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Radar BallOfSpray Cash Prize at San Marcos - CANCELED


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All refunds have been issued. It might take PayPal a few days to send the money back. If anyone does not get a full refund within a week let me know.
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  • Baller
I am level 7 skier just a few buoys short of the cut, but I have a kid that is level 8. We only made the trip the first year he qualified. The BoS event increased my interest in another family trip. Sorry to see this result.
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  • Baller

I guess I'll speak on behalf of all involved. First let me say, the event was a great idea, no one at AWSA, USAws, or the LOC had any issues with the idea of the event. Anything that can help nationals attendance and add ROI is exactly what we are looking to do or at least try. i.e. Boise night jump last year.


USAws was never informed of the event, and I take blame for that. Both the LOC and I really did not think it would be an issue and thus did not really take it up the ladder for any kind of approval.


What we did not think about was having a sponsor of this event in conflict with the US nationals title sponsor. It would be like getting Geico as title and having a state farm event on site. I'm sure Geico would not like that and that's exactly what happened. It was a tough situation that warranted 2 weeks of conference calls, no winners here in this situation and I apologize to the skiers looking forward to the event, I was one of them. We did our best to broker a deal between the 2 sides.


Jeff Surdej

AWSA President



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  • Baller

Exclusivity is always a very slippery slope. Any time you grant that to anyone in business it needs to be very well defined. Next thing you know skiers will have to ski on a Goode if its a Goode event. What if Correct Craft bought Radar. Could Goode be allowed to have a booth at the Masters?


I remember when Marcus Brown showed up at the Masters with his tricked out Mastercraft Bus/RV That caused a fun bru ha ha.


The folks who lose are SMRR. Now they get less revenue and they arent getting any of that Goode money.

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  • Baller

Well, shit! I just got CFO approval to sign up for BOS SMRR. BTW, SMRR team is great. This sucks for them, too.


Given the substantial number of Radar Vapors sold last year, maybe they could sponsor a future Nationals. @brooks @TFIN

This was our boat today...



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  • Baller

The only possible good thing (no pun intended) that may come out of this is that SMRR may get to pull more practice and therefore make a little more money.


I hope no one stays home from Nationals just because the BOS tournament could not happen.

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  • Baller
@dbutcher, I think there will be a split. Some of us were signing up for a BOS event and skiing nationals because it was there and others were signing up for Nationals and skiing a BOS because it was there. The first group is unlikely to go to nationals without the BOS event but I think the second group is likely to go regardless.
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  • Baller

I wanted to chime in and express my disappointment that this could not go forward. And condolences, if that is the right word, to all involved. Even as a rookie in terms of competitive skiing. I feel bad for all who put time and effort into organizing it, and for those who were hoping to go, and will not be able to. (EDIT: At least to compete, looks like there will still be fun stuff to do, based on what @brooks says below.)


I am personally bummed as I am setting a goal to finally enter a comp (will have to be local) this year, and start working toward attending a more regional event, and maybe someday, a national event. Mostly for the camaraderie and because goals help me improve. Even in advanced middle age. Those are the goals for now. I am getting some coaching, and we will see where it actually goes in reality. But, it is nice to dream. And nicer to work toward dreams. Motivation is a good thing. Seeing others work toward these events is motivating.


In this event, were I ready to enter, I would likely be skiing in the non-qualifying for nationals division. I thought that was a really cool idea. Would have brought a lot of skiers together.


Maybe something like this can happen in the future. Just $0.02 from a rook.

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  • Industry Professional
Ballers, while the BOS tournament may be cancelled Radar has use of Lake 4 during the event. We will be pulling practice for the first half of the day and then be having some fun on the lake for the second have. Stay tuned for more details and we looked forward to seeing most of you in San Marcos.
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  • Baller
@brooks since that's the case, NOT having the tournament makes even less sense. I fail to see how a tournament is any more (or less) of a competitive threat or how it dilutes the sponsorship of the Nationals in any way. As was pointed out earlier, O'Neil sponsored the Big Dawg which was held at the Nationals site for several years. Didn't someone else sponsor the Swami slalom and/or the side-by-side slalom in Okee too?
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+1 to the @"Mateo Vargas" question. Why is the Radar BOS event being treated differently than the O'Brien Big Dawg finals? I understand the explanation put forth by @JeffSurdej, but it is unclear why O'Brien sponsored events are ok to run in conjunction w Nationals but Radar events are not.
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  • Baller_
@mattp - +1 to that. It's almost a relief in that now I don't feel compelled to ski in the Regionals, in order to attend the Nationals, in order to be part of the BOS CashPrize event. @horton had a "Goode" idea (pun intended) requiring his event's skiers to be signed up for the National event, therefore helping to promote the Nationals attendance. So now I'm looking forward to the Sacto BOS thing which was a blast last year @ BellAcqua #3, and will be even better this season. @bishop8950 did an excellent job as CJ, hopefully he's on board again.
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  • Baller_
Wait, Radar is still pulling skiers? Hmmm add some judges, and boom it's a tournament. Agree with @klindy. Radar still has the same presence. What does a few judges and a sanctioning do to change that. One company should not drive the sport. Especially if it is driving it straight off a cliff....#notgoodforthesport
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  • Baller

Wow! Goode puts up big money to sponsor an event and get $h!+ for it. If they are the title sponsor I fully understand not wanting a competing company sponsoring an event at the same site at the same time!. There are threads and threads talking about how to get sponsors and vendors for events, giving them ROI. Here we have a sponsor who stepped up and paid for exclusive sponsor rights, and after doing so get their sponsorship diluted and undercut later. If I was putting up the cash I would be pissed. I would demand them out of there or give me my money back.


I have no particular love or hate for Goode, I actually ski on Radar and think the Radar guys are great. Had a 2014 Vapor, on a 2016 now and if the demo of a 2018 at Nats is positive I will buy one without demoing anything else. I think sponsoring this Tourney and essentially buying half a lake from SMRR was a great guerrilla marketing move by Radar.


I applaud Horton for trying to put this together. I was very surprised there was a ski company sponsor. As Horton said in another thread numerically this tourney was "a drop in the bucket." 600+ skiers go to Nats, 50 skiers total in this BOS deal. A good number of participants if not most already skiing in Nats. So growing attendance maybe by 20-25 skiers at best at a cost of the practice lake time cut in half (that's huge negative impact to the other ~575+ skiers) and undercutting the big dollar title sponsor. It's only 50, total, only 50....


My vision of a tournament parallel to nats would be a non sponsored $50 entry Class C, every skier has to be an official or do something that moves them forward to being an official (dock start, judge). A new one each day so a winner each day, maybe mix up format with ability based or handicap to determine winners. Miami puts on bitchin' 3-event C's for $50 entry. But then I have done nothing to make that happen and kudo's to Horton for actually doing something.


Short sighted and killing the sport is not giving sponsors what they pay for.


(Nice posting with you guys, I expect to be eviscerated and banned).

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  • Baller_
@BRY while I somewhat agree, we have a participation problem. Up the participation and all sponcers get happy over time. Short term, ya this may play well for title sponcer. Long term..?..I do not believe this was a wise move. Bad optics considering. But what do I know. I'm just a skier from FL that won't be bringing my family to TX this year. Maybe I'm alone...maybe not.
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