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Everything posted by jayski

  1. @teammalibu I am in disbelief that was your answer lol @The_MS Coke? C'mon man, that 'woke' company...I thought you had morals lol
  2. @klindy not to cause more issues but to clarify, did USA waterski not get notice or mandated from someone to increase their athlete representation on the board? If so would the board really have 30% if it was left up to 'free will and interest?
  3. Dam @teammalibu .... that is some deep $hit...how many Margarita's for that???
  4. @klindy just an fyi I have volunteered for more than one committee and offerded to take over a comimittee but asked for a short conversation with one of the 'upper' board memebrs to clarify desired direction for said committee...I bugged him for a few months then gave up...you have people willing to help...so don't generalize of 'no one volunteers' when you and the board shut them out...
  5. @ozski best "male slalom skier ever" maybe...not even close to being best "skier" ever....no way he is better than Regina
  6. @vtmecheng how tall are you? My oldest is 6'3 and he has no issues with shortness in the suit anywhere
  7. Awesome! Warm, thin, flexible, and way more durable than a Camaro
  8. Over the last 3 years the TXI's have improved in wake and in feel of the pull, by far the 21's are good amd I AM NOT a Malibu guy....yes the bump at 28 is the most pronounced of the 3 but is totally fine and skaible...they all are, stop ridin flat...
  9. @schafer it's "thicc" not "thick" as the kids say... get with the times man ?
  10. @BobF Just fiddling around, settings from other skis, willingness to fail, a little non stop hamster in my head...
  11. @Horton watching that "wise man" form the boat many times, mechanically and technically he was the same at 28 and 38, intensity was different
  12. @Horton off topic but I think that "wise man" isn't so wise, why would your mechanics at any gate change? I mean that's like saying why practice at 28 or 32 at all when you wanna run 38 or 39, I mean if your gates or skiing at all sucks at 28/32 you sure as heck ain't gonna have a good foundation for 38
  13. I could live with 4 passes guaranteed IF you fall or miss before 4 passes are up...I mean, @The Wood we always allow the skier to ski back to the dock if they miss going away anyway, so could be 2,4,6,8 passes total...some other sites in the SC region do this also...
  14. The Ski is fine, just different, it will catch you off guard though, the TXI is nasty hard, much worse in my opinion, however there are some TXI '21's out there that are not as bad
  15. @bigtex2011 I am 10000000% in!!!
  16. @Horton :D Courtesy @bigtex2011
  17. Keeping your shpulders level isn't a bad thing to do, maybe the issue was because of your certain moves to attain that you were not casting your ski outbound...I interpret what Nick said to facilitate that.... the pic of mapple is not a realistic representation of level shoulders, it's taken at a certain point and at a certain line length...my fear is the statement of shoulder inside is people heading to a path of 'dropping' your shouder in...which way too many do anyway to make a turn
  18. @klindy thank you for being upfront and transparent with your answer, a lot of other NSO's are NOT like that, or even engaging in this or any manner with members. There is no simple answers to resolve this type of issue, but I think the membership is torn with the overabundance of rules and regulations and it's honestly draining to those of us who do more than just compete. Just competing and being a member is easy, this mandate is nothing much but...Putting on a tournament, running a site/club, officiating, and competing is a large endeavour, do it multiple times a year and some things like this just cause some to have their cup runneth over...there is a resounding call from members who work their butt off for the sport for ease and simplicity and at every turn it seems more rules and restrictions come forth. I think the time has come to step back as an organization and have a change of focus, a change of outlook, and a change of delivery to the membership. I would expand but this is probably not the place to take up space with that.
  19. @klindy not being rude or derogatory but out of curiosity does it matter whether the membership or any singular member has a solution that is better? I say this because I am fairly positive it is probably insurance companies with lawyers deciding and pretty much mandating these steps. Good or bad the organizations and their membership in today's world have little to no say in things such as this...if this statement is false please clarify for me and tell me you (AWSA) honestly had the option not to go forth without ANY type of program. In Canada the Gov't mandated all National sport organizations (NSO) to have a program, but they threw stupid amounts of money to NSO's to create and facilitate a program, which most just piggybacked off of existing ones and used the money for things not relevant...With Waterski Canada all coach's and officials need training, not the complete membership...
  20. @The_MS @bigtex2011 Evening of Sept 18th @ the Wood...no holds barred lets sit on the shore and sort this Sh$t out ?
  21. Geez, used to do this all the time in Goode's when they didn't have inserts, never had an issue...
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