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Everything posted by Klundell

  1. @ral best comment ever! I'm a huge fan of CrossFit as you have heard in the past and have had great results with CrossFit. But recently I've been doing a little more of my own programming because CrossFit by design tries to make you good at everything "the unknown" and "unknowable". As skiers we "know" what we are trying to be good at so you can waste a lot of time training for the "unknown". I.E. 60-90 minute hero WODs that by the time you are 5 minutes into it none of your movements are explosive anymore. I'm focusing on strength and short high intensity wods that don't exceed 15 minutes.
  2. @jayski is right about CrossFit not being limited to someone who is 100% healthy or superfit. I have seen 65 year old ladies who have bi-lateral knee replacement do CrossFit. CrossFit also rehabbed my 10 year old shoulder injury from when I dislocated it skiing. I never thought I would have full range of motion or stability in that shoulder and now I can Overhead Squat 185 pounds with it.
  3. Any ballers signed up for the crossfit games open? It is tons of fun and I know most of you are competitive this takes your workout intensity to a whole other level. http://games.crossfit.com/
  4. I started a strength program a little over a week ago along with my regular crossfit stuff. I've been doing 3 sets of 5 reps back squats twice a week, deadlifts once a week, along with some weighted pull ups and presses. I started my back squats at 205lbs five weeks ago and it was difficult. Today I did 250lbs for all three sets. I've also jumped big numbers in my deadlift. Pretty excited about the progression! Too bad I've got three more months before I can put it to water.
  5. I laid up skis for Goode for two and a half years and I can tell you without a doubt that the skis the big dawgs were riding then were absolutely no different then the skis we were sending to you. We would literally pick one out of the production line and send it. True they dial their settings in but the skis are just like the ones you are riding. At least they were 6 years ago.
  6. I definitely wasn't condoning skiing without the shock tube. Especially with kids in the boat. I always use a shock tube and the full 4 footers too. @wish thanks clearing that up.
  7. @kpickett that would be super helpful! Thanks! This seems counter intuitive but I think the shorter the line the less likely it is to shoot a handle into the boat. Because you are higher on the boat at the hook up the rope gets shot across the lake instead of into the boat. The one place you have to worry about popping it into the boat is trying to hang onto a hit out the gates.
  8. Thanks everybody for the comments! I really like the idea of the latch system car seat. I'll have to see if I can talk my other boat owners into letting me make the mod. Shock tubes and life vests are a must.
  9. Last year my wife and I had our first baby. She was just a couple months old when the season started and it didn't slow us down at all. She came to the lake even if it was just my wife and I. We could put her in the car seat wedge it between the seats and go she loved the boat and would sleep "like a baby." Looking ahead to next season I don't see it being that easy because she is on the move. What advice can you give me for skiing next season with a 15 month old. Can we attach the bigger car seat to the boat somehow? Or are we just going to have to have at least 3 people with us every time we ski?
  10. It would be tons of fun to compare times and results.
  11. Sounds like JLB is creating some great programming for you guys. I'd love to see a baller WOD (workout of the day) programmed by someone like Jenny. I know it probably doesn't work with her business model to give away her programming like it does for other crossfit affiliates but who knows I'm sure it would drive a lot more traffic to her site and possibly help her sell other services?
  12. I've been competing in UT for probably 15 years and I don't think there has been a trick or jump event here during that time. It's pretty much extinct here but slalom is doing pretty well considering our limited season.
  13. I can't stand the kipping vs. no kipping debate! They are both just tools that should be used at the appropriate time. If you are doing a MetCon then by all means you should kip. You will be able to do more in a shorter amount of time getting your heart rate higher while also getting a great core workout from the kips. If you're doing pull ups strictly for strength then you shouldn't kip and you should start hanging weight off of you.
  14. @OB I put the ring on after the workout. I never workout with my ring on... I'm kind of fond of my finger.
  15. @Skoot1123 are those dead hang pull-ups?
  16. I did a pull up/walking lunge workout last week. 100ft walking lunge, max rep pull ups - 5 Rounds. I've always wanted to get an unbroken set of 50 kipping pull ups... ended on 49 in my first round, couldn't get the last one (super pissed!) But a new PR. Round four this happened... ended up with 119 for the workout.
  17. To much rigidity leads to noncompliance in the future. Count your OTF as a way to stay good the other 90% of the time. Loved the OTF analogy. ha ha ha
  18. Oh and I agree with the all of the rowing comments above. Best cardio you can do!
  19. Developing the posterior chain of muscles (hams, gluts, erectors) is key to our sport. This is the group that is going to prevent you from getting broken when you take that big hit from the boat. Movements like deep (below parallel) squats, deadlifts, back extensions, reverse hypers, and my all time favorite the power clean (because it is a dynamic lift... more like waterskiing) will help develop this posterior chain and make you a more powerful skier and less prone to injury. Pull ups and dips are a great accessory movement to work in as well as some ab stuff.
  20. I try to throw the handle away when I can. There is no risk of my hand going through the handle in this situation because I through it away. However if do a body slide or handle dip crash I hang on as long as possible and let the boat take it away. I've never had a handle wrap around a ski like that... The throwing of the handle definitely caused it but I don't think I'm going to change because hand going through the handle is still the biggest risk.
  21. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zqqdswtw8b2oj84/IMAG0131.jpg This is what it did to the rope.
  22. Finally got a hold of this video. 5 Ball @ 38 rope wraps around my ski then jerks tight, luckily the interlock released. Looks kind of smooth in the video but I felt a pretty good jerk even with the interlock coming off. Weird crash. Never mind my slack turn at 4 and horrible edge change into 5 that caused the whole thing.
  23. Looks like quite a drive to Caldwell but there are two great tournament sites there. 2010 Regionals was at Broadside Harbor in Caldwell and Gilbert Lake has my tournament personal best! That place skis great!
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