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Everything posted by 9400

  1. Look at trigger point therapy. @Deke, suggested it to me for a neck and shoulder situation and it has been very helpful. Thanks Deke
  2. @scotchipman if the price is right I'll tell ya.
  3. meters because I'm a TC and it's just easier in all official capacities. But at the handle end of the rope, I speak in feet....unless I'm skiing with someone not from the US.
  4. Yes, now that you mention it, I think that Ben did do it....behind one of his American Skiers...good luck driving one of those straight.
  5. JB was the third one to do it, (Jeff, then Andy) in Charleston in around 2003 I think (before the one at Malibu Open). So Jamie has at least 2 (I think that's all he has) I didn't think Chris had that many, but I'm not surprised.
  6. Nate probably has about 15-20. CP probably has about 10-15. Will probably has 2-4. Jeff R has at least 1. JB has at least 2. Tgas has at least 1. Jon Travers...does he have 1? Andy....He ran a few at the end of his career, I'm guessing 5-10, maybe more.
  7. Go to the 1:24ish mark. Check out the crowd!
  8. What you said is one of the main reasons I participate in this sport, to keep me active and somewhat fit.
  9. @MattP maybe 2005-2006 some European tournament, maybe Eurolac.
  10. My opinion, there's some really, really good stuff on it and there's some questionable stuff on there. In trying to apply it as literally as I could. I did some really good skiing but also had some of the hardest crashes of my life. This was all when it first came out. I have since found that in working out the many various kinks in my skiing, I have migrated back towards a lot of the concepts of the DVD, I just tend to think of them a little different than they are presented. I appreciate Marcus, Terry and Matthew sharing their knowledge on here.
  11. I use a mark on the dash and make the boat guides disappear through that mark. It could be an artificial mark like a piece of tape, or a gauge on the dash or whatever you can line things up with. I also know of drivers who use a down course view...but I don't know how they do that and be precise with location.
  12. Know where the center is in reference to your visuals in the seat. To me thats the first, most important thing. Pay attention to where the forces on the boat come from relative to where the skier is, then learn the steering wheel movements that correct for where the loads come from. Once you learn the movements relative to where the skier is, you try to be just slightly ahead with your corrections. The better the skier, the easier they are to drive, due to skier consistency. It sure helps to have a GREAT driving boat. Being able to be in the boat with great drivers and pick their brain helps a ton. With a good driving boat the movements are small but rhythmic.
  13. It doesn't matter to me, I'm just posting to see if I have any (by that statement I guess it does matter)
  14. Freddy was A++ as color commentary.
  15. I recently saw where someone mentioned skiing a tournament where first time tournament skiers were gauranteed 4 passes every round.
  16. I asked about this at a drivers clininc once and was told "there's no rule against it, but it is discouraged". I've also used it on occasion driving tournaments and have been scolded about it. I will certainly use it in extreme situations until there is a rule against it. No need for someone to get injured at the exit gates.
  17. Joel Howley just tied the Australian open record and smashed the U21 Australian record with 2 at 10.25 on a Prophecy
  18. The dreaded 11.80 meter pass....always throws a wrench into things
  19. All 12 in finals run 39, had run off for final spot.
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