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The New BallOfSpray Intergalactic Headquarters


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Humorous update #1

Part of the deal for the house is that I would dispose of the furnishings and whatever else they left behind.


Last night I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to drain a water bed. Should have had a film crew following me around. It would have been comedy gold.


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  • Baller
Oh please tell me you gently emptied it fully, so that you can place it out in the back yard and over fill it to the point of almost bursting then do a belly flop right on top of it! have the camera rolling. Or give it to the Wilson Bros. I'm sure they'd find some inventive and video-worthy way to put that bed on the water! Heck fill it with air and use it for a lake lounger.
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  • Baller
@horton -if your getting rid of those trophy heads you might want to check with us fish and wild life. in the many years since those were taken there have been a bunch of serious regulations enacted that could get you in serious trouble if you dispose of them incorrectly. saw it happen to friend of mine when his dad died and he innocently held a garage sale. he ended up having a bit of explaining to do.
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