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Everything posted by Clydesdale

  1. Agree Radar Senate or Connelly V. I’ve had a couple senates and the carbon V and loved them all. I do think the carbonV turns a little better. I’ve also heard good things about the HO syndicate Omni. No bad choices in this group.
  2. Nothing to add but I want to ski with @Fastguy888 and Spicoli from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”.
  3. @OTF i laughed, but then started thinking. Maybe a new training tool? I let u know if I have the balls to try it!
  4. I ski all winter in orlando with a camaro black top. But I’m from Maine. ?
  5. I think subwoofers are only compatible with wake boats. ?. (Sorry, couldn’t resist)
  6. Several pro skiers in central Florida also real estate agents. Jennifer LaPoint, Whitney McClintock rini, thibaut dailland.
  7. Is cable slalom safer than a boat? Without wakes less likely OTF. And if you do you’ve got the lift of the cable to pull you up-similar to short-line barefoot fall.
  8. I second @BraceMaker . Carbon V is a great ski.
  9. Thanks @markn . You and Jack get the credits for skiing. I was gifted with a friendlier handicap. ?. Dock party was a blast as usual. Fireworks, dancing, and various other silliness. Maybe next year you can take a nap and join us for midnight!
  10. Hung over today. Jan 2 will have to do! ?
  11. Swiss New Years Classic today with @markn . Quite a blast!
  12. For a couple years I had elbow pain and hand pain related to tendons-trigger finger. Switched to radius last summer. Elbow pain gone. Hand issues much better. I have no idea why my hands would feel better but they do. Maybe coincidence.
  13. I upgraded my 2005 6 or 7 years ago without changing the servo or linkages. We use PP close to every day during the summer and still going strong. Having said that might be wise insurance to spend the $400 and keep the parts in a box until the day you need it. Cause you know when it fails the lake will be glass and you’ll have at least 4 skiers waiting to go!
  14. 10 years ago I was you. Then came a week at Swiss. One week at a ski school and you will be forever addicted to chasing buoys. Your current level doesn’t really matter. Nothing to be self conscious about. Skiers of all abilities will offer support and advice. Waterskiing pros are the most humble you’ll ever meet. Do it!
  15. Hmmm. Looking for a discount engineer may not end well. If it was only cars then who cares. But you’re putting a boat in there!!
  16. Good call on the free ride if he’s skiing a siege. Free ride turns like a mini van. Omni is a great ski. Did you pick Omni because your looking for a something a little wider? Radar senate or connelly V are similar. All good.
  17. @lpskier yup! A neighbor still has one of those old nautiques. Once a year or so I give it a go just to make sure I appreciate current boats. Makes wake comparisons between current boats seem a little trivial.....
  18. Thundercraft tri hull with a merc 80. Thought i was gods gift to slalom. Easy to run the course when you can stop the boat dead in its tracks. Then... at age 16... I met my first correct craft. And reality smacked me in the face. ??
  19. Maybe there is a pro skier from Indiana that could join them for a motivational practice? ?
  20. @jgills88 this is great. I had a similar college experience back in the big 80s. A lot of kids are intimidated by the elite level of skiing at the big schools and therefore don’t consider the possibility. Lots of recreational skiers out there would love the experience but may not understand they have the opportunity. Keep spreading the word!
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