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I have seen the 2014 MasterCraft


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  • Baller

The fuel claims are based on what comparison? Which prop? I switched the prop on my 200 to the 654 and have noticed we are not filling it up any more than a MC or Centurion at tournaments. Plus I'm putting a lot less gas in it this year. Companies always compare their best case scenario to the others worst case. Vehicle Mfg's do it all the time. It is all marketing.


I think the new MC has a lot of great looking features. But I always wait to see it in person and ski behind it until I make a decision. Heard it might be at the Diablo Shores Pro Am, be nice to check it out.

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to frame the fuel consumption question differently =>


as I understand it the new ProStar has much less drag than the 200. Last drag means less work for the engine so less fuel burn.

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  • Baller
OK, let's get off the gas topic and just ask the questions about performance. Does it ski better than its competition? Does it drive better than its competition? If the answer is..."It is equivelant"..than at least MC has caught up with the competition and it makes the overall market place more competitive in terms of performance; which, should help the economics of keeping prices a little lower.
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  • Baller
@skibug Two people(and neither is Horton) that have skied behind it have told me separately that the wake is phenomenal. They started at 22off 34mph and shortened from there. Said the 22 and 28off wake is essentially nothing, as compared to the 197 wake which was a knee breaker at 22 and 28. Even my current '13 200 has a pretty stiff 22 wake.
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  • Baller
@ShaneH, Agreed that the 22'off on our 2009 MC 197 TT (sold it in March) was like hitting a brick wall, 28 was better. Our '12 TXi and SN200's ('11 & '13) have a noticeable wake at 22' off; but very manageable & nothing like the MC. My wife skis at 30 - 32 mph @ 15' & 22' off; to her the TXi is hands down better than the MC. If the new MC is a cut above, it may be a consideration when we are looking in another 2 - 3 years; it will all probably come down to price in the end.
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  • Baller
I will strongly be looking at the 22 OFF wake as well. From the video posted @34 mph - it looks like a DREAM to ski behind. For my wife thatwake at 22 OFF is a BIG deal - and for my two daughters who hopefully will be skiing addicts (4-5 yrs from now) as well.
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I'm quite interested in the cover of the bow. Anybody knows how does it work? Is it storable in the boat? Easy to remove?


I have to say, as a Nautique fan for more than 25 years that this is the first time I really want a MC. Well, I don't want it, I NEED it.

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  • Baller
@ms - there is a correlation with how much you weigh though. I am about 10 lbs heavier this ski season and I don't notice my monster wake at 22 OFF nearly as much as I did last year. My wife REALLY feels it when she gets launched - even when the ski is on edge (which isn't always). Some of it seems to be mental too - that smaller wake just builds confidence when you aren't getting "thrown" out of position from a hard, big wake.
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  • Baller_

@skoot I posted in jest. Every time this subject comes up, you have the defenders saying that. Mrs.Ms hates the current MC and wanted to buy one just to practice behind it so she would be ready for it at events. It will be great if all 4 boats are now on the same level.


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  • Baller

Where are the tricker impressions and marketing pics, etc.? I see Marcus, I see Freddy, I don't see any trickers...


I am quite certain that the wake will rock at 34/36 & 15 off through 43 off. I am also quite certain it will pull jump solidly.


What I really want to hear is testimonials from these folks:

1) Trick Skiers - top level

2) Trick Skiers - mid/lower level (16-18MPH, >2500 points)


3) Slalom B1/G1 skiing at 19 MPH, LL & -15

4) Slalom beginners skiing at 24-28 MPH -15

5) Slalom beginners skiing at 28-32 MPH -15


If MC gets rave testimonials from those skiers into their marketing portfolios, they will probably outsell all other boats in the coming year.



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  • Baller

I second what @ToddL said. My wife is just learning to ski. She ran the mini-course last week behind our club's 200 at 22mph. I took her to another lake last night and pulled her at 22 mph behind a 197. Needless to say, she didn't experience the same success she had behind the 200. The first thing she said was how big and difficult the wakes were to traverse. Keep in mind, this was coming from someone who had been in the course 4 times. Even a complete rookie can tell the difference. The 200 is WAY more beginner friendly. I hope this is something that is improved upon in this newest generation of ProStars. It needs to be better for ALL skiers....not just shortline guys.


The biggest problem I see is the conflict between slow slalom skiers and trick skiers. We need one boat to give 2 distinctive wake characteristics at a similar speed. Nautique accomplished this with the "slalom/trick mode" lever. I dont see how else this can be accomplished. Does the new ProStar have some type of similar adjustment that can be made to adjust for slalom and trick skiers? I didn't notice anything in the photos to indicate that it does.

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  • Baller

Waterski Mag Photos - Sorry if redundant to another post


MasterCraft was the first company to introduce the pickle-fork bow to the inboard world in 2003 with the X-Star. For 2014, they do it with the ProStar and up the ante with the first open and closed bow boat all-in-one. The fiberglass bow can easily be removed depending on your needs.



