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Everything posted by webbdawg99

  1. @Cayman2 Was this the guy??? https://instagram.com/p/5pyE8sEDX5/
  2. I assumed that my first h2h round would be the last time I skied that day....regardless of who won. Darn
  3. Man. I got the impression that as soon as the storm hit it was done. What's that old saying about "assuming" things? Lesson learned.
  4. @Onside135 This is all I've seen on the 36mph results. A nasty storm rolled in in the middle of the event. I left assuming the event was over. Looks like it cleared up though
  5. Jones v Huston. Jones 3@38. Huston advances w 6@38. Eric v Todd. Eric runs 32. Todd 1.5@32. Eric advances.
  6. Regina v Jones. Regina 2.5@39. Jones advances w 3@39 Don A. v Eric Kelly. Don 2@38. Eric advances w 2.5@38 Huston v KLP. Huston 3@39. KLP 1.5@39. Huston advances. Todd K v Mike R. Todd 3@38. Mike 3@38. Todd advances.
  7. I probably wouldn't have noticed a couple ducks at 4 ball. I'm only looking down the boat path when I drive.
  8. @AdamCord @adamhcaldwell Happy to report that I took your comments into heavy consideration tonight and noticed a significant improvement. I took a little wing out and focused on rolling in with more speed. I certainly built more speed earlier, felt lighter, and was wider and earlier at 1 while feeling slower and more in control. Thanks for the insight and comments.
  9. So a Google search will actually yield outdated info. Here is the current info.
  10. Umm.....where are the factory settings for the Quest 45? This is what's currently on the website:
  11. This makes a lot of sense. I've been trying to do a progressive roll in at 38. However, I'm probably not rolling in with enough speed and am generating that speed too late....resulting in excess load. Something else to think about in tonight's set.....
  12. Is the only way to upload a video via youtube? I can't do it straight from my iPhone?
  13. Nate at 38. Glides right over the trough as if it doesn't exist. HOW?!?!?!
  14. Thanks @MattP Unfortunately, I just got the iPhone 6 plus from my company and its way too big for the Wakeye! Plus, @fizer has one as well
  15. @Horton can you post the link for the discussion regarding load in hands vs legs?
  16. Yea, it may be splitting hairs. But, those subtle differences can make the difference between running 38 or not....at least for me. I'm not a good enough skier to have room for much error at 38.
  17. You may be right @Wish. What you're saying makes sense. And since I was thinking it was too much tip pressure, that may also explain why I haven't been able to improve it. I'll certainly take video and be thinking about that tomorrow.
  18. @Horton Why do you think Andy hit the trough worse into 1 than any other ball? Wish's opinion is that he's on the tail more. What say you?
  19. @Wish. I was actually wondering if I was too much over the front, driving the ski into the trough....
  20. @Wish I agree that Andys gate seemed to be he worst of the pass as far as hitting the dip. The million dollar question is "why". Do you notice anything different?
  21. @OB Do you have any video of me at 38 on your phone?
  22. I just noticed something very interesting in the first freeze frame. Maybe this frame will make it more obvious.
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