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Everything posted by MAD11

  1. Thanks guys. Just saw this. She is on a Nano One at the settings I published. Just further forward on front boot. This almost tops winning the 2010 BOS intergalactic championship. Her parents are both proud of how hard she has worked. Thanks to T$, Drew and Leigh Ross and Chad Scott for all the help and support, especially with me out of the country half the time. Couldn't get a better group to work with and we are grateful. Thanks to Jimmy Siemers too. An 800 point PB in trick and a 5th place medal in a awful tough group proves she's not just a tall slalom chick. She couldn't of gotten either medal this year without Jimbo's help and support.
  2. This is tough to hear, but glad he is not suffering anymore. This man was a great asset to our sport and person who would help anyone of us anytime. I was grateful for his help when we hosted 2 Big Dawg tournaments. He would always take my calls and give advice. He was a class act and our sport will suffer his loss for a long time. Pushing pro skiing forward and back into the limelight was his passion. We should all do what we can to help keep his vision moving forward.
  3. If anyone interested since your talking about selling some skis we have a few: -64.25 Nano twist RFF amp 105 -66.5 Nano twist standard RFF amp 186 -65 Nano twist mid 188 amp -65 radar strada 2011 red and grey Send me a note if your interested in any of them. All in excellent condition.
  4. @scotchipman. I ski 34, but ski a lot of 35 in practice to make it easier on my body. Been running 9 degrees. If I'm going to run 35 for several weeks I would go from 2.503 to 2.508. Nothing else would change. Haven't been riding mine the last week. Gave it to my friend for nationals since I'm not competing and theirs wouldn't be in until next week. Glad I did it, but have been pretty grumpy all week riding other stuff. Since my duaghter is also now riding a Nano One and has since run a tournament 4@38 on it I think we're staying with this one.
  5. @stevie My boots are at 28 11/16 on powershells. The 13/16 published number seems to be for lighter skiers. None of the short line guys I know are running that far forward. Also, factory numbers are long for me once I get to 38. This has been consistent with every set of factory Goode numbers for me since the 9100. Go shorter and deeper.
  6. @stevie Honest opinion. Best ski I've ridden. It seems to adapt to many different styles easily. I would place the order. I've ridden most of the other skis the guys are talking about and now am done wasting my time.
  7. @Stevie Boy The ski carries plenty of width and speed. It is not asking to pull longer or harder, but seems to like it when you stay connected and on the handle. I am still edge changing in the same place and getting great width. Not getting a feeling that it wants to shutdown. It stays with you and doesn't run away. When you turn, it comes back under you quickly and makes a lot of angle without excessive load. It has surprised me several times on my offside that it moves through the turn so freely even when I make a mistake.
  8. Once you score high enough you automatically get a MM rating. Then your scores go into both your age based group and MM. You may never once ski as a MM or even care about it, but have a MM rating. The Big Dawg is irrelevant. Don't have to be a MM to ski in that event. If you don't have a MM rating they will put your scores in your age based group. In the past I picked which group to ski in based on what day my kid skied. Whichever was closer to her day is what I skied in. That way I didn't have to stay longer and spend more money or even make multiple trips to the city where the event was. One year there was a 3 day difference between the groups and I would most likely flown home then back to ski Mens 3.
  9. @zman I haven't skied since @jdarwins early June tourny. Before that only a few sets (maybe 3 per month. Enough to make me sore every time) due to my business travel. Trying to get going again now. Biggest issue is my dam hands are not in shape for 97 degree water and killing me. ok, back on topic: Ski feels great. I have 3 sets on it. I am getting too much tip in the water on my heel side at 38 (I am RFF) and need to possibly move the boots a little. Interestingly, I have canted my rear boot a ton for years. This ski turns the same with my foot almost straight, which is big for me. This will help improve my line out to 2/4 if I can run it straighter. I'm taking it easy right now and think it will work great. Several neighbors who just watched me run a few back to backs @ 35off immediately went and placed orders with Goode. My daughter is doing well on hers. She is so light on the line with it when driving I'm not sure she even turned the buoy sometimes, even @ 35off and 38 off. She rode a traditional shape 64" Nano (which has worked great) before and this ski seems to take much less effort for her since it is a little bigger. Her line in and out of the buoy (especially her offside) are the best they have ever been on this ski. Short story is she started to worry about where to put stickers on the ski last night, which seems to be a serious commitment for a girl skier.
