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Stevie Boy

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Everything posted by Stevie Boy

  1. With every manafacturer claiming how stable their ski is, and with ski,s using Aero design & materials, this thought crossed my mind, for a fighter aircraft to be Fast, Highly Manouverable (Turn on a Sixpence) it has to be inheriently unstable, for passenger aircraft to be stable, with design they lose the ability to be Fast and are not as Manouverable. Would you want to ride a Fighter or a Passenger Ski
  2. Anybody compared the Vectors with the Obrien Sectors, they look much the same, or though Sectors will fit L or R
  3. Matt, point taken,but I looked at the Video because It may have had some value, sadly for me it I was dissapointing, I hope other people found it more interesting.
  4. While we are on the subject, whats that Connelly video all about, was somebody on something or was it me floating off into some other world, it was like being hypnotised, not the most exciting video to promote a ski, slow dreary and not that enticing, I am sure Connelly produce a Great product, I have used them before and was not dissapointed, but somebody needs to inject some enthusasim and pace, the laid back approach is just not working.
  5. Is RTM technology any better than other methods, not many other ski manafacturers seem to be giving it a go, they semm to be sticking with their try and tested methods of contruction.
  6. If Adam is reading this, is there any news for us on the progress of the quattro, I was going to order one from an outlet that is offering it for sale, but my daughter is moving back to the UK very soon, I do not want to buy one and end up having it delivered to a vacant address, the outlet is claiming that the quattro would be drop shipped direct from the factory with in 14 days, Any Comments ? Best regards Stevie Boy
  7. Thanks for the update Adam, I,m looking for a 66", so I guess I can hang on for a few weeks.
  8. Hi Brent, I think you will find there are no quattro,s to be had, I know that they moved there production from one source to another, this was several weeks ago, how long does it take to get production up and running ? Looks like the answer is months.
  9. OH ! Fabulous, Halfway through the season, looks like I am going to have to look elsewhere, Shame ! , every body else seems to have there 2011 skis sorted.
  10. Well Guy,s & Gals, it,s all a bit Diana Ross " I,m Still Waiting "
  11. Hi Guy,s anybody got a release date for the Quattro, I heard mid January, but nothing concrete, I could pre-order but reluctant to do so, with out being able to ski on one, it,s a lot of $$$.
  12. Gas Prices USA try Gas Prices in the UK, approx £6.50 = approx $10.30 Gallon or though our Gallon is a bit more than yours 5 litres actually, enough to bring on chest pains, we have to run our boats on LPG its fine just lose some power not quite as responsive, but a lot cheaper than petrol. Supprised you guy,s are not on LPG, mind you $3.50 gallon is pretty cheap to me.
  13. Interval Training 2minutes 140-150 then 2 minutes 165-170 repeat as many times as you can handle, rowing, cross trainer, bike or running the choice is yours. Or 12 clean & jerk, 12 squats, 12 lunges (six on each leg) 12 straight lifts. 30 secs rest then go again. Aim for 5 sets do not go to heavy to start with, stay light, after the first 3 sets you will be gasping for air, well I am anyway. I am trying, got to get that weight off.Â
  14. Thanks sixam675, as you can tell I am waiting and ready, to give this baby a go ! got my pound notes at the ready. I guess i would be looking at the "66.
  15. Wishing all Waterskiers across the world a Very Happy Christmas & Properous New Year, as well as a thought, for all family & friends who have moved on from this world. Stevie Boy
  16. It,s gone very quiet on the Quattro, do they have issues or are they just taking their time, Obrien have it listed, but no image and it,s showing not available. Best Regards Stevie Boy
  17. Personally I like BOS the way it is, just because it,s Simples
  18. Hi Guy,s & Gals, has anybody got info on skier weight range for the 66" or 67.5" Elite Quatrro respectively, are we likely to see it for sale before the New Year or after. I see it,s still going to be a $2400 ski. Best Regards
  19. Has anybody ever skied at this place, last time I enquired it was $15 a set. Â http://www.skicatalina.net/skicatalina/HOME.html
  20. Nice to see Glenn Campbell skiing so well after his achilles problem, it would still be nice to see video of the Quattro from the boat, not sure about all this ski cam thing, the only thing about it is, viewing the likes of Glenn and his superb Handle Control.
  21. Only one word comes to mind for your ski buddy RESPECT!
  22. Fair comment, in the UK it,s $35 to $40 a tow (six passes or ten minutes tricks, beginners, etc), most of the boats run on LPG as petrol is to prohibitive, around $9.50 a gallon, there are few lakes, where you can operate your own boat, most ski lakes are run as clubs with a dedicated boat, so there is a slightly different ethos, not like in the states where there are a lot of lakes to put your own boat on, so I guess the thought process in the USA would be different to the UK, most of the lakes here have been taken over by fishing clubs as they have far more purchasing power after taking subscritions from members. With no TV coverage we rely on people turning up, to have a go, and maybe get the bug, also there are more youngsters interested in wakeboarding, not waterskiing, as they get quicker results in a shorter period of time for less money, plus if they use a cable tow, they get the pull from above making the fancy stuff a little bit easier. I have seen photos of Comps in the 80,s - 90,s where the banks were overcrowded with spectators, unfortunately that is not the case anymore, I remember telephoning clubs begging them to accept my entry for a comp when they were full, but for the first time this year, clubs have cancelled comps because of the lack of entries, indeed how do we regenerate, the interest in competive waterskiing, there has to be change for the sport to survive.
  23. Well we can either be like an ostrich and bury our heads in the sand or we can embrace technology and move with the times, that will allow the sport to get more TV coverage, keeping the sport alive, fact is nobody likes change, people can still operate boats but we have to find a way of making the time needed on the water more affordable not just a sport for youngsters with wealthy parents, Just think how getting the sport into the Olympics would raise the profile and generate interest, just think of the excitement in seeing how far somebody can go without stopping at each end. It would add excitement for the public because competitions would move along much faster. Waterskiing is not about riding about in the Boat, waterskiing is about individual goals and challenges, I dont go to the lake to ride in the boat ,I go to Ski, I go to claim, just one more of those orange things that you see in the water when you ride up and down in the Boat. As far as I am concerned the boat is just a tool to pull me up and down the lake, so I can try to acheive my personal goal whilst on a waterski. Guy,s & Gals, No Offence Meant, just my opinion.
  24. The first comment on this thread says it all, Money,Money, Money, price of memberships + tows or just paying for tows with no membership, given the time needed on the water, it all adds up to lots of WONGA ! The only way round it is not cable skiing, but there is another concept, I remember years ago in one of the waterski mags the idea of a tower running on tracks that not only rotates at the end of the lake, but the speed or line lenght can be changed as the tower rotates, it was driven hydraulically or electrically, reducing cost in comparison to a boat, the other advantage with such a system is that there is no question about whether the boat was straight or not, which kills one of the arguments for not having waterskiing in the olympics as the conditions and path of tow are the same for everybody.
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