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Everything posted by 9400

  1. I answered the poll before I read that it was in reference to leaning against a tied off handle. I guess I don't like to read instructions....I'm a rebel that way.
  2. @Shaneh I said the same thing 20+ years ago. They say there are 2 kinds of jumpers. Those who have had surgery and those who will have surgery.
  3. Hey @MattP, it's a complicated set of instructions which requires actually reading them, you should see what happens when I have a 50 page set of documents.
  4. Dadgumit-I answered the pole without reading the instructions first. I need a Panda. I do it some (leaning on a fixed rope) but it's not a major part of my skiing. Mostly just to test ideas, or stretch stuff out. I think it could help muscle memory for someone kind of new to slalom course skiing as long as there is someone to help correct alignment issues.
  5. Something I witnessed last year in gate review. At very short rope (10.75), 32 mph, the boat wake washes over the gate ball at the same time as the skier comes through the gate making it almost impossible to accurately review the gate.
  6. Reminds me of another story, Caution PG-21, Language, Violence, Funny (in a strange way)
  7. That's exactly how I felt about the Elite.
  8. How many of the injuries were in cold water? I'm not sure what the temperature of cold water is, in my book, it's any thing under 60. When I used to use rubber boots, they were always hard to get off in cold water. Also how many hit buoys?
  9. @Horton could you get your panel to discuss the trailing arm pressure? I thought 1 or 2 of them wrote in favor of trailing arm pressure last year. I would be curious as to where they all fall concerning that. Thanks
  10. @MattP That was my first tournament score back in 1981. It was in a bootleg tournament....so I guess that one didn't really happen either. Since then I've scored it a few more times, you know, just to make it official. I haven't scored a zero yet, but there's still time.
  11. You haven't truly experienced water skiing until you score a 0.5 in a tournament.
  12. 9400


    Getting rid of the gates would be great....right along with that ski that everyone can run 39 on.
  13. I've skied 2 sets so far this season after a 3 month layoff. I'm returning from a pinched nerve that caused a bunch of other problems and generally took it pretty easy. Immediately after my first set I thought about how football players sit in ice baths to reduce soreness. I knew I couldn't sit in an ice bath but I did put an ice bag on everything that seems to get sore when I haven't skied for a while and I didn't get nearly as sore as I thought I would after the first set. I started reading up on ice baths and found some info that suggested the perfect temperature for an ice bath was around 55-60 degrees. (which just happens to be where our water temperature is) After my second set a week later, I took off my suit, put on shorts and jumped into the lake with the idea to stay in it for as long as I could. I couldn't stay in it long because it's hard for me to breathe in those temps once my chest gets submerged but I did jump in 3 times for as long as I could and then put ice packs on the normal sore spots again once I got home. I was happy with the results and was not extremely sore either of my first 2 times of the year.
  14. If this the year/years Ben Favret was behind the company (and I think it is). I drove one for 5-10 skiers. As jdarwin said great boat to ski behind but a little difficult to drive straight. I don't remember having chine lock issues and we have some reasonably tight turn islands but if some people are mentioning that, I would pay attention. I thought it was a good boat. It may not be a great boat, but I think it's a good boat.
  15. If the headlights were bright enough, I'd be lying about PBs all the time at that site.
  16. The first tournament I ever went to was the 1979 Masters
  17. I think this story kind of relates to this discussion and I won't name any names. A person I know has a ski that has had the fin moved numerous times. A very, very high level skier took this ski which was a completely different manufacturer than what high level skier uses, different boots and smaller size, pretty much completely different. Said high level skier gets on ski and runs very, very deep 41....only time ever riding this ski. There are lots of skis that are more than capable at 34, it's up to the pilot.
  18. Thanks Alberto. Hope your friend heals quickly and gets back on the water soon (relatively speaking). I have run mine tight before but would feel some tweaking on the forward type falls, that is why I run mine looser than probably recommended. It comes off more often than it should in falls, but has never come off unexpectedly.
  19. The day they make a ski that everyone can run 39 on is the day I quit skiing!! I don't want to think that the last 20+ years of me trying to figure this stuff out was wasted.
  20. Been running Fogmans for 10+ years, I've never missed 1 day due to binding related injuries. As Greg pointed out above, they don't need to be super tight. My tension is set relatively light just to air on the side of safety. Mine probably release a little to easily but have never pre-released.
  21. You can always count on a treadmill to F somebody up
  22. I believe he held the mens slalom world record at one time
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