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Everything posted by 9400

  1. The softer, smaller and safer the turn buoy, the harder it is to judge the score correctly.
  2. Dang Ed, you are the man! Can you put any footage on youtube please?
  3. The 3 most forward skiers I can think of would be David Miller, Greg Badal and Thomas Degaspri. Does anybody have a picture of those guys behind the boat. Been playing with this a little and have to convince myself to try to go out the front.
  4. Looks like winter across the pond.
  5. @Ghibli all you can go on is what you know and see. Not sure the what ifs are relevant.
  6. Ultraman!!! You were very big me as a kid...in the 60s
  7. Thanks for coming on here and trying to explain the situation and giving us a better understanding of what happened. Also thanks to others that were a part of this event and giving their facts and opinions. Thanks Horton for your chasing of this story. As someone said on here earlier, a little controversy can be a good thing. That's entertainment. Hopefully no one got turned off by this. We slalom skiers are a strange bunch.
  8. While I don't think it was the "most significant event", I do think it was a significant event. Back in 2005 or whatever year it was, I thought that the moving buoy situation should have had more coverage. I was fascinated that someone would go to those lengths to set records and try to win a major event. I wanted to know more about what the other competitors thoughts were concerning that event and what took place.
  9. The key words here are if you know you missed the ball, I had a case last year that I was sure I made the ball (6 ball in this case, pretty much over the top). Almost everyone that saw it thought I missed it including the judges. But I have also been judging similar cases that are almost impossible to call due to apexing right at the buoy. I usually give the benefit of doubt to the skier but have seen lots of cases to close to call. The softer/smaller buoys make judging much more difficult. In the old days, fewer skiers would risk it with the size of the buoys, now we can plow through them....most of the time.
  10. Sounds like Murphy showed up right on time.
  11. Was thinking there's a lot of guys who normally run 39 that are not running 39.
  12. I don't know why we need to test for PEDs. It's not like someone would try something illegal to win a title or set a record...next thing you know y'all will think someone will build a course with turn buoys that move.
  13. @thompjs I know...I was just having one of my "someone's wrong on the internet" moments and had to chime in. Most of the time I have it reasonably under control, it got away from me this morning.
  14. GPS is way more accurate than 16'...can be accurate to less than a half an inch, horizontally and vertically, depending on how it's processed.
  15. I wonder what the next highest was for any tournament (under R conditions) would be. I would be surprised if it was even 8 10.75s (oops I mean 39.5s) for a round.
  16. If I counted right (and there's always the possibility I didn't) 15 or 16 skiers with scores into 41 in Calgary and CP wasn't one of them.
  17. Thanks Kelvin. Great Job on the coverage.
  18. @mwetskier - just my poor attempt at humor
  19. Actually there is a hurricane off our coast right now but it's far enough away. So it should read "there's a hurricane but we'll still be skiing, might be a little gusty "
  20. It was an R tournament on 1 lake and a C tournament on a different lake. It was in a C tournament in 2002 or 2003 when Andy put up the 2 and 4 at 43
  21. Andy's 2 scores at 43 were in a C tournament.
  22. I skied behind one that surprised me a little at -28. All the other 200s felt like a duck wake.
  23. Does anybody know what the largest age group of participating tournament skiers is currently? Has anybody ever looked at participating tournament waterskiers from 1980ish to today and noticed a trend? There is a group of skiers that were in their Teens, 20s-30s when waterskiing was on TV regularly that has somewhat stayed involved in skiing that are now Mens 4 and Mens 5 skiers.
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