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It is time for a new "Who Are You Guys" thread


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There are a lot of new users around here in the last year so it seems like time to do this again. I am adding in a poll about your skiing level this year.


As always, the poll choices will not fit every skiing level.

If you ski USAWS tournaments or similar your official PB means a lot more but you choose.

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Here is the old thread...


I am @Horton. I run this place. I have been skiing for about 40 years. This web site is here to inform and entertain.

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@Skoot1123 I can not change your vote but as I read it your PB is something at 35 unless you ran those 32s and did not try 35. Please say it is not so! The first time I ever ran a 28 I tried a 32 so I could say my PB was something at 32. Same first time I ran 35 and 38.
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This has been my best year since ZO came out running 35 4 times in 3 tournaments. First time I've ever run 35 twice in the same tournament. Ended the year on a high note and certainly hope to pick up next year where I left off this year. Of those, I ran 1 @ 38 three times and 1.5 @ 38 once. I've been around the 3 ball a couple of times in practice this year.
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@horton - it ain't so!!! I have tried 35 a number of times. Got around 1 ball, but don't know that I got back to the gate, so I'll just say a half buoy at 35. I figured since I only ran 32 fully three times I would just say that since it is so few and far between. This next season will be different!!
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@Skoot1123 if anyone asks your PB is something at 35. If you ski tournaments and your high score is something at 32off that is really your legit score.... but hold your head high, you have gotten something at 35. You worked for it.
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By the way I did not mean for this thread to be all scores. It is really a "who are you guys thread". Where are you from and what is your story?


I always assume everyone knows me but for the new guys: I joke that I am the most famous mediocre skier in the world. It is true and it is a little strange sometimes. This site and you guys have changed my like. Let’s just say I no longer have free time and I am never bored. I hope this site informs and entertains.


I come from a skiing family and have skied my whole life. My dad is a Hall of Fame Award of Distinction Recipient and both of my brothers have national gold medals so there was not really a choice.


I ski a few days a week about 9 months a year. I live in Bakersfield California and work for big oil.


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I have run 39 once in my lifetime in practice. Two or three at 39 is more common. Been at this a while, and I try to listen to lots of people, try lots of approaches, and figure out what will work for me. That usually means I spend half of the short MN season screwing around with techniques before settling on what works and skiing. My most common ski partners are my son Mitch, my wife Susan, and my bro Dave (@6balls). I live on a public lake where I ski before work -- usually two sets a day 5 days a week, plus two sets a day on the weekends at a private site. A set is 10-12 passes minimum. I don't like getting wet for 5-6 passes. Yes -- I ski too much!
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I am Nathaniel "Than" Bogan. 41 y.o. Finally ran -38 in a tournament in 2011, but was a bit down (in tournaments) in 2012.


I live in Mass and work as a low-level algorithms and speed optimization guy for the world's largest "machine vision" company. I have two young daughters who like skiing but lack the passion (so far). My wife likes skiing when she can make the time, but usually has other priorities.


Beyond skiing and family, my other hobbies are bass fishing, game theory, Dungeons and Dragons Online (my avatar picture is a Warforged from that game), and over-thinking. The folks at Goode recently described me as "the thinking man's skier." Yes on the thinking, but my skiing is still very much a work in progress!


I enjoy formal competition, and have participated in competitions in all sorts of sports and psuedo-sports over my lifetime. I was especially invovled in track (HJ and TJ) and Magic: The Gathering. But I'm really not very competitive -- I just like testing myself in a controlled, measured environment.


I started waterskiing when I was 5, but I didn't really "catch the bug" until I was about 15 and started getting strong enough to tackle the buoys a bit more seriously. Then early in college I went to The Swiss Ski School and found out just how amazingly bad I was, and from that point forward I have been obsessed with being as good as a scrawny nerd can possibly be at this sport!

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I'm John Shealy, a member of the Ski Club of the Palm Beaches at Okeeheelee Park. I've been skiing for 30 years and still trying to figure it out. I'm also a Senior Driver and Senior Pan AM Judge. In my spare time, I'm a product development engineering.
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I'm Scott Brinkmeyer and just joined BOS in late July. Current BOS addict and skiing addict. My wife shares the passion I have with skiing, not sure that she will become the BOS addict that I am. Have two daughters, one is 2.5 years the other is ~9 weeks. Can't wait to get them skiing! I have been skiing since I was 11, started the skiiing the course in 2007 when we bought an inboard. Hooked on the slalom course ever since. Other passions are barefooting, hockey, fishing, snow-skiing and working out. P90X and P90X2 are awesome! Enjoy getting to "know" folks on BOS and hope to meet some more in the future. I am a design engineer at a company that helps @horton 's big oil company extract that black gold!
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Lookin' forward to a bit more than the Fortnightly skiing time table this season.


