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Nate Smith Ties World Record (NOW APPROVED)


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  • Baller_
The gates will receive more analysis than the Zapruder film. I hope they hold up, because he is a great skier and has really added some excitement back to the sport.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
I'm a CP fan, and think of Andy as the GOAT. Nate has a chance to rival Andy by the end of his career. I write this with all due respect to those who are seemingly a whisker behind and amazing talent as well...but a whisker behind at that level of skiing is a wider margin than most realize. The difference of vying for GOAT or top 10 of all time.
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  • Baller
only a matter of time I guess, and I'm not sure its surprising the lack of attention its getting here... Like watching him ski because he skis different, but it ends there... a 2x4 could sell the sport better.
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  • Baller

Nate is great guy, so happy for him today! Team Kolb had great time at Little Mountain yesterday skiing along side the pros! Thanks to John Brooks and all those that put on a great tournament.


Maybe @killer you should meet him before you comment?


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@killer deserves the biggest panda of all...I'm pretty sure a guy that goes out and challenges the current world record 80-90% of the time does plenty for selling the excitement that is slalom water skiing. The fact that he is a little more soft spoken and humble then other skiers should not discount what he has done and continues to do for the sport.
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  • Baller
I was told first hand that D3 waterski sells are up since Nate's come on the pro scene. I think his performance speaks louder that words. If I was a company I'd much rather have someone that quite verse a loud month who sticks his foot in month everytime he talks (like some stars in other sports). He has some major sponsors, there not there just because he's a nice quy - they're there to sell products.
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  • Baller

Great skiing Nate! Keep it up and keep pushing up the bar!


I had the chance to meet Nate at a tournament, I was the dock starter and met him and a lot of the top level skiers, male and female, you couldn't ask for a more genuine guy than Nate Smith.


Who needs "flash" when you can ski as well and consistently as Nate.

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  • Baller

@skikolb and everyone else. I never commented on his character, like I said I don't know him... I only know him as a pro skier. Joe skier doesn't care, actually they don't even know what 2@43 off is. Thats the straight truth, like it or not.


As a fan of the sport and sport in general I don't think his record means a whole lot outside, say the few avid waterski nuts there are. Not taking away from the skiing, like I said it's no surprise, it was going to happen soon enough with how many 41s he's run. he is no doubt one of the best skiers there is.


Yet, take a look and read around before jumping on one guys opinion. Not a whole lot out there about this record, at least not yet. Maybe I'm jumping the gun on that observation but I recall much bigger fan fare when this record was tied in the past., that includes from his sponsors. I hope I'm wrong, but really don't think so. I'll take the wake brothers every day or their skiing equivalent, but I'm men's 2 so likely in the minority and therein lies the biggest problem our sport has in general. Flame away, I was expecting it.!


And once again great skiing nate smith, I hope you prove me wrong.

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  • Baller
Non skiers don't understand the scores, but they understand winning which gives credibility. Props to Nate. Barring injury he's got a serious bit of career potential and if he's a stand up guy (which it seems), all the better. Are you saying if he was the sport equivalent of Bode Miller he would be able to sell slalom water skiing to the masses?
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  • Baller

I see @killer s point. His opinion, I don't agree. Nate's still a young guy anyway. I'm sure he well learn to market himself better as he gets more experience.


Our sport just doesn't have the coverage for the masses to see, someone like bode miller would probably never be recognized outside waterskiing.

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  • Baller

As a skier, father , grandfather, I am very excited that Nate is skiing well and is one of the young men representing this sport. He is polite and humble, not to mention one of the best skiers you will ever see. But I would also mention that there were several young Open skiers at Little Mountain this past weekend who it seems are equally polite and humble and represent our sport well. I think the growth, health and continued well being of our sport is in their hands but even more importantly in each of our hands. I feel we all have the addiction and need to reach out to help with the continued health of the sport.


Congratulations to Nate on a super performance.

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  • Baller

A couple of kids that ski at my home site met and hung out with Nate some at last years Nationals. One of them left with his bib signed by most of the big names in the sport, including Nate. The bib is framed on his bedroom wall. The kids a life long buoy head now for sure.


I'd say that's representing the sport just fine.

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  • Baller
I'd much rather have a Nate type guy at the top of our sport but I do agree with @Shane - Killer's post is not negative it's just his opinion. No one liked Jimmy Conners in his hey day but he did bring a lot of attention to tennis. Some might say the same about Tiger Woods and golf.
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  • Baller
Congratulations Nate! That boy ain't to shabby. The scary thing is that he's still really young and his body hasn't filled out yet. I think Will, CP, TGas, etc... can still improve their technique and scores, but they've probably maxed out physically. I don't think that's the case yet for Nate.
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  • Baller
I can't help but wonder if he was saving it for Little Mountain for some reason. If you watch the tapes that @OB posted from the Pro Am, it almost looks like Nate stood up 5 ball at 41 in both rounds intentionally. I think he could've ran either one of them.
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  • Baller

I would love to see some video from Little Mountain. Nate as well as others. T-Mo is a super technician and someone I have always appreciated watching. Someone must have video to post.

Skied the first tournament of the year last weekend and there were more D3 Quest than any other ski by far. We are in D3 country so it is a biased sample, but was still surprised by how many were already on the ski. I am sure Nate killing it can only help sales.

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  • Baller

I think the fascination with Nate is that he is so thin and he doesn't work out or follow a special diet and yet he is one of the best. This flies in the face of what we assume pro skiers need to be/do to get to that level. I have met him twice at Okeheelee and he just seems like a kid you would see at the local skateboard park or something like that. I find him to be a breath of fresh air.


It proves you don't need to be so big and muscular to get it done. Another case in point is Samantha Dumala. She is 115 lbs, 15 years old and gets into 39.

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