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Binding Lube


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Household dishwashing detergent....... diluted of course. I tried cable pulling lube but thought it was ordinary at best.


Went out one fine morning and forgot we'd run out the previous day and my ski buddy was getting ready when we finally realised......... ohh the horror!!! No way his foot fits without it.

Looked everywhere in the boat for a cake of soap, sunscreen, anything we could use. Stoppped short of using the oil on the dipstick, but what would you consider as appropriate in this instance?



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  • Baller

If you are going to use dish soap PLEASE PLEASE use the GREEN Eco friendly stuff. When you use it's automatically going right into the water.


I have seen dish soap, laundry detergent, and the products made for bindings.


I have been told that using regular dish soap can eat away at the rubber and cause it to go bad quicker.

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LOL yes. Answer = saliva

@MattP - put into perspective a diluted squirt bottle is no different to washing your hands with a cake of soap in the lake. I understand the need to be green, especially on smaller bodies of water. The lake I ski runs at over 3 million meg when it's full.

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  • Gold Member

Been a fan of Moose Juice for a long time. Anything else seems to stay slippery too long and then it's just one more thing to get distracted by!


The new spray heads are useless, though. Hopefully I've convinced them to go back.

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