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How's your water level?


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  • Baller
I was just wondering how everyone elses water level is around the mid-west. We had a really dry late summer and fall last year and our lake was as low as I ever seen it. We had ice out around 2 weeks ago and while the lake has recovered some, it is still low for this time of the year. March was really dry, hope we have some good spring rains! I'm located in SE Michigan.
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  • Baller_

Our club lake in SW Michigan had one spot (between 1 and 2 ball) that was about 3.5 feet deep when the lake was full last spring. At the end of the summer last year, that spot was 12 inches deep and unskiable. I don't believe it recovered over the winter. And, even if it did, we need to address the issue at full lake level anyway. We have leased a different lake for this year and hope to dredge or otherwise correct that spot. The rest of the lake was 9 -12 feet deep, so correcting this one spot would put us back in business - even with the low levels.


But, yes, the water levels are an issue for us.


@dbski - where are you skiing in SE Michigan? I am actually in Lansing, but drive to SW Michigan to ski (100 miles one-way).

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
Our lake is lower than the last few Springs by about a foot or more, but is really where it should be, based on the prior 30 years. The last few seasons our issue has been too much water in Spring and no way to get rid of it.
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  • Baller
@MISkier, That's a long drive! We ski in a reclaimed sand/gravel pit between Clinton and Tecumseh. It's north of Adrian. I live on Sand lake which is low, have not visited the pit yet this spring to check its level.
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  • Baller

Local lake was down about 30" at the end of last season. Came up about a foot from the snow but that's it so far. Last time it went down that far was in '88 and it took until '90 before it recovered so we're actually not doing too bad.


River has been at flood stage for a couple weeks now. Lots of snow melt and runoff pouring down from Wisconsin.

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  • Baller
We've had serious drought here in the Great Plains this past summer. The two lakes we usually ski in locally were so low by early September we couldn't get a boat in them, ran out of boat ramp. We got 3 heavy snows here in March, about a foot each time which is pretty unusual for this part of the country this late in the winter. Gave us enough run off that both are now at full pool. Won't last all summer if we don't get some timely rain through the season but at least we're good through mid July with what we have now.
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  • Baller
Central Illinois was down about 4-5 feet this past summer/fall/winter. With the last couple of storms/snow that we had in the last couple weeks, it has recovered about 4 feet. We should be good to go this year. We almost ran out of boat ramp last season too!
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  • Baller
Here in Central Texas, we are about 40%.. not good.. all our water is run off, with no chance for a well. We are primed now, and just need one good one (4 inches in 1 night) But if we don't get it, we wont make it through June, and maybe wont make it through may. Not the first time this has happened.. might not be the last.. screw this plains drought.
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3+ inches of rain in the past 72 hours. We have nearly complete saturation from natural ground water to the surface. It will be a long time for the farmers to get into the fields - lots of standing water. If the summer is anywhere close to normal precipation, we should not see even an inch of water drop in August.
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Our lake level in SW Michigan is low, buy about 8", perfect for the waves rolling out, just worried if we get another summer like last year, we may not be able to ski come September. Although with the rain we just had I'm guessing it's probably up.


@dbski, I think I've skied at your Pit before, with Rip and Damin, several years back, it's about an hour drive for me. You can come down and ski with me if you want, a little west of I-75 and north of the Ohio border.

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Even during the worst drought, I would only loose 9" of water depth. So far, last year was a 4" drop and that was the only drop we have seen below the outfall. I depressed the local water table by 2.5' by installing the outflow, so I don't really have to worry too much.
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  • Baller
@jwroblew are you close to North Cape Y.C.? A friend sails out of there, maybe I'll bring my ski the next time I go sailing. You must have skied our site, Rip moved south but Damon and 3 of us still ski there. If you are up by us stop by.
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  • Baller

@MS do you have soft water?


Lake up north went into winter a couple feet low after June flooding had it 3-4 high.


Currently it is sitting under a couple feet of ice at least.


With all the March and April snow it should be fine once it melts.

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  • Baller
I'm shocked at how much our lake has come up in the last couple of weeks, especially the last few days. I think with the rain coming this week we will be very close to normal. About 6" - 8" down now. River is at flood stage down here and rapidly went over its banks just north of the WI line yesterday.
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  • Baller
@gregy - the recent Texas rains have helped, but not that much. We got 2 1/2 inches in the last 2 weeks, but That's almost all gone now... there are still puddles in the ditches here and there, meaning ground is saturated. Aquaplex has just been unlucky for rain this year, with Frameswitch full.. can't believe it.. I hear Zorn is good too.. Its depressing.
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Water level not so bad on our lake, the problem is the city is dredging and making the channel wider and adding walls to keep the sand from washing back in and covering the ramps. They have been at it for 4 weeks now! The most ridiculous thing is the city wanted to use the sand that is being taken out and use it to fix the beach next to the boat ramp(has eroded over time). The EPA came in and said you cant put the same from the SAME lake 20 feet apart and put on the beach for fear of cross contaminating the lake??? What? its the same water? I understand about from another lake, but not the same. Oh well, the Government at its' best.
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  • Baller
With all the rain we had it looks like we will be breaking records for flooding. Previous crest of the river was ~30 feet, sounds like it will be ~32 feet this time around. Saw some snow this morning too.....crazy. Where are you summer?
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