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Please make your appointment today!!


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  • Baller

Jedgell, I remember hearing about some reality show "actress" who stated that while growing up in Idaho her family would cross the border into Canada for health care. I can't remember what show she was on but I think she's back in Wasilla, Alaska keeping a watchful eye on Russia.

And I agree this site should not get political.

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  • Baller

Jedgell, I remember hearing about some reality show "actress" who stated that while growing up in Idaho her family would cross the border into Canada for health care. I can't remember what show she was on but I think she's back in Wasilla, Alaska keeping a watchful eye on Russia.

And I agree this site should not get political.

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  • Baller_
the sun was out today at the Broho, the pic below is OfficerFriendly's shoulder scar after having a skin cancer spot removed in 2010. Everybody should make an appointment to see the dermatologist for a "look over".http://static-cl1.vanilladev.com/ballofspray.vanillaforums.com/uploads/FileUpload/b8/bd53a4a3b31ef29c380c1b3dcb7ba9.jpg
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Wow! Had a biopsy done and Dr. said first test said precancerous. This is on my left temple so to the surgeon, he removed the area in question. I went back to the Dr. today to have stitches removed and was floored as he said its not all we need to do. I have Melanoma. Dr. is now setting up a trip down to Ann Arbor melanoma clinic. Just sitting hear and trying to come back to my senses. wow is my mind doing all sorts of thing now !!!

Just let my wife know and trying to think how to tell my son.


So in the end if all goes well And I end up with plastic surgery just think if they take the skin from my a$$ I will be able to tell the wife to KISS MY A$$ and mean it. Wish me luck!!!

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  • Baller_

Bump-- May is national Melanoma awareness month. If you haven't read this thread or at least watched the video please take the time.

Our thoughts and prayers are with @sixball as he and his family go through a very unsettling time.

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Thanks all! I will be going in on the 17th for surgery and Nuclear Lymphoscint sentinel node and if all goes well and it will, I will get two other small procedures. I had a small Basile cell area removed but need more work as it is in the corner of my right eye over the tear duct. and then I showed them a bump on my right elbow. A fatty tumor but its around a nerve so need to see a hand and arm specialist. Why can't it just be someplace you just cut them out!!!! Oh well I will get all patched up and all will be fine.

In the end if you have any dough get it checked. It can be a miner thing if cough early!

As 6Balls said diagnosed melanoma patients are doing great. All this will be done at U of M.

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  • Baller
Thanks for starting this thread @wish. I go twice a year for skin checks since I live in the boat day in and day out. My Mom had a pretty tough bout with Melanoma, but luckily is all good now. Good luck to everyone who is dealing with this stuff!
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  • Baller_
May is national Melanoma awareness month so it being the last day, I thought I would bump this up. Would also like to share the great news (hope this is OK) @sixball had his surgery and Nuclear Lymphoscint sentinel node procedure and all is well. The Melanoma did not spread. Truly great news for him, his family and friends. So guys, please make that appointment. It has amazed me how many of us have story's of this or direct experience. We are a bunch of high risk folks doing what we do. If you have not read through this thread please do so. It's an eye opener.
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Thank's to all for good wishes. I am now clean and green no Melanoma left!

If you suspect anything get it checked. I cough it early only one spot more the .1mm deep. .1mm is early.

I got two good sets in yesterday so things are just getting better and better now if we can just get the weather to give us a brake.

I am also open if any one has any questions or want any help. just drop me a note and I would be glad to get in touch.

A big THANK YOU to Wish for his help.

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  • Baller
I have an appt in a couple of weeks. There was a 6 week wait to see the determologist. I have spent most of my life out in the sun, and never really thought about it until I lost a friend last winter to melanoma. After reading the article that @Wish posted above, I think I'll start skiing in a full body suit and face mask...
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Yahoo back on the ski tonight after 5 surgery's. 22 Days off from the last two visits. So good to be back on a ski and all done with everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except getting to know my new dermatologist.

Every 3 months for the next 4 - 5 years then every 6 months.

