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Everything posted by vtmecheng

  1. Well, add one more ski for me to demo next season.
  2. Should have gotten the MRI. Also, beer always goes after skiing.
  3. Ropes and handles cost way less than a doctor, ER, or even an X-ray for me. I just buy a new one every year and don't worry about it. Just me though.
  4. I'll throw in an update. My foot is about where it was two weeks after the second PRP injection. That's to say, it's definitely better than it was before the two injections but it's not 100% and never will be because of two surgeries and arthritis. Did the PRP help or was it placebo? I have no idea. I like that even though studies show improvement due to PRP is inconclusive, the lack of negative effects seems to hold firm. The same can't be said of cortisone shots. I do think the success of PRP is dependent on its administration but have nothing to back that up.
  5. For the record, I don't blame O'Brien or HO for my injuries. It is on me to make sure the binding and my anatomy work together for proper release. I didn't do that and learned my lesson. Also, there's inherent danger in this sport. It's up to you to decide the level of risk you're willing to accept. Some don't think twice, others think but decide life is short and injuries happen everywhere, still others don't want the risk.
  6. So sorry to hear of your injury, it's especially horrible with young kids. I also broke my ankle (doc said I was lucky to not need surgery) in an older O'brien lace-up binding and it was completely my fault. Way too tight everywhere and didn't think at all about release. Then I tried an HO xMax and even with things almost too loose I didn't come out in an OTF fall. My foot was half way out and I luckily just sprained the ankle. After that, I spent some time with a few different bindings to see how well I could release. What I found is that my foot size made all the difference. Others would release fine in a binding but my size 13 foot would get stuck, despite using the largest size binding. It makes sense. When a foot releases from a binding there are three points of contact that must be cleared or the friction at these points must be overcome. A longer foot needs more translation in order to clear all three points so gets stuck more easily. This all made me look at release systems because they are independent of the foot size. I personally went with the MOB system, mounted to my xMax binding and bungee changed to a paracord. The Reflex style would probably have worked in both of my injuring falls too but I like the MOB multi-axis release and fantastic customer support. To date I have "self tested" the MOB system maybe 4-5 times (I had some stack issues causing OTFs) and it has worked perfectly every time. Take care of yourself, my youngest was 3 when I broke my ankle. I've also been through 3 non-ski related foot surgeries in life and two were with young kids. It's hard. Stay positive, don't push more than your doc and PT say, and don't stop PT too early. Next year you will be back on the water with new bindings and/or go with a release system. Key is to be personally content with the system selected so it isn't a constant worry while skiing.
  7. Only reason I didn't reup is that I got a shoulder injury early in the year that made tournaments and coaching unlikely at best for the year. Money is tighter so it was an easy decision. I'll become a member again in the future.
  8. I had one of those GM TBI engines in a truck. It was a really reliable setup. Completely agree with @jepski, any mechanic not willing to work on that engine isn't really a mechanic.
  9. Check skiitagain.com for used skies. Stuff comes available all the time.
  10. I won't restate what others have said. I spent a lot of time behind I/Os and outboards over the years. It really helps the wake if you increase speed. There's a big improvement increasing from 30 mph to 34 mph on these boats, the wake is so much more manageable. That may be too fast for the HO burner but it is something to keep in mind when buying a new ski. Going with something made for 28-30 mph will means the ski may not do well at a higher speed where your wakes are smaller. Instead, going with a 30-34 mph ski may be a better option. Something to consider.
  11. I have the latest MOB system with the added stiffener plate. It only allows complete removal of all VHB or dual lock if the ski has two additional inserts. Without the inserts, the new stiffener allows for less tape or dual lock. The old design without the stiffener required four inserts to remove the tape or dual lock. @mmosley899 sent me the new stiffener with some low profile dual lock, which works well if you add a layer of EVA foam to the bottom of the plate. I have been using it this year and did have one successful release and no undesired releases. So far so good and I can bump the binding forward or back without replacing tape.
  12. I'm sorry to hear that, both about your boat and ACL. That would make anyone depressed. Good luck on both and do your best to stay positive, though I know that's not always easy.
  13. @Horton one correction, MOB requires either dual-lock or tape at the front unless you add two extra inserts. I'm not sure about FM.
  14. I've skied behind an 03 and was not impressed. At longer lines, 32 mph The wake behind a same year Nautique 196 and Response LXi are considerably better in my opinion.
  15. Just listened to this one again while driving to the ski pond. Really listened. The result was that one of my ski partners commented how nice the pull was. Everyone should listen to this one a few times and take it to heart. It makes for happy ski partners.
  16. All the Ram comments are interesting but don't help much with the original question since a an SUV is desired. A pickup was specifically turned down.
  17. Did he at least identify what the problem is?
  18. Not stupid at all @Horton. That's a lot of boat gas.
  19. @bhammer your profile says that you ski behind a Response LXi. That should have a nice wake at 34. I'd slow it down and get a Senate, Omni, or V. You will be able to ski longer and have a ton of fun on any of these at 34 mph. Just my opinion.
  20. I thought these blocks were extinct. Possible he got a remanufactured block, I have no idea how easy it is to get a quality one.
  21. I'm still looking for a Ski Doc as well. Last couple have not panned out and they are out of stock.
  22. The new MasterCraft gets into 43 off behind Chuck Norris.
  23. It helps that Tony Gentilcore is a really good guy and many of his articles interject some humor to help keep them enjoyable reads. Remember that attitude can make a difference too. For some reason, staying positive really seems to improve healing time.
  24. There are also the Graphite and Lithium options. Sounds to me like the Graphite would be a great choice and the price isn't much more than the Alloy.
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