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Everything posted by ozski

  1. And BTW I was logged out just now with my desktop machine. iMac 27 with current OSX using firefox browser if that helps.
  2. Yeah very slow when typing a comment with the iPad, its that bad I use the iPad as a read only device.
  3. Same slow reponse when typing on iPad...
  4. ozski


    I'm lucky enough to be skiing with him this Friday at our lake, I'm looking forward to it! He's doing some guest coaching here.
  5. Glad your happy with the boat. I was negotiating with Charles to buy it at the same time, my loss your gain - well done and enjoy.
  6. My skiing partner rides a 66 and he is in love with it, from the very first set we noticed an improvement in his stability and confidence. He's at long line 32mph and improving quickly.
  7. On my way out for a set soon. 28c water warm as a glove... We have a southerly on shore breeze today and I'm guessing the south course will be the pick of the three...
  8. Jacinta Carroll won the gold with a jump of 56m! We were lucky enough to have her training at Ozski for a few weeks leading up to the worlds and its great to see her do exactly what she set out to do! Congratulations "Rabbit"
  9. Being an Aussie we are about to hit summer so I will have plenty of opportunity to ski and report findings. I also own and run a software development company so I can provide more than one perspective on the tools provided. It would also be valuable for AM to have feedback from a user outside of the US. I'm also gifted with a very average amount of natural ability and talent so I need to work hard at things to make progress. Currently working on -32 / -35 I will also write him a cracker of a testimonial.
  10. Can't imagine what might have happened if it was a -35 pull on the cord.. Pretty bad PR when your product breaks like that.
  11. Until a week or so back that was pretty much my stock standard 2 ball move. :)
  12. Ok this is serious now, all my D3 gear is red and black to match the old Quest...
  13. Nate Smith - "Of course I wouldn't be able to do any of this without everyone at Dthree Skis! They are always there for me whenever I need them and have clearly built the best ski in the world!"
  14. Offside - Mindset - Always reach from a tall level position. - must be at least centered if not front foot heavy. Rotate hip to handle. Onside - same but I can get away with much more.
  15. Yeah I do agree with you 100% its wake to ball that sorts the men from the boys but at least you know what to work on.
  16. You don't need that type of leg action to run super short.... This is just the way TW goes about his business and one element of his style I personally place in the too hard basket. Jeff Rogers gets the job done also...
  17. I don't think anyone thinks about all of this low level analysis out on the water but if you can pick up a key that gets you a few more balls or a pass its time well spent.
  18. Nate will be skiing here in a couple of weeks, it will be interesting to get his thoughts on this subject.
  19. @6balls I think your being a little hard on yourself. 2.5@39 is more than respectable.
  20. That video of TW is one I've watched over and over, its pure class and most mortals should watch and learn from it.
  21. Tom Cruise is 6'4 on TV... LOL But seriously it is good to see a pro skier getting this level of exposure.
  22. Think I started a thread about this subject... :) One thing I avoid is caffeine before I ski..
  23. I have an old handle with an extra 5 feet of rope on it. I always tie it up to a post, tree, ski pole or whatever I can find. I use it for back stretches, squats, leans etc... every time. The more the better. Before and after.
  24. A quick test back on B2 yesterday left no doubt that C1 is working better for me. I tend to load up pretty early off the ball and as @Razorskier1 said: I'm getting most of my work done early which gets me out wide and free of the boat sooner. When I went back to B2 I felt a little narrow by comparison.
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