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Tearing hands up


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  • Baller
I am wondering if anyone else has a problem with tearing their hands up? My hands get so bad that I have to take a few days off because I blister and tear pieces of ski the size of nickels off my hands. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have tried several types of gloves and it doesn't seem to matter what I wear
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  • Baller
I will give the palm savers a try, I have always wanted to try them but my local ski shop never seems to have any. The gloves I was wearing last night were almost new, I free skied with them once and last night they made it on the course though three sets and then I had to stop because my hands were shreaded...
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Do you wear under gloves? I don't think my response will help but I have always just held the rope with my finger tips more than in my palm but my ski partner @klundell has suffered with this same problem for most of his skiing life...maybe he has some advice since he's tried just about everything.
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  • Baller
I had the same problem for years until I found what has worked for me: I use a handle with a very small, elliptical shaped bar (I personally love the Connelly Prophecy handle by Proline) and hold it in my fingers instead of in the palm. I also use Masterline palm protectors and Masterline K-Palm curves. No more "hamburger hands" using this combination....
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  • Baller

I started with the elliptical handle and gripped the rope in my finger tips and that helped. Then got the Radar BOA gloves and that helped a little more. However, even with those two, I would still have considerable pain at a couple points after 2-3 sets. Shaving my calluses wet usually ended up tearing the callus off. I was dry sanding my hands with 80 grit sandpaper about 4-5 times a week and that helped but still wasn't ideal.


I broke down and spent the $8 or whatever on the palm savers or pussy palms as I like to call them from Overtons (Amazon has some too that are marketed to dirt bikes). The big ones for two fingers from Overtons were too big for me and I couldn't use them so I got the thinner ones with five finger holes. These have been awesome! The rope feels softer and my hands don't hurt even a little when I'm done with 2 sets. I bought some kevlar liners too but haven't tried them yet as I love the little pussy palms so much.

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  • Baller
Try using a larger diameter handle. I used to use a 0.98" handle with the grainger Kevlar glove liners and had problems all the time. Last year I switched to a 1.10" handle, ditched the glove liners and haven't had a problem since. Master line even makes a 1.1825" handle that Chet Raley uses, but that is way too big for me.
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  • Baller
We use a dremmel tool as @bruce55 described. Works great with the fine sandpaper cylinder. Kevlar liners and gripping the handle more with the fingers keeps the callouses thin and easy to sand off. er...for my wife I mean. (actually both of us)
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  • Baller
Please go to the "C's Skis - Simple glove modification to reduce/prevent sore hands" The whole reason I came up with the mod was to address the problem you describe. I can't guarantee that it will eliminate your sore hands - but, everyone who has tried the mod has been a "happy camper" so far.
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  • Baller

For me clinchers made a huge difference. I didn't go to them for the grip but the hand protection. When I am at ski school I duct tape also. I still get the occasional hand issue but it is better.


Pull ups, dead lifts and body rows on a smith machine all help build callouses.

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  • Baller
I used to wrap my outside fingers with white first aid tape but the US Gear radius handle took care of that problem. I think that handle has done more for my buoy count than any other piece of equipment.
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  • Baller
Try the HO Accurate glove. These have a lightly padded palm that work great protecting your hands. I did not think they would hold up well, but they hold up very well. And, when they do wear out, they retail at only 39.99
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I use $2 white cotton gloves underneath my radar boa's. They only last a month but they're cheap and I've not had a blister since. The slightly extra padding means you have to grip a little harder but you quickly get used to it.
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