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Everything posted by Rednucleus

  1. I have been using the same baggy since 1994! Occasional seal maintenance and wax the zipper and I ski all winter. Just adjust layers as temps rise & fall. I use mine ALOT!
  2. +1 for learn on the boom, then add a handle, then go to the rope as they get proper body position & confidence
  3. @"Keith Menard" what do you mean by it didn't work out".
  4. @ToddA & @scotchipman - the results are in! My thermometer that reads 32 in an ice bath reads 40 degrees all areas at Hilltop today. So our "trusted dock thermometer" is reading 8 degrees low :blush: So today we had a lovely 80 degree ski (40a 40w) and I even had to peel a layer off under the dry suit after seeing the thermometer. Despite being a Triple Panda guy that Mr Chipman is pretty smart!
  5. I'll bet it's fixed. Coils and other electric components love to fail as they get hot. When I 1st started skiing 40 yrs ago my buddy bought a runabout with an ancient Evinrude ("The Green Hemorrhoid"). Once warmed up, it would die till it cooled. So we would ski up the Snohomish River till it quit, then drift back to the launch and start all over till we could afford to get the coil changed. Good times!
  6. @RichardDoane Thank you for the tip sir! Have never heard that so will try it this sunny weekend we have forecast. This is also the 1st winter I have continued to ski every week (except frozen Feb). I have not struggled in my dry suit before in March-May; 10 outings this Dec & Jan were a lot of work!
  7. I am only a 15 off 30-34 mph hack, but here in the cold north my last 3 months have been totally different than summer. I have always considered my gates & 1 ball strong; really struggling in the cold & dry suit this year. Mostly skiing 30 mph since Dec - that was my automatic warm up pass last 2 summers; now happy to make 4 out of 6. Come on spring! But the worst day on the water is still better than the best day at work :)
  8. @liquid d how big a tank? Was it on the ground or in vehicle? Thinking a metal Jerry can in that situation would be pretty exciting!
  9. @scotchipman you are correct @ToddA & I use the same thermometer. In the name of science, I have found a lovely old thermometer that reads 32 F in an ice bath. Next time out I will take readings 2' down at the dock, at the 55's and center of course. If my readings correlate with our dock thermometer it's time to recheck yours - who knows you may be skiing in much colder water and are more of a stud than you thought :) And btw if our dock thermo is reading way low, I will be very disappointed because my personal stud factor will take a huge hit.
  10. Don't most right handers also ski RFF? There are more right handers in the population than left handers so maybe that's where the higher RFF comes from. That being said, I am left handed and ski RFF - feel it gives me a gate advantage, and when I get a good gate & 1 ball, it makes all the difference.
  11. Where do you live? Start by meeting and skiing with fellow ballers. If professional lessons are not available, fellow skiers are a great resource and make pretty darn good coaches for less blessed skiers! (like me)
  12. @scotchipman - just reporting the reading from an accurate pool thermometer that is approx 2' under water at the dock. The lake had surface ice 2 days earlier. I will check with another thermometer and report back this weekend. I have found thermometers in the boat to be unreliable. If you are quoting your boat thermometer, might be fun to check with a pool one. My toes & fingers agree with the thermometer!
  13. So, it's been 30 days no skiing due to frozen lake and coldest Feb in WA (global warming?). The ice finally leFt so got my Feb ski in - a brisk 72 degrees (40a 32w). Daughter got me a nice neoprene beanie so head was toasty; hands gone by 5th pass. Proud to report that's my 1st ever 12 consecutive months skiing the course in WA! COME ON SPRING!!
  14. HO runs a nice demo program; check out the Omni
  15. 1. I'll bet battery/motor weight is not a lot heavier than a V8 2. @Stevie Boy I agree with your course assessment - electric motors don't need to idle at end of course, so no battery draw between sets (except stereo or heater) - AND think how peaceful the lake would sound. I think the future is now!
  16. Am I correct the miss occurs only after motor is well warmed up - so what electrical ignition components do not like heat. If it was my 93 Chevy it would be the ICM every time (on my 3rd one). Does your boat have one & has it been changed?
  17. As long as he's not giving out AARP cards you are still ok!
  18. Ha ha no vest, just like riding in the family wagon w/o seat belts
  19. If boat maintains constant ground speed both directions, I would think while going against the current could help me generate better angle across the course because the water is pushing harder against my ski?
  20. Interesting topic; I would assume since your weight is centering down through your core, actual foot length may not be so important - will be interesting to hear what the Denali folks have to say - their physics hurt my brain! BTW have you tried bare footing with those planks?!
  21. As a veterinarian I remain skeptical still waiting for some real world clinical studies showing 6 month out past 12 months results - and not just how the patient feels - I want to see some before & after xrays and joint fluid analysis. Also, when talking about donor fluids/cells vs my own, I get a bit concerned about viral & bacterial screening.
  22. So about a 50 degree ski day (20 air,32 water) ?? BRRRR even for me!
  23. I read this title thinking rough ski conditions!
  24. 2 yrs old, 60 hrs, nicely warmed up and any bugs worked out. Think how many skis and cool fins you can buy with the extra 16K!!
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