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Everything posted by Wish

  1. GT40 but still a decent price for the hours. Great boat https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/134203493083411/
  2. I’m likn who S-Line is picking. Two of the biggest ambassadors of our sport.
  3. WOW!! A lake neighbor when I was a teen must have seen these plans. Thought it was his original idea. It was on a lake I grew up on between the Twin City’s and Rochester MN. It is reservoir that was drained for months for dam repairs in the early to mid 80s. He installed the whole thing over that horrible no lake summer. He used a winch on his dock to crank it down and back up. In the winter the cable was attached to a weight on the bottom so ice could not get ahold of it and then reattached to hand crank on the dock in the Spring. Ultimately it was abandoned as it was just in a busy part of the lake with a boat ramp and public beach at one end of the course and a narrow passage between bigger portions of the lake at the other end. Was very cool the few years I was part of using it. Fond memories.
  4. Wish the 1997 196 mold was laying around for someone to do the same with. 👍
  5. Done shots are fantastic. Especially the first couple passes that are warm ups. I realized this weekend just how good TWBC really is. Was asked if I was going to watch in person at Travers. Normally the answer would have been yes. But the coverage is just too damn good. Every angle, replays, drone footage, commentary on and on. With a high def TV, a comfy a$$ chair in my air condition environment and no driving down and back, it just makes more sense to watch the awesome coverage TWBC puts out. Love it.
  6. @dave2ballThought with all the guesses u were interested. My bad.
  7. @dave2ball wrong again. Keep guessing and everyone will know and it won’t be on me for naming the manufacturer. Not sure you want that . But again…not the point of the thread.
  8. @dave2ball true but not in this case. I’ve only used one brand for a really looooong time. I was surprised by this type of wear. Gonna try to fix it first 👍 and see how it goes. Maybe someone else will benefit having the same issues with any brand.
  9. @DW ya, mine is not flippable as well. I’ll have to look closer to see if it’s a nick or photo anomaly. @mike_mappletop layer only. If it was down to the metal, to me it’s trash and not to be used do to safety, so I’m glad it’s just top layer(s). I’ll look into that glue as well @jpwhit Your right. I may try a call. Worst that can say is no. @dave2ballNot a cheaper handle by any stretch of the imagination. With it being a radius plus the added protective sleeves and such, it’s the top of the top of the line. @buoyboy1 I’ll look into that. Thanks any thoughts to sanding it down so it’s more like a worn area?
  10. @dave2ballits not about happy or unhappy. It’s about maybe helping the guy that can’t afford a $120+ handle find a way to make that handle last a bit longer with a potential fix or temporary repair. Skiers on a budget. So thank you @S1Pitts for your suggestion. Will give it a shot. Any other helpful suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Go buy a new one or don’t buy again just isn’t what this thread is about.
  11. Not Kevlar gloves and not sure. I don’t keep track. Ski 2-3x a week. It’s maybe a year and some change old. I’ve warn a handle down before and back in the day when handles were reasonably priced I’ve had them peal. It’s bean a loooong time since I’ve seen one peal.
  12. @dave2ball exactly. Which is why I’m asking and hopefully it will help others with any handle doing this.
  13. @Killer if it was old I would. I’ve had handles restrung because the rope wore out before the handle. Not this to time.
  14. Any suggestions on what to do when the handle peals like this to stop it from getting worse or slowing it down? Won’t mention the brand but it’s the first time it’s ever happened for me.
  15. Drove and Skied behind one for many yrs. Great boat but…the wakes at that time were very small but stiff. Not a deal breaker by any means. Easy enough to cross but you knew they were there. Love this by Sanger.
  16. Just bought my second rope from them. What a great price and what a great line.
  17. Well, the handle is on a swing path going around the pylon. Like a kids swing set going around a bar. We make that happen by starting at the top of the pendulum (glide for gate set up) and placing the ski in a direction that swings the rope. Like a swing set, we are the weight at the end of a pendulum where there is a top and bottom, acceleration and deceleration. Depending on the direction we are heading, like a swing set, we have down swing (from top to center line or bottom) and up swing away from center line or going to the top). Down swing buoy to centerline, upswing centerline to buoy following the handle path. Acceleration on downswing and deceleration on upswing. What I see @lpskier suggesting in part to me is more like a weak second pendulum off the first, or handle path. First is handle path. Second is us (the weight) separating from that handle under centrifugal force swinging us wider then the handle, but we control this through deceleration on the upswing. Get going to fast and you get slack like a swing set can get slack at the top of the pendulum if the rider carries too much speed to the top. Controlling that swing speed or not is what gets us wide and early or narrow and late. Tight line or slack.
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