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Everything posted by kstateskier

  1. If this was skifly the video would no doubt be critiqued and torn apart by every trick judge with or without a rating. That being said I sure would like to see the video because a 10K+ trick run is IMPRESSIVE!
  2. Bagging groceries at the local Dillons Grocery Store. Then moved up to Cashier. Later went on to working at a golf course and a line order cook at a breakfast joint. In my college years I pumped propane at Uhaul and installing hardwood floors in new construction. All of that led me to a career designing user experiences behind websites & mobile apps.
  3. Whoa that looks short. EZ Ed and I once trained on a lake outside of KC that was almost 1800 feet long but the lake owner capped us on how far down the lake we could drive the boat. He was weird and didn't want us getting to close to his house. Anyway we approx just under 1400 feet to work with and ran a four buoy course. We had JUST ENOUGH space to get my 90 Prostar up to 36mph before the 55 gates. It was a tight setup but close to home and a fun lake to ski on. Kinda miss it now that I think back!
  4. @Jody_Seal can you post some pics of the new motor in the boat? Or possibly even a video of the boat running? I'm curious how much better the boat performs with an updated plant?
  5. @my mistake the girl on the motor cover is @horton
  6. SMRR is indeed a phenomenal place to ski! Takes alot of wind to whitecap that place.
  7. Does Goode still insist that you drill barbaric holes in your $2000 ski or can you get these newer models with inserts for HO bindings?
  8. Just a saying! There's really nothing morbid about it. $8500-$9000 is actually not to bad considering if your 2000-2006 SN is paid for thats alot less money than going out and buying another $35-$45K slalom boat to have ZO. Plus its a whole new life cycle if your current engine has 1000+ hours on it.
  9. out of pure morbid curiosity what does it cost to put a new ZO acceptable engine into a SN?
  10. If this ski is so good, why aren't more people on it? Just curious.
  11. Good god isn't this thing full yet???!!
  12. For any price those skins look incredible, let alone $1100 delivered! Good lookin response too!
  13. get with Ed@ez-slalom.com he has competitive pricing and ships fast. Plus he's good dude!
  14. I had a chance to ski several sets over the course of a few trips to Orlando back when Rossi and Wade Williams coached on these lakes. They are indeed some of the best skiing lakes in Florida! Will be in Orlando for work in the coming month, will get by and see you Brooks.
  15. Can't imagine not having a bimini especially in the July/August months. +1 buy it!
  16. fair enough... I like that its aluminum, because the photo makes it look like plastic.
  17. In addition $75 seems like ALOT for a small piece of milled plastic... I'm sure there's been alot of R&D and testing costs that need to be recouped, but $75 each? wow!
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