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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Let’s not forget…World Champion…
  2. The back boot..wow. I believe that’s a carbon fiber speed skate boot. I used to run home built double hard shells and always elevated the back heal like that. I especially like the rust coming off the mounting bolt.
  3. Need a large Cipa mirror that will fit a 1997-2009 SN. Similar to below but they do come with diff brackets.
  4. All clear today!! And for the first time since 2004 when I was diagnose with malignant melanoma, I am officially on an annual check up vs every six months. So now is not a bad time to look into making your appointment. ABCs of Melanoma https://www.aimatmelanoma.org/melanoma-101/understanding-melanoma/moles-and-other-lesions/know-your-abcdes/?gclid=CjwKCAjw5_GmBhBIEiwA5QSMxEhT1ld1Q1Y4JPRdDTVSZT1uD9otD3fL63nNuAoHQHfuDiJvXnKOQRoCipMQAvD_BwE
  5. I actually used to do this. I think I've even suggested it on BOS in terms of a clock. Once gliding, the ski is pointed to 12:00 while my hips rotate to 11:00 and hold. When the time is right to turn in, I simply rotated the hips to 1:00 and everything fell into place. Found that the 11:00 holds the ski on an ever so slight outside edge keeping the ski gliding straight and not getting sucked in. Cool stuff.
  6. Is the side wall towards the aft of the ski much like the HO FreeRide “clean edge technology” series of skis?
  7. @Mose is correct …Both versa tail and fin.
  8. Love the game face....she means business!. And that looks like the new Connelly C1.
  9. Hoping to see Joel H do a video on it. His vids in the past were always informative on the ski designs.
  10. Came across this and really liked how she covered all the basics. Not so much deep short line techniques but basics on gear, body positions, safety, course dynamics and more. From beginner to intermediate. Great for youth skiers. I may not agree with everything but it’s just good stuff. PS. Camera work is sketchy at times and it seems to cut off early but still worth it.
  11. Wish

    Ski skat

    WOW.. I thought u were just gonna ride it free skiing. Bravo 👏. I have one on my wall. And that’s where it’s stayn 😬
  12. If anyone has a 69 they are willing to part with, please PM me. Can be any of the iterations or year. Thanks.
  13. $4k+ for a trailer?? Nah. Maybe $2k.
  14. @Andre in not certain but I have skied behind one and they are not bad. But even so, that boat should be closer to $15k or more.
  15. Huge price drop on this one. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/545813964401244/?mibextid=6ojiHh
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