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Everything posted by kstateskier

  1. @Horton‌ I'll be over after 5 today, please gas the boat up I've got a pocket full of Baller coins :wink:
  2. EZ Slalom sells polyform and I believe has some colors no one else has - check with ed@ez-slalom.com. He's also on the forum here. His prices are great!
  3. Is there any way the next person can post their results as an abridged version?
  4. I have an 04 Boo with the bow gunnel rails. I might have to give that a try and see if it helps. Thanks
  5. @Horton‌ what is the zip tie idea on an open bow rail? please explain.
  6. Cameras are getting cheaper and technology is getting better. Shouldn't be too hard to put cameras at the end of the course. Hell I can check on my dog (using DropCam) anytime I want on my iphone. I can even talk to him if I want.
  7. How are your times using JUST the stargazer features? If they aren't correct there - you're going to have a hard time getting them correct with the zbox plugged in. Take a step back and check your baseline times in PPSG. If they are good then troubleshoot the zbox. @Ed_Obermeier‌ has a good writeup on this.
  8. The A1 turned like it was on rails, had great cross course speed and generated great angle. The A3 (IMO) felt sluggish, never felt like it was free of the boat but did generate angle.
  9. Showers are easily to build yourself and add to your boat. I think I built the shower in my prostar 7-8 years ago for $165. Basically you need to T into your cold water intake line, install a fitting into one of the draing plugs on the block for your hot. Run those water lines into a Y fitting with adjustors (I used brass). Then run that single line to your 12V pump. I bought a $70-$80 RV pump at Camping World. Mount your pump somewhere, wire it up to an extra switch on dash. Run your hose from pump to the side gunnel or rear trunk and enjoy... Water temp adjustments occur in the Y. Once I got mine set to a comfortable setting I never really touched it.
  10. @tbrenchley‌ so unwritten "suck it up" rules only apply to rerides? Got it ;) Like I said I think Miller deserved a warmup pass, but the "suck it up" and be a Big Dawg mentality says sometimes you catch unlucky breaks and blah blah blah. See the issue here?
  11. Hold on just a second... @Chad_Scott‌ @Dave Miller you guys are being awfully hard on Jeff for not knowing it was an unwritten rule to ask for a re-ride claiming the other Big Dawgs would all laugh at you. And yet Dave asked for a warmup pass before his 41 attempt? Please don't take this the wrong way but both of you are kind of acting like "suck it up and do xyz" and yet here Dave is asking for a warmup pass? Why not the same treatment for Dave? "Suck it up Dave you're a BIG DAWG go run 41 cold off the dock!?" I for one think Dave SHOULD have been granted a warmup pass after that length of a delay by no fault of his own. But by the same token Dave could have been granted a warmup pass, Jeff has every right to be granted a reride. Personally I think the only beef anyone should have here is the length at which the officials took to continue the event. That in itself is the tragedy.
  12. The real question is will Dave Goode have a sponsored add within 5 pages of any article discussing this event in WSM? :o
  13. Who was the boat driver? he/she should have weighed in on the decision for a reride (and he/she most likely was). Spectators are in no position to weigh in on the distractive nature of anything for the boat driver or skier. If the delay was long enough that Dave was brought back to the starting dock then he should have been allowed a warmup pass. Seems like the right thing to do in honor of sportsmanship due to the lengthy delay. Which official (chief?) is in charge of timing the delay process with regards to a reride request and the 'other' head to head skier? Sounds like Dave and Jeff both handled themselves with the utmost respect (as expected). Lets learn from this and move on.
  14. Paul is a class act. D3 Skis rock! Airlines suck!
  15. did you leave your remote in your old boat? Might call the lucky bastards you sold it to!
  16. If you took every one of WB Minute Mondays and put them together you'd have alot of cool videos of some incredible skiing. I continue to be impressed by these two.
  17. Something tells me you won't "move over even money" on a new prostar... >:) If you're looking for something with ZO and Open bow I'd consider the 200 and the TXI. Both have great wakes. The TXI probably a touch more room with the Open bow.
  18. nice skiing @Than_Bogan‌ I'll agree with what everyone has said but take it a touch further. If you watch on the video where your rope is in relation to the step pad on the side of the boat your rope (at the widest point of your gate pullout @35) is just about the middle of that step pad. While I can't personally run 35 I ski with several who run it everyday and when I watch their pullouts that line is always very far up on that pad if not in front of it. So try and use that as a marker to judge your width and how far up on the boat you are during your gate pullout. I'll add one more thought. On your 2-4 side you appear to be going into your turn leading with your shoulders rather than your center of mass. Others have mentioned this as your head isn't staying level but I wanted to rephrase because we all process feedback differently. Try leading your 2/4 turns with your inside hip and see if that keeps your head more level, and your shoulders back. It might even help your ski carry through that turn and hook up with more acceptable angle (aka angle your can carry physically into 3/5).
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