavski Good point. If you have front foot like right foot at the photo, there is the only way to fix it - mechanical adjustment. I have front foot similar to this. Every new boot no matter alpine or water I do canting before first run. No break in perion that could help... The only exception is rubber boot which is actually " self adjusted cuff" )) As @Chef23 mentioned there are good canting tools - outside pockets on Carbitez liners.
  7. I had a returning moderate back pain from time to time. Naturally almost all standard measures usually helped. Doctors also were talking about back pain issues. This summer I made CT and discovered 10 small size rocks in both kidneys. In fact there were no single symptom that could point at kidneys. They gave symptoms similar to back pain. Removed all of them (I mean rocks :) ) and going to jump in to the lake in a few days. Our bodies plays jokes with us pretty frequently ))
  8. @klhahn I also have surgically restored rotator plus eight screws titanium plate in this shoulder. After rehab for same reason changed ski for HO freeride. Yes it is very easy to get up. But after more sporty ski it was not the same, even for open water, moreover I felt it more dangerous when trying to cut a bit harder. Did not like it. All we are different, I went harder way - training rotator muscles and changing start by understanding physical principles which make it easier or harder (in fact there are only two). Also doing it two feet in. Do not give up!
  9. Working on improvement of water start technique helps much more than changing a ski for a wider one. IMO of 61 old.
  10. @BlueSki Good point! EXO is resting at my "pet cemetery". Just had a glance - yes endeed, moreover it even makes a ski "invisible precurved" by default.
  11. Why they discontinued this? Was clever concept...
  12. Ice is the cheapest and the most underestimated remedy. Former doctor of national soccer team told me that the first week after injury ice gives 50% of success of treatment. As much ice and as long applications as possible. Unfortunately I had couple of chances to confirm his rightness. Later I checked biochemical grounds of this advise and all was confirmed!
  13. Very clever! I'l buy one. Thanks for posting it.
  14. Electrical massagers for self service :D Both are working on this issue perfectly More expensive Less expensive
  15. May be there are more accidents like this, but people do not report about them? Looks like guard is not a bad thing to have.
  16. Thermometer from last century on the dock is totally unreadable. And driver never tells what temp is. Just saying angrily - are you here to ski or what? As a sign of ultimate courtesy he may say - water is Ok. :)
  17. If in the water, after set you unable to take off the ski without loosening laces - you are in danger.
  18. @NorCalRec this week I bought new shorts and immediately started to fail half of starts. Could not figure out what is going on... As a last resort I changed shorts and all went OK - 100% That strange - shorts are really soft and frankly say before I was a bit sceptical that shorts may influence that much... yes it can. That particular shorts have a tight lace around waist and probably because of this detail shorts act like parachute.
  19. I started skiing at 56/200 and every year I hit new PB. Now 61/180. :D
  20. Senate Lithium'20 surprised me a lot. Skiing older Senate - with "windows" at the tip. Compared to older one Senate'20 is much facter, easier to turn, requires less enegrgy input to do same elements and gives me (modest 18m skier) nearly 1 meter of width FOC :smile:
  21. There are two different types of accidents - 1) head is hitting hard object 2) head is hitting water surface First scenario is a damage of flesh and tissue outside the scull. Second - brain damage (due to negative acceleration) inside the scull. If first - head protection may help. If second - helmet could make it worse.
  22. @Cam Yes! I will use VPN and will keep Perfski safe because bad boys do not know what VPN is! Only good ones use VPN! )))))))))))))))))))))
  23. perfski is not accesible from Russia IP. Despite the fact I was not bad cuctomer )
  24. What is better - chicken wings or good steak? I love both.
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