Hoping to get back to at least a couple of trips out per week or better again.

Want to get 22 back solidly under my belt again in the next few weeks & then trying

to topple my 4 @ 28 before the years out.


My 2 boys are now at the age where they are demanding their priorities on their week with the mother, So that means more skiing!


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My name is Tyler Reynolds and I ski in Alabama most of the year. I travel quite a bit for work and usually beg sets off of whatever club I'm closest to. I work in political marketing and am generally up for all kinds of fun on the water. I used to be a lot better than I am in the course.


Remember to always choose a good orthopedic surgeon.

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I'm a family doc in MN in a 100 doc group where I have a 1/3 time management role as well. Three classes to go for my MBA degree. I see outpatients, inpatients, do ER work and lots of procedures. I like a stiff gin and tonic and my coffee so thick I can eat it with a fork.


For recreation obviously I ski and was strictly recreational til college then was bit by the buoy-bug. I also enjoy general aviation, SCUBA diving, high HP vehicles of all sorts, and used to compete in bench press (440 lb state record in the 198 lb class). I still hit the gym in the winter, but not as heavy/hard. My son is into lifting now which makes it more fun again.


My wife and kids are not big skiers, but they enjoy living on and playing in the water in various ways; swimming/tubing/wakeboarding/skiing/kneeboarding. We're a tight-knit family and it's fun to watch 'em grow and change. Geez, I said tight-knit...my wife loves to knit...Freudian slip.


My primary ski partner is @cowtipperguy at the swamp (a small un-used public) where we have 2 courses and a SN196 w/PP classic. I ski a bigger public and another seldom used public once weekly with two other guys with similar boats/speed controls. My bro is @razorskier1 and I really should try to ski more w/him. We talk about skiing nearly every day in season, and I owe much of my skiing, lifting, and a host of other things to him (mainly due to his beatings in our youth:)


Practice PB this year of 3 @ 39, and tourney PB this year of 2.5 @ 39. Best ski season of my life at age 40, hoping for more to come. Thanks to @Horton as I'm a fully addicted Baller. Thanks to the Ballers for online friendship/advice that continues to contribute to my passion for skiing.




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I'm Shane Hill, 42 yo, no children that the Texas Attorney General's office have notified me of, Project Manager for a company that sells and implements large telephone networks, live in Cypress, Tx about 30 minutes NW of Houston. Skied recreationally here and there until I came back to Houston in 2005. First tournament in September of 06. Think I ran 2 at 15 off at 32mph in it. Tournament pb is 5@35. Practice PB is 4@38. Thankfully, my best friend and ski partner is a 3@41@36mph open rated skier who also owns a Nautique and Mastercraft dealership. So I get good boats and good coaching.
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Hey, Doug Brady from Utah, with 4 children ages 12 to 2 (although one of them looks amazingly similar to @ShaneH) and a great wife who puts up with all my crap. Kids are all addicted to the water, but not so for my wife. Give her a good book and she is in hog heaven.


I have always been active in sports and because of my size and good looks, and my stupidity have always been able to excel. I played college football for BYU and then on to play Rugby for the US Eagles B-side. Before I started this obsession again I was a scratch golfer and was a professional long driver for 6 years. It was great fun going to different exhibitions sites around America and pounding the shit out of a golf ball and making money in the process. It culminated to a yearly trip down to Mesquite for the nationals to see who was taking the most steroids at any given time. Best I placed was 18th.


I own a designer jean company that sells jeans to women throughout the Country in a home-party atmosphere. We have about 10,000 women across America schlepping jeans, hence the reason I travel so much. If you ever go to my Facebook page, most of my friends are women!


I just started to actively get involved with slalom again last year. Got rid of my fast boat and now have a ps197. I am obsessed with this site, with you awesome guys on this site, and with becoming really good on the course. One thing about me is that I am very driven, to a fault, and I am finding that skiing the balls is a great cure for my addictive personality and for my obsession. And I have to confess it kills me to be so crappy!!! That will change.


I want to also echo my sentiments to @Horton for putting up such an incredible format for a bunch of people who have a common love that can come and share and grow and develop each other's talents. Bravo.

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I guess we're doing this again.


