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November Role Call - who is skiing?


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  • Baller
Last weekend my wife and I did some No Neoprene November free skiing at our place in baja. Sunny, no wind, air about 80, water mid 60's. Corona was frosty and delicious after the ski runs. The Quarry was closed on Oct 31 due to low water so until So Cal gets some rain...
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  • Baller

I took a couple of sets on the 8th before this cold front. With my Camaro 1mm, the chilly water was not an issue. My Vapor just seems to get better every ride. Got into -32 again. I've run more -28 passes on this ski in less than 20 sets then I did my whole life. It's tough to be at a peak in your season with no local tourneys to attend. I will try to keep it going through the winter.


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  • Baller
Just getting into the swing of things now as the weather gets real hot. Twilight set last night, glass water and felt like I wasted an opportunity to post a good practice score but we have the whole summer in front of us. 42c here yesterday = 107.6 F with humidity thrown in.
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  • Baller


Well done! My boat has been off the water for a month and a half and just went into covered storage until April here in parksville. Tried to remove the battery and it was frozen solid to the bottom of the battery box! Good to see some islanders still at it!


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  • Baller

Back in Grad School in 1967 or so, I kept pushing it. Sane limit up in NH is probably about

Columbus Day in October. Later and later every year, just jumping with a full wetsuit and

hoping not to fall. On the Connecticut River a bit South of Hanover. Kept monitoring the river

temperature, as it dropped into the high 30's and beyond. Got to the site one day, and uh-oh,

the river was iced over. Launch ramp then was several miles North. Fortunately, the ice cleared

after not too long, so we could get there. But the cove where the launch ramp was still iced-over.

Had to take my boat and spin around and around in circles to make waves to break up the ice.

So, my latest ski that year would have been December 4th, a day before the ice.

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  • Baller_
I used to ski a September tournament on the Connecticut River called the Frost Bite Festival. Ed, is that the site you are talking about? In 1973, we arrived on Friday night and parked the motor home (actually it might have been a Saturday night as I remember playing in a high school football game that day as well). Must have been a rainy week as there were puddles everywhere. I rolled out of the rig on Saturday (or Sunday) morning in my ski gear, consisting of a Parkway farmer john shorty with Turbo jump shorts (jump must have been my first event) and stepped into a puddle; it was totally frozen. As I recall, the day warmed up nicely and it was a good tournament. They no longer have the tournament, though; sad, as the Connecticut River Valley is beautiful in the fall.


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  • Baller
No skiing until April for me.. I may be done with tournaments for good. They are changing the vacation policy at work, so I may lose 5 days after 2015. I won't get enough water time to be competitive in Men 4.. It will be 6 months of p90x and Insanity workouts.. I don't know what they are going to announce.. If It turns out the same, then I will resume tournaments this year after the Midwest Regionals cut off date to make a run for 2016. Even if I were qualified for 2015 I will not be able to make the trip because of work.
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