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Beer drinkers of BOS: Would you completely give up beer to reach your ultimate line length?


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  • Baller

Inspired by @than_bogan 's "what I'd have to do to run 39 off" thread, I started thinking about if I'd completely give up beer forever if it meant I'd get into the line length I consider to be my ultimate goal in this sport (39 off for me, could be more or less for others). For the purposes of this poll "getting into" means on a fairly consistent basis and in tournaments if you are a tournament skier.


So, would you give up beer completely if it meant achieving that goal?

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  • Baller

I am in the middle somewhere on this. I used to drink beer regularly and have mostly given it up in the pursuit of being lighter and skiing better. I haven't given up all booze just switched to vodka and wine which doesn't seem to put the weight on me.


Over the past year I slipped back and was drinking more beer 2-4 a week usually (in the summer it would be more) but starting in January I am back to being more focused.


I can't commit it will be forever and I am nowhere close to running 38 (I have only ever skied on the purple once) never mind but for now I am going to stay at it.

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  • Baller

I don't think that beer holds me back, but as a theoretical question I'm willing to give up something such as beer forever if that is what it takes to achieve my ultimate skiing goals!

The best poll would be "what are you willing to sacrifice to run a very short line such as -39?"

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  • Baller
I might cut back consumption of beer, but no never stop. Much like skiing a good beer is something I enjoy. What's next give up sitting in my rocking chair drinking a fine rum and smoking a good cigar while looking out at the lake?
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  • Baller

I'm not sure it is even a good hypothesis. In the winter form of skiing it has been my observation that the best and the fastest are some of the bigger beer drinkers, one former Olympian in particular. In my own skiing it usually helps to have one before competition so that you stop thinking so much and just do it.


So, with that in mind I will continue tuning and training for tomorrows races with some Bridge Jumper









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  • Baller
I don't think that I could ever give-up beer, but I have given it up for now. I've experienced being lighter and it's effects on my skiing. So... I am currently in the middle of a serious weight loss program in hopes that I can beat my practice and tournament PB. I'm shooting for low 180's, currently around 192, last January 230. So I'm on my way!
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  • Baller
As a Chico State alum - it's impossible to to have one without the other. In fact, we were well oiled machines where we could ski pretty damn good even with a major hangover. Competiton... on the other hand - wasn't as good at it. The bigger the party the higher Chico climbed on the podium! Second reason for the "no" is even if I achieved my goal(s) I'd still be on the bottom half of the national rankings :smile: might as well celebrate any time on the water with a frothy cold one!
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@MattP if us budgeting for sweet water means @MS continues to shout instructions from the boat (TURN! PULL! TURN! AHH. COME ON! YOU GOTTA TURN IN LIKE 30 MIN EARLIER!) then consider me your buyer, when are you coming to MN with the goods?
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  • Baller

Would give up beer if I had to....but I'd need a better reason (my ultimate goal is not all that lofty).

For me, there's more to the boating thing than just the slalom runs. Like anchoring out in the 'Party Cove' afterward and having a couple of cold ones.



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