Mark Turner, 35 yo. Injured shortly after birth, I use a wheelchair full time. I also work full time at Homeaway.com. Live in Buda, TX, at Austin Aquaplex. Moved here in 2007. Started skiing when I was 13. Won the disabled worlds in slalom in 1999... and overall in 2001. I have several world slalom records that have been surpassed. I am not the best disabled skier that ever lived, by a long shot. Have a Moomba Outback, cuz can't afford one of the big three in a semi-current year. I am so glad I found skiing. It has changed my life forever. And BOS is like crack. I can't stay away. Best site for skiing on the internet hands down.

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I'm JP Polsak. My grandpa was PJ Lawless - a way cooler name. Ironically Polsak is loosely translated in Slavanian to mean "outside the law". My wife speaks English as a third language and when she pronounces our last name it comes out "ballsack". That should tell you all you need to know about my family.


I started skiing open water when I was eight and just finished my second full season skiing the course. I started skiing tournaments as soon as I could squeak through the course and I can't recommend that enough. I've learned more and made more friends in the past two summers than the 43 previous.


Nothing spells leisure more than a day in the boat!

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I have two boys ages 6 and 9 who both enjoy the water. Sadly, they enjoy it most when a wakeboard or tube is present, but we're working on them to get them to like the ski. We have lived in a ski community on the west side of Houston for seven years. My wife has come to understand that the sport levels me out enough that she has come to love the place too. I run a sales team for a data storage technology company that keeps me on the road quite a bit, and I do my best to find time to ski amidst the chaos of a silly schedule. And the extra extra time goes back to BOS
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I have a daughter 14 and a son 11, my wife loves skiing as much or more than I do. We both started the course in 2002. I ran 15 off @ 28 mph once that year, maybe one of my proudest moments. Her pr is 5@28 and mine is getting around the 3 ball at 38. We both teach so the summer is a good time. skiing anytime and everyday.


I did the pole vault and decathlon in college. And pole vaulted for a few years after college. FYI there is about as much money in track as there is in water skiing.


Why do I keep choosing the moneyless sports?

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Andrew Winters here. Just finished my second season of skiing. First time to try a course was 2 months ago. I'm hooked. Still running 15 off and working on getting all 6 oranges. I'm 26 y.o. I'm a CPA and a tax professional. Also licensed to sell investments and life insurance. From central Indiana. Just joined a ski club for next season. Getting ready to buy a Ski Nautique. I started reading and posting to BOS a few months ago. My wife learned how to ski back in July. She's a natural. She's also just starting on the course. Its great to always ski with your wife and best friend. Can't wait for the spring!
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i'm gump,i read BOS from France,(that will explain my english).I ran 39 off,3 times and my pb is 2@41 off.i run only in practise because i have no time for competitions.i have to keep time for my childrens and my wife.waterskiing is life but familly too.
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My name is Mark Shaffer and I live in Massachusetts and ski at the same site as @Than_Bogan and @RayN among others that post n this site.


I have a 14 year old daughter who isn't that in to skiing but has run the course at 24 mph and a 13 year old son who 3 events (PB 2@28 off practice 3@22 off tournament).


I skied the course as a kid but never in tournaments and ran 32 off at 36 mph twice when I was in my late teens. I took off 17 years and got into tournament golf through my mid 20s to mid 30s. We bought the house I grew up in from my parents on a lake that came with a 2002 Malibu and I was hooked again.


I started skiing tournaments with my son about 4 years ago and have a tournament PB of 3.5@35 off which is only 1/2 a buoy behind my practice PB. I have started to run 32 off consistently but haven't cleaned 35 yet.


My goal for next year is to run 35 in a tournament. To do it I need to thin down some more and I want to start next ski season around 195 lbs (I am currently 215). Long term goal is to beat @Than_Bogan in a tournament even though we are in different age groups (he is way better than me right now) and continue to stay ahead of @RayN in the rankings.

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i just free ski am from australia there are no slalom causes where i ski am a bit rusty skied heaps when i was younger.am in my 40 s now just getting back into it you could call it a mid life crises that involves sbc350 chevs and sking love the moterhead side of it with an oldschool ski boat (mm v8sound)and sking wakeboarding bisceting wiith the family.prably not realy suited to this forum being an amater but love going for a ski anyway.can only dream of sking the slalom cause
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Greg Youens, living in Austin Tx area. My parents got me into free skiing at a young age, I loved it. We skied just about every summer weekend. Many years ago the pro tour events stopped in downtown Austin which is where I first saw the slalom course. When I went to college at the University of Texas there was a guy on my dorm floor that kept dragging a Kidder 3 event bag to his room. I got to know him quickly and got involved with the water ski team - which resulted in me realizing I wasn't near as good of a skier as I thought I was.