  10. This is simple for life and especially ski partners so putting it on your handle makes sense. It could say, "NO Gordas Chicas" @shaneh lives by this. He doesn't discriminate against the loca ones though, which has caused the occasional issue.
  11. @chad scott The whole story is rarely as entertaining. You have spent enough time with me to know I only tell the good parts and supplement the boring stuff like sub buoys with other things to make it more dramatic. I would agree your account is more accurate though since when we travel your usually armed and I am not.
  12. Got two on Friday. Tried them both yesterday. First sets felt great. Daughter tied her pb for our lake first set and it's not quite right yet. I just ran 8 back to backs at 32off/35 mph since I am just starting to ski again and they were wide, early and easy. Dont think I lost connection once. Reminded me of my Warp, but much less effort. Ski is for real. Will provide more info later this week.
  13. See Chad Scott stepping up his game at the SCR championships once again as a driver. Wrapping the rope around the prop on his first G2 Trick pull of the day must be another Elite record he can add to his impressive list of accomplishments. This proves that driving the trick event is not as easy as it looks!
  14. @jdarwin they used the same one I have for the boat cameras at the Big Dawg in Peru when I skied it last year. Seemed to work well. I also judged at the SA championships and I believe that's also what they used. Just sat in a tower judging gates and buoys on three different screens side by side. Remind next week and I will bring it to regionals. I get back in the country Wed morning.
  15. @jdarwin I have one of the newer styles trakkers also if you need to use it.
  16. @shaneh That response got a much more entertaining reaction for sure. @kfennell get better soon man. Sorry to hear it. Maybe use the above excuse instead of ever admitting you were near a trick ski. Feel like it could be much less embarrassing.
  17. I just ordered a set of these last week to test on one of our lakes. We had both lakes set up with bubble buoys, but have struggled with maintenance as they seem to get damaged by some of our owners more easily than others. They certainly have been safe though. I put in a set of test water filled buoys, which have done well for about a month with no complaints. Both Drew R and Nate Smith swear by the Wally buoys for safety and also talked about how they don't fade so I figured we should try them before settling on a solution. Nate said his set has been on for more than 18 months without fading. Was surprised. I placed the order and got a UPS shipment notice within two hours. I will put them on when I get back from SA Wed. Will let the neighborhood test them for a week or so and give some feedback to everyone.
  18. Change a rule? I thought we were talking about using cows as buoys? Real issue at frameswitch. Not makin that up man.
  19. @jdarwin Ok I'm buying. That better? Just got classified as a business dinner.
  20. Lot's of secrets. A team skier told us all the name on the forum three weeks ago and the newsletter says call Mary for info and to place an order.
  21. Will be there Sun night to Wed since @jdarwin is buying diner on Monday. Can't pass that. Congrats on the finals @JoeMac. Good stuff!
  22. @ToddL Good to see some Frameswitch video. Should have shown him dodging the cow that is usually in the water around the turn island. Bet the light rope would make that move easier. I had to ski around the cow one year and lift the rope over it before coming in at 38. Place is always fun, but hot.
  23. Brutal hit man! Dave, glad your OK. What did the goose look like after that? You got close enough to follow one of the main goose hunting rules. Don't pull the trigger until you can see the cheek patches. Should of been a clean kill at least.
  24. Teaser from the factory preview sheet to put the insert rumor to rest. FACTORY INSTALLED BRASS INSERTS – Every NANO ONETM is built with factory installed brass inserts. There is a warning on the ski that reads: "DO NOT DRILL OR SCREW INTO THIS SKI. USE ONLY APPROVED 250 INTERLOC OR FACTORY INSTALLED INSERTS TO ATTACH SKI BINDINGS TO THIS SKI. READ USER'S TECHNICAL MANUAL FIRST." Nuff said I guess on that subject. Question is how could @Horton not know this before the rest of us? Thought those website donations at least would get us some advance news without having to work for it ourselves.
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