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Everything posted by mmosley899

  1. @jaypro glad the system is working for you! I was using my original system after ACL surgery on my left knee and have had no knee or ankle injuries from water skiing in over twenty years. @fraser I had a partial ACL tear & meniscus damage on my right knee, without having the ACL repaired I continued to tear the meniscus even though I had the meniscus repaired multiple times. You must repair the ACL asap! It will take you at least 6 months of steady PT to get back to skiing, and longer to fully recover even if you are in great shape. Take your time for best long term results.
  2. @Jody_Seal you can escape the storm here, but probably too windy to ski!
  3. I learned to jump on those! And I would pay $100 for those!
  4. Looking forward to a fun weekend and a chance to show my MOB release system to some west coast skiers.
  5. @bigskieridaho Yes you can use any board that is not more than 35% wide to length. My son tricked at Regionals a few years back on a wakeboard, scoring around 1000pts. College tournaments score different.
  6. @Cnewbert use a permanent marker to put your initials on the buoy when you inflate them...
  7. @mwetskier I'm afraid you are overlooking some very critical differences, and @Than_Bogan is also correct...
  8. @Hipsup the new polycarbonate release system is much lighter. Hopefully you already have her on the G10 plates, they work better than the OB four ones.
  9. @ScottScott I jumped with my system for many years, wouldn't jump without it. So it was no gamble to put her on them. But you do have to maintain your equipment and check operation regularly.
  10. @OldboyII the latest version of the MOB release housing is made with polycarbonate material, so there is less risk of corrosion. The spring is stainless steel. The mounting plate is anodized aluminum. Older housings were also anodized aluminum. All the screws are stainless steel. So while the risk of corrosion is lowered by these materials, I would still recommend rinsing the system with fresh water after use and apply a lubricant(wd40) weekly. I carry a small spray bottle of wd40 in my ski tool bag.
  11. @BraceMaker FYI it also fits ARC systems...
  12. @Andre I hate that you had such a bad injury doing something you love to do. There is no way to know if a different binding setup would have prevented your specific injury. All you can do is evaluate how each system should work and decide which one will best serve your needs going forward. My system has worked well for me for a long time and for my kids. I put this system back out into the market a few years ago at the urging of several skiing friends. It is working well for a lot of skiers! Getting skiers who already have a system that works, to change systems is a slow process. Most skiers hate to change anything about their setup. Most skiers are not looking for a safer binding system until they are forced to do so. The MOB system is expensive to build. It is made from all custom machined parts made specifically for me. None of the parts are robbed from some other purpose. It is still cheaper than your deductible for a hospital visit, not to mention the long term damage done. On the MOB system, the bottom of your chosen boot sits at the same height off of the ski as a boot on a Goode interlock system. I have previously used a much higher setup to run 39off/34mph, so I don't consider the current height a detrimate to performance. A big advantage to the system is that you can use any boot. Meaning you can find one that fits you comfortably and suits your skiing style. Hopefully I will get a chance to show you one in person sometime!
  13. @Lars @UWSkier ha ha didn't realize there was three bindings on that ski! No wonder the plate was hanging over the edge!
  14. @aupatking yeah, I mounted my half-boot style rear boot on an O'Brien aluminum plate that is pretty solid. No square holes needed.
  15. @Andre @Jaypro is exactly correct in his evaluation of the testing situation. You cannot duplicate the dynamic forces needed to release the system standing on the dock. You can force the boot plate out, but you are more likely to damage parts than determine whether the tension is set properly. To properly test the release tension you must use a torque wrench and the chart. You will also need an adapter, which I had made by my machine shop. But to further clarify, I had my spring manufacturer test each spring at a specific compression length and label each with the poundage required to reach that compression. I write that on the systems when I build them. And I build each one myself. So I know exactly how much pressure is being put on the plunger in every system. If the release operates smoothly and is set according to the chart, you should only need to verify that nothing has changed. I have not checked my system since I built it and put it on my ski. It works every time and I have never had a pre-release.
  16. @Jaypro glad all went as designed! But avoid those situations! I do, I want to ski again next week!
  17. @Timr71 I'm older! We can get you through the course. Yes, I know all those guys and Igor definitely has a reach advantage! Ran into him at the Alabama State Championships and hope to have him and his daughter come ski with us soon. I live farther out on 280, closer to the lake!
  18. @Gar those nuts that Reflex is using are the ones provided by Roxa, used in their skate boots. Not made for use in wet environments, rust too easy. Buy Hillman stainless steel t-nuts from Lowe's with s/s screws and s/s fender washers.
  19. @aupatking looks like I may need you to test all my new products... But I have already figured out that too many holes in the plates leads to flex problems...
  20. @mbabiash better send her on a vacay... Looks like the party is at your place!!
  21. @Lars I hope you trimmed the plate off where it hangs over the edge of the ski! That will cause a problem...
  22. @Timr71 @"76S&S" we ski at Lay Lake, slalom course there and also one available on Logan Martin Lake. We, my daughter, son in law, grandson, and I, ski one or two afternoons a week and free weekends. We ski and officiate at many tournaments around the Southern Region, including LLUSA. Always glad to have fellow ballers join us for a set!
  23. @WaterSkier12 yeah I needed a break before going to Nationals! Sent my daughter instead, who was Assistant Chief Judge, and had lots of great skiers representing MOB including you son.
  24. Yep, I'll be there all week in the MOB booth. Come check it out.
  25. @WBLskier my daughter grew using the MOB type release system, now as a W2 skier runs into 35 off. I have a lot of junior skiers using the MOB system. You can use most any type of boot on the system, so finding the right fit for her narrow foot should not be a problem. I will be glad to help you get something set up for her.
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