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Everything posted by ALPJr

  1. Horton is right if your budget works for a newer ski. Sizing and preferences are like ice cream, many flavors and opinions to choose from. I’m in a similar age, speed and line situation as you and after trying a number of skis I feel more comfortable and confident going up one size in length rather than to a wider ski.
  2. What @ColeGiacopuzzi said +++ here’s a nice one, 85 hours, priced high but says negotiable https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_ShowSki&postid=62571
  3. https://static.wixstatic.com/media/d0fa03_baa0be702a1745e7a9c6292efc37c330~mv2_d_2263_2627_s_2.jpg/v1/crop/x_245,y_158,w_1739,h_2073/fill/w_280,h_332,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/2014%20Legends-Mike%20Suyderhoud.jpg
  4. More than me too @Rednucleus That was our youngest in ‘07 at Pangeau Puddle - The Parade of Future Champions. She’s always been a hard charger and nowadays she’s charging hard in the world of work and college.
  5. To my eyes it’s clear that the tip end of the ski, ~6 inches or so back from the tip, goes directly over the buoy, pushing it under the ski and water before the buoy reappears near the front boot. Zero at an elite competition.
  6. An awesome, beautiful. classic boat imo. If it’s running well and if it’s needed I’d settle with a complete tune up, and other mechanical maintenance as needed. If my memory serves me well those boats were fairly light, and among the quickest and turqiest of its time. Again just my opinion, for new performance upgrades I’d only think about Perfect Pass Stargazer, and a new cnc prop. Have fun with whatever you end up doing!!!
  7. Best to be in good ski shape when you go. One of fav’ vaca’ ever was 5 days at ski school - 1 or 2 sets each morning, then off exploring the surrounding area with the fam’ after lunch, great dinner, sleep, repeat.
  8. Guessing that you have a HO animal boot. The metal piece goes between the plate and ski and the smaller end slots into the aluminum plate. The theory is that this helps with ski flex. Some people discard the metal piece and just screw the plate down tight to the ski.
  9. Great ad. Should be Vegas odds on how quickly it sells.
  10. I’d give Discount Inboard Marine a call or look up skidim.com. They’re very helpful.
  11. Jeepers! Maybe next time they could have those little planes that fly the “$5 pitchers of beer” ad banners over the ocean beaches in the summertime fly all around the country with membership updates. Come on guys let’s chat about skiing.
  12. Dbl Vapor boots. Rear as close as possible, have to press the toe material into the front heal just a bit.
  13. ALPJr

    prop shop

    ++ for Eric at OJ. Could the power issue be caused by a slipping transmission?
  14. Best wishes for your health and next endeavors @6balls You’ll have a bidding war on that boat. Arguably one of the best in performance, value and looks
  15. I told myself I wouldn’t post in the IPA thread for a month too. So much for self discipline :)
  16. The Wiley’s standard slalom binding comes in x-small and xx-small. D3 Leverage Blackout comes in x-small.
  17. i’ve only skied the East and West regions. East seems to adds tourneys through about May and then a few may pop up through the summer. Been ~50, 55 per season last few years.
  18. @Horton would it make sense to combine this thread and the 2022 Vapor boot thread?
  19. If you’re using dbl boots and the reflex releases can you get the rear boot toe jammed up tight up against the front boot heal?
  20. Meh, could be wintertime. Hoping the 2022 Vapor boot thread sets a new record come summer :)
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