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Everything posted by dbski

  1. @DaveD, no sh*t. This has to be the windiest spring early summer in quite awhile. If we wait until 8 or so the wind usually dies down but then the setting sun makes it tough to see the balls in one direction. But at least the water is flat!
  2. Finally a whole day without wind! A beautiful night for skiing with my wife in southern Michigan
  3. All DBskis are made in the great state of Michigan U.S.A.
  4. The cool thing about skiing with Seth not only is the site and Seth great, but Charleston is a great place for a vacation!
  5. You don't need all that fancy crap, just need to learn how to back up. One of my ski partners is the local Nautique dealer and I help deliver boats in the spring and fall. On a good day I can deliver up to 10 boats which means hooking up and unhooking multiple times as I have to move boats to get to the one I'm delivering. First pick something in the back of your vehicle that lines up with the ball. Its helps to be as straight as possible to the boat. Begin backing up and stop when you're fairly close. Get out and check how far you have to go and how straight you are to the trailer tongue. Get back in your vehicle and hang your foot out the door close to the ground. Pick out a reference point by your toe and then estimate the distance you need to go on the ground . Move the vehicle back until you toe reaches that spot and stop. Also if you were not lined up correct with the wheel. Get out and check your progress, you should be in the ballpark. You do not have to be exactly lined up side to side as you can move the tongue a good 6 inches either way with your foot as you lower it. Very rarely do I have to get out more than 2 times hooking up and if I do I'm going to get all kinds of sh*t from everyone.
  6. Years ago we had an old drop ski that would always flip upside down with a black bottom, not good. So I found an old skinny boat fender and screwed it to the front top of the ski. the buoyancy kept the ski from flipping.
  7. You think maybe they could have afforded a bit more rope! I also like the safety positions in the boat.
  8. Not exactly skiing, but the first time behind a boat. Had to be about '58 or '59.
  9. Does not get much better for early April in MI than today. Put in 4 sections of dock this morning, then a friend from across the lake pulled me for the first set of the year behind his brand new 17 Malibu TXI. Watching a bit of the Masters and then its time to go out and finish the dock. Oh ya its also about 76 degrees and sunny!
  10. Our lake in southern MI was half open end of Jan. Fully open middle of Feb. I put some dock in Feb just to say I've done it. Earliest open water I can remember, usually some of the best iceboating is in March. In my younger days I'm sure I would have skied by now!
  11. @Shell, He is a awesome dog, and basically lives in Sand lake whe the ice is off.
  12. Not skiing related but all my dog names have followed a lineage. Watson, Rosberg, Emerson and Nico.
  13. Having 2 senior labs kind of miss the energy of pups/young dogs. We don't go on walks anymore we go on strolls! Of course its easy to forget all the problems puppies get into. Having your buddy curled up at your feet, snoring, as you type this is pretty great too.
  14. That's the great thing about Michigan, very rarely is lack of water a problem! Sunshine yes, water no.
  15. What the hell is this. My skis are listed for sale at $5555.00. The only place to buy DBskis is from myself and certainly not for $5555.00!
  16. Does the picture from @texas6 remind anyone else of Bill Murray in Caddyshack? Come here you little varmit!
  17. Not ski related but my wife really floored me with her gift. She gave me the three day build school for the Factory Five 33 Hot Rod. If your not familiar with the car it's a great kit car that is a cross between a hot rod and a sportscar. Told my gearhead buddy what she got me and he said I might want to keep her, No Sh-t!
  18. Just bought my wife a 65" Lyric for Christmas. She is a beginning course skier, -15, 28mph.
  19. Several years ago in the depth of winter I'm sitting watching some tube. My living room has large windows facing the lake and its snowing horizontally with a temperature of about 12 degrees. It's about 10:00 at night and I look outside and see a light in the middle of the lake. I get the binos out and sitting on a 5 gallon bucket with a coleman lantern is a guy fishing by himself. My only thought was this guys homelife must really suck if freezing your ass off in the middle of a lake is better!
  20. Another recommendation for Joe Bonamassa, seen him several times excellent show. His work with Beth Hart is also amazing.
  21. My wife gives me crap about listening to the blues all the time. Going to college in the 70's it was great to see all the blues master finally get their due and I got to see them all! Went to school at MSU and got to see Muddy, John Lee, B.B., Buddy, Junior and numerous others. Just saw Buddy this summer and he still puts on a great show in his 80's. My roomate and myself were even roadies for a day for Luther Allison. When I'm in the shop building skis you can bet BB Kings Bluesville is blasting on the stereo! Like Muddy said the blues had a baby and they called it rock and roll.
  22. Always good deals at DBski.net
  23. @Msuwaterskier we are located between Tecumseh and Clinton. Each year we must renew our lease so it's always up in the air for the next year. We do welcome guest skiers so pm me in the spring.
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