Beauty on the water, the new ProStar has a distinct look that instantly grabs your attention.



A transom view of the ProStar's running surface.



Ilmor's new 6.2 liter engine is the upgraded power plant of the ProStar and was built specifically for the high demands of the world's best jumpers. MasterCraft says slalom skiers will lean more toward their 5.7 liter engine.



Pro driver Will Bush's input into the ProStar's helm was crucial in creating a world-class space to give the driver the best opportunity to provide the best pull possible. We really like the reclining captain's chair and the way the boat tracks razor tight through the course.



An ergonomically designed observer's seat comfortably accommodates three passengers and half of the seat folds down for easy access to the bow.



Simple, functional ski racks keep your skis safe and out of way on each side of the boat.



You almost don't even have to ski it to believe because this photo alone says a ton about the world-class ski-ability of the new ProStar. Pancake flat, no trough, and extremely soft wakes are what you get. We tested a full range of rope lengths from 15 to 39 1/2 off, and the wakes are consistently world-class for beginners and experts alike.


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i think the 200's trick wake is awful, i really hope the MC has a good trick wake because i love tricking behind our '12 197. Personally i don't really notice that much of a difference when slaloming behind different boats. Yes i the 200 is pretty flat but i really dont feel anything different behind a MC, Malibu or Centurion
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  • Baller

@webbdawg99 I didn't want to comment because I think all the negative speculation takes away from what appears to be an incredible advancement for our sport (Any new boat is really a great thing for our sport) and overall detraction from what appears to be a fantastic launch and major labor of love for so many during the evolution of the new prostar. You've never tricked behind it, 99.9% of us have never even seen it and honestly like Shane says; does anyone even trick anymore? Why would any boat builder build a boat with trick skiing top of mind? it has a wake right? go ski...


Ive skied behind all the modern 3 event boats, including a ZO 197 when I was a 15off skier at slow speeds normally using a 196 and PP; Anyone that says "its awful" is exaggerating immensely, and frankly needs to find something more important to worry about. The Prostar 197 is an incredible towboat, and a nicer boat that most skiers will either ever be able to ski behind or own.

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  • Baller
@Killer I disagree with you 100% on multiple fronts. This is a 3 event boat. It has to be competitive as a 3 event boat. Period. And I stick by the fact that the slalom wake on a 197 at slow speeds is awful....(even though I never said that). I was genuinely concerned about my rookie wife catching a tip off the wake and faceplanting. Its just honest facts.
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  • Baller

@cwillygood According to @Killer, MasterCraft and every other boat manufacturer doesn't care about your trick skiing.


"Why would any boat builder build a boat with trick skiing top of mind? it has a wake right? go ski..."


I was actually standing up for trick skiers....even though I strictly slalom. I was merely pointing out the difficulty of having one boat that will be satisfactory for all skiers. You reiterated my point. You love the wake for tricking behind the 197. The slow speed slalom skiers do not. Difficult thing to balance.

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  • Baller

@webbdawg99 where did I say they don't care about tricking? is that what "top of mind" means to you? sheeeesh, tough crowd!!!! I never even owned a mastercraft and rarely ski behind them, and I dont trick ski, like most skiers... Hence why a boat MFG wont have trick skiing top of mind - they sell boats to people. I'll stand by my original statement that the 197 is an EXCELLENT TOWBOAT. there is no reason to think the new prostar wont be either and we've yet to hear about anyone tricking behind it, so you're speculating in a negative way with no knowledge behind it.


Somehow we skied behind boats with much larger, harder wakes, with spray you could feel on your face at 28off, and exhaust you could taste, yet in those days millions more skied and didn't whine and complain about the miniscule difference in wake from 1 boat to another the day the boat was introduced to the public...



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  • Baller
The wake looks fantastic. To me, it resembles the '91-'94 hull, perhaps with a smaller rooster bump though - and no spray. Getting that wake out of a boat this size seems incredible to me. A special thanks to Marcus, Freddy and Will for all the hours and hard work! I'm sure it's a labor of love, but it certainly can't be easy.
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  • Baller

What gave me a huge smile was the fact that this boat just became a better Lake Powell boat!!! When the waves kick up, I will simply close the hood and it becomes a closed-bow! How friggin genious is that!!!! I have been sitting here salivating and figuring out how that boat will be in my garage come spring! "Honey, I am sorry, but the cars gotta go, so does your hair appointments, as well as dinner, and hell, maybe even the house.....Daddy needs a new ride!!!!!!"


Beautiful creation!!!!!!

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  • Baller

The upholstery is about the only thing I don't care for in the pictures, that and the bolster-less lazy boy looking drivers seat. What is with the butt groove that is already in the seat, or is that from someone sitting on their foot to get a comfortable height?


The bow cover is beautiful, if someone would start making those after market for some of the other boats I'll bet they would sell quite a few. The racks are another great addition.


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