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Everything posted by ozski

  1. I started on B2 and have recently shifted to C1. Skiing at 34 mph ... I made the change to C1 as an experiment and it feels pretty good so far. Practice scores are much the same so far.
  2. Ok, so your standing on the dock with your beer gut and sore muscles playing by the rules and Mr HRT steps up all ripped and full of beans because they can train and recover like a 20 something and gives you a kicking....
  3. Nice, see how he has plenty of ski in the water and a slight counter rotation.... He's on track to run the pass..
  4. @Wish - We are close to the beach and local surf clubs, you should see some of the oldies getting around. Ripped.
  5. Wife and I were having a discussion today about drugs in sport, given the huge number of "older" skiers competing these days I was wondering how much if any drug testing happens in skiing? A few years ago I had a virus which left me with some low hormone levels and the doctor (two doctors actually as I got a second opinion) was pretty quick to prescribe testosterone gel, I ended up with a ton of the stuff which I never bothered to use and have recently thrown away. Then you have these HRT programs available, there is no shortage of doctors willing to put both men and women on growth hormone etc... Younger skiers probably won't benefit from hormone treatment but aging skiers certainly will have a lot to gain in terms of both strength and recovery. I've never heard any conversation about testing out here in AU, it may happen.... but if somebody ski's a record at a local tournament in some obscure corner of the country I bet they don't pee in a cup!
  6. I've just come off winter training and our first tournament is next week. Any ballers want to visit Australia?
  7. I learned there is no formula for coming back after almost a decade.. I'm working on using more of my ski, when I do that I ski better.
  8. Just back from the lake, second set with the Vector and I'm sold on it. Gusty head / tail wind with some chop, less than ideal. I backed down the tension even further and it feels great. Zero cramping and I could yank the ski off without popping the laces. Starting to look at the rear T-Factor now... It would look better with matching boots.....
  9. For skiers using the Vector are they durable?
  10. @Brewski - Looks like your on to something... Bring on the D3 Quest Woody!
  11. Surfing is a bit like slalom, the better you get the more fun you have. Largish surf teaches you respect real quick, most people who don't surf have no idea how hard a genuine 6 foot wave can slap you if your in the wrong place. As for the big big stuff.. It makes me shudder because I've been crushed enough times to know better.
  12. Would a timber look fly with the punters these days?
  13. It would also make one hell of a good paddle. :)
  14. I have "have fun" written on tip of my Quest in black marker. A bad day on the lake is better than a day at the desk...
  15. Ahhh we have some surfers here. I have a rack of boards out back, I won't go out in anything over 2m however. Old and wise now..
  16. @Ed - Thank-you for the heads up. They come with plenty of warnings about over tightening the top laces. I like a bit of freedom forward and back so I don't over do it. I've had one broken ankle in rubber so I know the pain..
  17. I've just switched out my front binding from T-factor to Radar Vector. I'm very impressed with the T-factor but the cramps on my 5th and 6th pass have motivated me to test an alternative. Initial impressions of the Vector - wow my ski feels much lighter even with the T-factor rear boot still in place. Getting the Vector on is quite easy if you release the laces all the way, dip the ski first and your foot goes in easily, mine did anyway. No soap required. Hitting the water for the first time the Vector feels loose so I tighten the lower lace a bit more, much better. The small lower lace clip sucks, I'm already looking at alternatives that will work with gloves on??? A minor but annoying issue. Skiing - First pass goes ok, different but good different. Cut to 28 and try again, better but still different. Cut to 32, now I'm thinking about the pass and not the boots - a good sign. Cut to 35 which by this time my front foot is usually sleeping, only a very mild cramp so far in the Vector, equal my practice PB first set. The transition has been pretty easy so far, in all honesty the only advantages over the T-Factor is the weight saving and the personal aspect of comfort. I'm not sold that the Vector will add or subtract any balls from my skiing but it will give me confidence to attack the shorter lines with some sensation left in my feet.
  18. Wonder how many of those ladies can run -35 / -38 ...
  19. This is curious as well - Nate approaching the ball with both hands down and quite a bit of slack rope.. Picture below is -41 and he nails the pass..
  20. Watch 20 different elite skiers your going to see 20 different variations on speed at the ball, angle, use of ski and getting the same job done.
  21. Great skiing mate! Inspirational stuff, did you call up Dave Goode to tell him the Goode news? Might score yourself some time in a youtube infomercial!
  22. So here is a good example of carrying and controlling speed through the turn. 1- 3 - 5 Chet's having a couple of bites at his pre-turn I'm guessing to get that speed just right. Thought this was an old school move but its clearly working. The other interesting thing this clip reveals is that watching it frame by frame going into 3 - 5 he's not perfectly stacked ?? at the wake, just holding angle and keeping the speed he needs..
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