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Everything posted by xrated

  1. Anyone deal with the HO Hotspot trainers? No matter what we get I plan on rigging up some sort of tail weight as that seems to be in every thread I search for tips.
  2. I'm getting Lasik Jan 10th. Sick of getting water while skiing, it isn't just getting up for me. If the wind is blowing or the spray off the boat is just right I can get messed up contacts. That and it is dang hard to put contacts in on all the early mornings from hunting season...or after the long days and late nights of summer.
  3. Can't believe nobody used this approach. I have lots of cold beer and Kilo Kai with @hortons names on it just waiting for him in MN
  4. Word is the water has turned hard at the lake. But I've been done since Sept when everyone pulled boats. Tried to get a buddy to put his in the beginning of the month but no luck.
  5. Not much info on O'briens site on these...seem like they would be decent? http://www.ebay.com/itm/OBRIEN-2101114-WAKESTAR-ECO-TRAINERS-WITH-BAR-COMBO-SKI-/171128114229?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27d807cc35#ht_255wt_1133 How durable would bamboo be for kids to abuse?
  6. @Chef23 I'm looking for something that can have the trainer bar on or off. Probably something like the HOs. @Jdubs thanks for the advice. We made a skimmer type deal this summer after putting the kids on a buds homemade deal. Basically a 6'x3' piece of plywood. Worked great for getting them used to being that close to water, but well you could see boredom creep in very fast so it is time to go to the next step. Ages are 4, 5 and 8.
  7. Looking to pick up a pair of kids skis for Christmas. Not much popping on ski-it-again. Any ballers have some sitting in the corner?
  8. @MattP that indo board workout looks killer. All this thread did was make me think I shouldn't go to the beer fridge.
  9. I learned that getting your wife and kids hooked on being at the end of the rope is one of the best things ever.....I also learned that doing so will drain all excitement you used to have for fun winter sports like sledding. Lakes aren't even froze and once deer season is over I'd be OK with summer showing up again.
  10. Stupid question but would a Sunsetter serve his purpose?
  11. Pretty bikes, you must moto since I see no tree wounds. Love the matching ski and kawi though
  12. Good stuff @GOODESkier. I'm by no means a good skier, but stories like that are why I am not sold on comp vests. Will my CGA vest keep my face up if I get knocked out, maybe maybe not, but it will keep me higher than a NCGA would. I ski public water so I kinda view that the same as I view beacons and probes in the back country. It isn't just for me, it is for the people who will be having to tell others about any incident involving me. As a friend I want to make it as easy for them as possible to have a good story to tell and not a bad one.
  13. As anyone used a GCA vest from them? I'm in the market for a new vest but I haven't been convinced on going the comp vest route.
  14. sounds pretty easy to me...stop golfing! It just interferes with lake time.
  15. No Floes huh? I don't know how they work for tow boats but I know they make a good product...and they are local to the area I grew up so I always suggest their docks, lifts and trailers.
  16. For those that prefer gas over cash, what kind of gas? I know some people only will run ethanol free premium(91) and overs will run whatever comes out of the 87 handle. The few times I've skied with @MS it has been beer or cash. With buds at the lake it is pulling teeth to give them gas or cash so I always offer to help with dock/lift install and drop of treats throughout the summer.
  17. Guess I've never done that. Usually ski behind the same 3 boats with friends...but I have noticed I like a certain handle over the others. Still haven't become a course skier so I never noticed, but now that I am working on specific things I think not having the small distraction of a different handle would help. Might as well order new rope this winter as well because mine is getting pretty old. Wonder how @OTF would feel if I showed up with rope, handle, ski and gloves but needed shorts?
  18. @Klundell I will be seeing her over Thanksgiving and can ask if she does newborns as well...
  19. @klundell good luck! Are you guys set on getting a brand new kid? I ask because my wifes aunt works with at risk and foster kids in Portland and she is always looking for people willing to adopt.
  20. Yes, low heat and lots of patience peeling it as the glue warms. At least a case of beer on ice as well.
  21. @GOODESkier you mean you like digging out heavy pigs! What kit you running on the Nytro? @AB you should try Divers bombing the dekes if you want a rush. Me it is dirt bikes on the single track. An empty road with no deer and the Fazer winding out just below redline and lots of curves. Sledding in the mountains if I really want to be humbled.
  22. Never mind the blur from video or bad for. Dig that back drop http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz45/minnewawa/CBF04533-D3C9-4E4A-B926-921F5283D1CF-1832-00000139636B1111_zps9d86e342.jpg
  23. Kids first time was a great sunset session http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz45/minnewawa/01127822-7E45-4B51-9C96-C9873428AD3A-1832-00000139CD9EB694_zps777ca168.jpg http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz45/minnewawa/E10B6DB4-AD4E-4526-A7A4-E20EAE9949E7-1832-00000139B46A7E66_zps847b967f.jpg
  24. Non action shot, but one of the things I love most about skiing. http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz45/minnewawa/3456E9A8-0DB7-4923-9236-ED5625C04F0F-1832-0000013A65827C69_zps10971ef8.jpg
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