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  • Baller

I figure that this topic was worthy of a "bump". With full credit going to this thread.... having just turned 45 and noting a couple "rough" spots on my rapidly balding head, today I had my first appointment with the dermatologist. Fortunately, I got what I was hoping for.... Peace of Mind.

I did have one spot on the side of my nose, and three on top of my head that she deemed "pre-cancerous", and treated (froze) with nitrogen.

So make your appointment.

Thx guys.


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  • Baller_

Oooops! forgot to post that I made my appointment. Actually had the visit already and nothing plucked off my skin this time. Also had my annual PET/CT scans and result..... free and clear!! All is good. Whoohoo!!!. Also took my daughter to the dermatologist for her first annual checkup. This is basically for the dermatologist to document everything for future look sees.


So, with the season winding down, there is no better time to make that appointment. Gives you plenty of time to schedule during the winter months. Let's see some posts in the next month or so.

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  • Baller
Medicine is very different depending on where you live in the U.S. in terms of scope of practice. Where I live melanoma is most often found/diagnosed by the primary care doc and referred to our dermatologists for treatment. The only reason I bring this up is if you have a highly competent primary care doc ie) family medicine or internal medicine they should be able to do your skin exam as well. Identifying potentially dangerous skin lesions is not solely the role of the dermatologist, but treating them is a different story. The suspected melanoma's I find result in immediate phone conversations that get the patient in with the dermatologist the same day.
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  • Baller_

@6balls thank you for mentioning that. It was a family doc that diagnosed mine.


I will also add that not all dermatologists (as with any medical specialty) are perfect and at times should be questioned. Knowing full well of my melinoma history, my Father's dermitologisdid from my home state, did not diagnose his melinoma. He's a red head by the way or ginger as the video states. This was do to nothing more than lack of being thorough. She did not have him remove his shirt or his shorts for any of his exams. This was a gross oversite and bordered on incompitance IMHO. The melinoma, under his right arm, was diagnosed less then 6 weeks later by my dermitologists after I questioned the spot. The melinoma was severe enough and to the stage where they did surgery both at the lesion and had lymph nodes removed in that arm. Fortunately the lymph nodes came back negative and he did not have to endure a years worth of chemo at age 78. This is a man that religiously sees a general practitioner once a yr as well and had seen him within weeks of that dermitologist. My point is this. You have to be your best advocate when it comes to your skin or health in general for that matter. If you feel you can get adequate care from your family doctor with regards to skin cancer by all means get naked in front of him or her. If not, find a compitant dermitologists to get naked with. And feel free to question what you may not understand and never assume because Dr. appears infront of their name that questioning the care is taboo.

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  • Baller
When I went earlier this summer, the dermatologist did not have me remove my shorts or socks, even after I asked. I was disappointed at the lack of thoroughness. The first thing he told me was that he was running late, and he spent only about 3 minuts on my exam. I didn't even get the chance to ask any questions. What do you want for 100 bucks?
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  • Baller
My primary care doc gives me the once over every year. Last year we removed one and had it biopsied, no problem. In my lifetime I've probably had a dozen or so suspicious lesions removed and so far I've come up clean. I have also become more careful. Now wear a big hat when I'm out in the sun, and typically have the bimini on if I'm going to be out in the boat for a while.
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  • Baller
@marco my dermatologist actually has a nurse do the inspection. She spent quite awhile and noted everything see saw, like 45 min. Even went through my hair, maybe 15 min along. The doctor came in afterwards and looked at the suspect spots.
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  • Baller_

Advancement in melinoma detection.






This, as I have read, is very new and most likely not in the hands of your GP or Dermitologist. Also this by no means takes the place of the well trained eye. But in the hands of a GP can be an invaluable tool.


So with that said, think "New Years resolution" and get your skin looked at before the thaw. Make that appointment this week. I'll bump this after the new yr as many will be going through mood and brain altering self induced medication in a couple days.


Oh, and don't forget to post here if you make that appointment.

