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Ballers Christmas List


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  • Baller

OK, it's a little early, but not really. You should be thinking about what to get your spouses about now as you don't want to get into the 4-6 weeks for delivery problem. Having said this...what is on you Baller Christmas list? I'm pretty well stocked, but on my realistic list could use 2 new masterline handles (one swamp, one travel/tourney) and a few of those funky US Gear ropes that expand the opening of the take off loops to go over the pylon.

On my unrealistic list would be a 196 w/ZO for the swamp, and a CC 200 w/the 409 or a Txi for the home lift.

On my really unrealistic list would be a second home on a climate-advantaged ski joint like SanTan.

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  • Baller
I have nothing on my regular list except what I am buying for myself, which is my new ski and boots. On my unrealistic list, I would love a house on a lake and my wife to get turned on by me turning balls. Pretty simple.
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  • Baller_

New rope

Prop tuned



New deck boards on dock (ok that's a project but need it)


Stargazer w Zbox. Only when all bugs are worked out


And the best will be a certificate from my daughter saying she's going to the Mom school of boat driving and get mom certified as a premier slolom driver by April. Ya, I like that one the best.


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  • Baller_

My Christmas list:

My son to step up and be the skier that the good lord made him to be.

My daughter to come home in the spring and be my ski partner for the summer.

My wife to stop holding age old bitterness (before speed control) about driving slalom.

Oh and for me a new left size 9 Radar boot!

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  • Baller

My Christmas list:

1. Health

2. New wraps on both sets of my Wiley jump bindings.(They are getting old and cracked from lack of use).

3. A new A-3

4. Happy Wife and Kids.

5. Sunny and warm.

6. A headwind.(jump term).

7. My wife to go to the lake just once.

8. The Titans to have a winning season.

9. Alabama to slide in to the BCS Championship game.(They would win it)

10. To spend a long weekend at some great swerve site with all the fun ballers. If you are too serious, forget it.

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  • Baller

My Christmas List:

1. Pass the PMP exam so I can get a fat raise in 2013

2. New A-3

3. The custom billet wheels I want for my 65 Mustang GT project

4. The Texans to win the Superbowl this year


Unfortunately, unless I find a Genie it would seem that 1 through 3 are up to me.

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  • Baller

4 inches of rain on one night here in Texas... that's pretty much all want, so I can ski next year. Were not unskiable, but if we don't get rain this winter, we will be.


2. someone could buy my house without me having to give it away for $250k


3 Texans make it to the super bowl.


4. Thinking about getting into karting if we don't get rain. Need something to do next spring/summer.



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  • Baller

Realistic: Get my knee problem completely resolved before spring.


Unrealistic: New 65" Radar Senate, Hydrodyne 20' with twin 200s, a Nautique 200, an Allison XR2002 powered by a Merc 260, a house on the river, and a 25 year old brunette with a red bow tied around her under the tree.

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It is a long term no fix deal.


Lets just say that if you are running from a bear - I am the guy you want with you. Can't move all that fast.


It does not bother me on a daily basis but it keeps me off of a trick ski and is another reason I will never jump again. If I fall funny at the ball, I walk like a cripple for a week afterwards.


I am pretty good at making a cast from Duct Tape.

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  • Gold Member

I tried this last year, and it wasn't that funny then either, but through the miracle of cut-and-paste it takes very little effort to do it again, this time with minor improvements:


On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Twelve daylight hours

11 .25 meter line

10 .75 meter line

Nine tournament weekends

Eight slalom passes

Seven days of skiing

Six buoys scored


4 knot wind

Three ventral wings

Two brand-new shoulders

And a PB in a tournament!

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  • Baller_
Gift certificate from my daughter that reads: ... I daughter's name will take ski boat driving lessons from the chief boat driver (mom) and by April will have completed the wife's name ski course driving school of superior wheel handlers.
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