Life, lack of funds just kind got out of skiing, next thing I know 20+ years had gone by. Last year I was looking for a reason to get back into shape and decided to get back into skiing. Just so happened that one of my coworkers had a MC 197 and had always wanted to learn to ski the course. I've been skiing with him, ToddL and a few others at Frameswitch TX. I was pushing into 28 off pretty good this summer but had a few injuries and decided to slow things down some. My real PB was back in my 20s but really I think with all the new theory and knowledge gained through BOS that I'm a better skier now. Just need practice to get my consistency back up.


I plan to ski as much as I can this winter and hopefully carry that over to some serious improvement next summer. I have a two step daughters 17 and 21, I've gotten the 17 year old out skiing some. She really likes it but is involved in a lot of school activities.


My work schedule is kinda screwy but maybe next year I can make to a tournament. Back in the day I qualified for Regional several times but never for Nationals. So I guess my ultimate goal would be to make it to nationals someday, not sure if its realistic but we'll see.



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@allycat,free skiing is a very good thing to learn new technical movements,you don't have thinking about buoys,you can stay concentrate on what you want to work. try to ski the shorter line as you can with rythm and fluidity.
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Ted boysen, 56 y.o., retired insurance claims adjuster, started skiing at about 11, but never learned the important stuff. Grew up on a peat bog, and bow lake next to the sea Tac airport, and helped dad with the top soil business. Like lap swimming, snow skiing, walking the dog, and especially waterskiing on lake stevens with the mrs., and friends. Ran my first full pass this may in Florida, am member of hill top lake, and we are in the lake stevens ski club. We are having lots of fun!
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@allycat no need to wait. Call up Ed at Ez-Slalom




He is a long long time Baller and makes a great product.

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Live in the UK, just outside London. First saw a course 6 years ago when I was only a 53 year old youngster. Took me 6 sets on the first day to run the course at 26mph. Running 13m is still a hit or miss thing. My best is 4@12m. I have run 12m @ 33.7mph. I know it doesn't count, but it was great fun.

I think it would be helpful if all BOS members put in their profiles where abouts in the world they are. That would give the rest of us a better idea about their climate etc.

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Jerry Higbea, 42 y.o. married with 3 boys, 6 and twins that are 1. Somehow still find time to make it to the water.


I live in NW Ohio and ski on the Maumee River. I set my PB this year with 2@38. Then broke my ski on Labor Day and still looking for the replacement.

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44 y.o., two daugthers (5 and 3) that will most likely lhave their ski in front of them naturally... Deisgner, builder, part owner and manager of Lago Chacabuco, one out of 4 man made sites in Santiago, Chile (and the only one with clear drinkable clean water...).
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Hi all. Ed Obermeier here. Long term married (32+ years, same woman!) with two grown kids (daughter is a registered nurse, the son is a certified physical trainer), I'm age 57. I'm the EZ-Slalom guy for those who don't know. Home and shop are just south of the Kansas City area near Paola, Kansas. I've been just inside the 6 ball @ 35 off a handfull of times but am yet to run it. Between the rapidly advancing age and the worn out knees I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever run it... But not giving up! Busting my butt in the gym during the off season so I can be in good enough physical condition to take another crack at it next spring.


I'm a life long public lake skier, one of the numerous things that drove me into the slalom course business, particularly portable courses. Didn't have access to a course, couldn't afford to buy one (back then), so figured out how to build one and it just took off from there. Not really much of a tournament skier although I do ski some INT League events. I have more fun skiing with the buds on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Would love to be skiing more but time and course access (ski on a a portable course probably 95% of the time) unfortunately don't allow. I'm sure I'd be better if I had more water time...


If anyone has questions about slalom courses (both portable and permanent) chances are I can probably answer them. Write or call anytime, no obligation. I enjoy chatting on the subjects of course construction and skiing in general, and I'm always glad to hear from my fellow Ballers. Cheers!

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long time lurker first time poster. Blair from New Zealand. 33 ahve a 2 year old girl who loves the boat and water so hope she will love skiing too. Only skied open water till last year where i had a couple of poor attempts on the coarse but looking forward to a decent go this weekend coming. had a couple of skis (open water) yesterday in 10deg c water and snow on the hills so can only get better from here. looking forward to getting some photos up here of some of our ski spots.
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