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  • Baller

Saw an article on an app to detect skin cancer - called SpotCheck. Apple & Android


Article says "Average patient waits 38 days. With spot check, you snap a photo of your mole and it will be analyzed by a board certified dermatologist in 24 hours. "Nothing replaces an in-person visit, but you can get real time piece of mindfor free." say NYC dermatologist Bobby Buka who developed the app." Doctors affiliated with SpotCheck see users within 2 weeks.

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  • Baller_

Thanks @JayG80 Great to see the thread bumped back up. Was planning on doing that as this is a good time of yr to call. most likely a slow time for them. WADR My answer to the app would be why wait another minute to make your appointment. Pick up the phone and just call. If its gone to the point where it bothers you that much to use an app, go see your family Doc ASAP or an urgent care doc. I would not get an ounce of peace of mind from that app. Way to many variables a with phone quality of photo, lighting on and on. (couldn't find it BTW). Besides, what's that doc on the app gonna say? He'll say that you should have that checked by a Dermitologist. They are not gonna take the liability of being wrong. Skip the middle man (app) and get real peace of mind from "head to toe" in just 38 days most likely way less. 39 if you call tomorrow. :)


@GAJ0004 Thanks. I plan to also start a thread in the spring in preventative measures on the water. Lots of great suggestions and discussions on this thread but kinda spread throughout it here and there. I'll compile it all and put up product web sites etc.... And perhaps start a good resource for prevention thread.

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Just had my first fallow up checkup at my local dermatologist all went well, did get a spot on my arm removed.

I lost my primary care doc to Obama care. He quit, I have an appointment next week with my new nurse practitioner. My annual physical after losing my regular Doc. Not sure what I think of this but well see? My primary care doc had me going the day after I called him with my melanoma concerns and moved my work down to Ann Arbor, I had five surgery's and done in less then three months. Thank you Doc's.

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  • Baller_

All good. One plucked off my back. Should be nothing.


Spoke with Dermitologist about the hand held melinoma detection device seen in the video above.


1. Device is FDA approved. But they approve items that do no harm not what the actual accuracy of the device may be.

2. Marketed tawards Dermitologist and not general practitioners.

3. Extremely expensive to own or rent. Cost passed along to patiant.

4. Only gives an indication of high or low risk. Something your Dermitologist should already know.

5. Dermitologist may likely error on the side of causion and remove a low risk spots identified by hand held device. Turns out that removal may infact be cheaper.


Medical advancements are a good thing and any device can be improved upon. This could lead to something even better as long as competition drives the research. Personally, at this point, I trust the WELL trained eye when it comes to skin cancer.



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  • Baller_

@Skoot1123 if I had started going at age 32 for regular exams, this thread would not exist. I was 36 when diagnosed and put through a year of chemo. The is no "I'm only 32" or even 22. The earlier the better. Way to go Scoot!!!!!!


Edit: nuts, my post started a new page. Scoots is on pg2 now.

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  • Baller

I just had my checkup this week. Found out I have basal cell cancer on the top of my head, getting it removed next week. I'm only 36, quite the surprise. Luckily it's not dangerous, shouldn't be a problem. My hair is thinning on top, but I still have decent coverage. I have a cow-lick, or swirl, in the area where the cancer is, the doctor said that because of that my scalp has probably been exposed to the sun since I was a kid. I've been diligent about keeping covered up for years, I'm sure most of the damage occurred when I was younger.

I've ordered a bandana that's supposed to work while swimming, made of neoprene. I figured for each 20 minute set I take I can't afford to have the sun frying my scalp. Not really excited about wearing it, but it's worth it.


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  • Baller
I am glad you got it early. Can you post a link to your bandana? I have switched from visor to a long-bill baseball hat exactly due to that reason. Not as much coverage as there used to be, just thinner, but still catch a little shade..
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  • Baller_

Well, it's winter, a new year and it's off season. No better time then now to make that appointment. If you haven't read the thread or watched the video, it's worth a look. 


I can't think of a better New Years resolution than to get this done. 

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