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Shane Hill skis QuickSet (Poorly)


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  • Baller
I didnt realize how short that was until watching that video. When you hear the cruise beep, Shane is about to turn in for the gates. That's crazy short!! In Shanes defense, that 32mph 28 off pass you guys made him do killed his rythm -jk
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  • Baller

I could set a pb there with a little practice. But it is WAY quick. Whatever it is you are working on that you tell yourself to do is out the freaking window and you ski off of instinct as soon as that boat turns right. It got better as the set went on as I learned to initiate that move out harder and then ride the line outbound as the boat went right. I ran a 32 after the video was over that I finally got up on the boat in the gate glide. So much fun, though.


@richarddoane I wasn't even sure I was in the same zip code of the gates on my opener! lol

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  • Gold Member

Can't resist a link to John's Pond. Quickset does look crazy, but at least they could do it with only one slalom course. If you look closely at this zoomed in view, you can see the buoys at Johns -- two on each side because there are two full courses that overlap in order to have enough room.


Gotta be nuts to even try that, right? And yet it's consistently one of the best performing sites in the region. I am already getting psyched for my annual visit July 20th.



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  • Baller

I remember now one thing that was jacking with me. It wasn't the water in my eyes or my shorts. It was the fact that I get up overhanded and had to switch to a normal baseball bat grip in between getting up and pulling out.


After the last 32 off pass which he didn't include in this video, Horton could be heard to say........ "well that's one way to do it." I'm thinking he didn't mean that as a good thing. LOL

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  • Baller

@shaneH I get up two hand overhand as well and am a toe loop guy so man it would be tough to be ready for pull out. Tough set up there. Other issue is boat speed at time of pull out on short set-ups. I often find the boat isn't there yet and it screws with my pull out. Any distractions tend to amp me into pull mode and there would be plenty there. Having said that, our "swamp" ain't for everyone for a variety of issues.

Super short set-ups would have me on the one hand gate for sure to allow for a later pull out.

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  • Baller
@colo_skier SE course is now weed free baby! NW course is free but short set-ups to avoid the shallows where we had gnarly algae bloom over there...skiing there 12 years and never seen that before. Oh well...skied there yesterday in BIG NW wind on glass. Hard to beat that! You are welcome back anytime.
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  • Gold Member

I gotta agree with @Brady from another thread: That Shane dude is way too good looking. I'm surprised the buoys don't faint as he passes them.


I've always consoled myself that it may be a bit of a curse to be that attractive: With every woman interested, you have two problems: 1) you can't tell who's *really* interested and 2) paralysis from too much choice.


That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it!

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  • Baller

Curious to know how transitions work at the end of the lake with the skier sitting that close to shore. Is the boat crew pulling in the rope, passing it over the bow or backing out of the corner?


Cool site!

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  • Baller
It was one of the most fun ski rides I have ever had. The owners and their neighbors at Cedar Ridge are the most hospitable people you will ever meet. I highly recommend. The Natchez Trace is beautiful and worth seeing on the way there.
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  • Baller

It skies a lot easier than you think! Come on over for one of our tourneys at the Ridge there is always the option for a quick set at Quickset!! Lonnie usually does a 3 round class C after the Ridge Record on Labor Day Monday!


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