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Everything posted by 9400

  1. We could call this new sport show skiing
  2. It would appear Dr. Jim was ahead of his time.
  3. I've played with it and I'm surprised this didn't get more response. Terry Winter has a video titled counter rotation I think that addresses this. When I focused on hip alignment at the finish of the turn, I typically neglect it as I approach the buoy so what I try to do is get really good at driving the inside of my body out as I approach the buoy and then try to slide back in behind the handle.
  4. Don't have pictures, and I didn't get them as good as I could have. I have some extra spare backup boots that I'll do better from what I learned on the current set of boots.
  5. I drilled all new holes for mine from what I remember.
  6. I have also had some lower back pain this year. I have been stretching psoas for about a week twice a day and it is almost completely gone.
  7. It is hard....you try being a -32 to -35, 50 year old skier on a -43 rope on a course that's 3' narrow with the whole water ski world watching as you try to take down the record. That's a lot of sheet to keep up with.....oh and the rope's probably long too.
  8. I think it's fascinating that someone would go to this extreme to be "the man" in water skiing. If one would go to this extreme in water skiing, how far would they go in other areas of their life. The problem with this is that once I start running 9.75 while in my 50s, no one will think it's legit.
  9. I'll go the other way. Be taller over your front foot. Most people, when thinking about bending knees tend to sit on the back of their ski. You need your weight more centered over your feet. The more centered/connected you get, the easier it will be for you to get through the wakes cleaner/faster. Don't think about slowing down. Speed is your friend, improper direction is the enemy.
  10. I've done it twice, was out about 3-4 weeks both times. The second time I was able to ski the next day but had to cut it short. It was deep water starts that seemed to cause the most problems/pain for me.
  11. Contact Bud Davis in Lexington
  12. I hear a lot of people say to get rid of 15off as fast as you can. I also know of a handful that learned at 22 and 28 at much slower speeds (most are now stuck at 28) My best years take place when I start at 15off until I can run 35 consistently. 15 is hard to run right. But when you can run 15 with a tight line and upcourse, you'll have a solid foundation to work with.
  13. Who's replacing the buoys that get destroyed by those things?
  14. @skimech it's just very hard to believe that anyone could run 38 and 39 and not run anything longer. I would not say impossible but pretty unlikely. Something seems amiss. Did you have to look around the driver to see the skier at the buoys? How old is this person? Can you give us anymore details? Speed? I have seen "tournament ropes" that were extremely long.
  15. Oops, sorry...I missed the part about Ed in communication....give me a panda...the inflatable one.
  16. That white stuff on the dock looks dangerous. What is that stuff? Impressive getting out in that. That temp combo is at least 20 degrees below my tolerance level.
  17. I look in the mirror EVERY pass....right after the exit gate. Through the course, no radio, no yapping in my ear, just feel the wheel, stay a nanosecond ahead of the skier.
  18. 9400


    @Horton can't you create a special category for that? Double secret members only? Paid subscribers only?
  19. 9400


    I wish Ed would share more of his knowledge and experiences. I bet there's some great stories stashed away in that cranium. Thanks Ed.
  20. I guess I'm kind of surprised that Kristi Overton Johnson was not ALREADY in the hall of fame. She was pretty doggone dominant when she was healthy. Her record of 1 at 41 was untouched for over 10 years.
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