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Swiss Pro Slalom - Sunday, May 5th, 2024

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  • Baller

Here are the adirondack chairs a professional woodworker friend of mine made for me. I had researched the design of waterski adirondack chairs and came up with my own design by taking the best attributes of several designs that I saw on the Internet. Another friend of mine had a pair of the most comfortable adirondack chairs that I had ever sat in so we borrowed one to copy every aspect of the ergonomics (e.g. seat height, length, angle, backrest angle, armrest height etc.) to ensure we'd end up with something that's not only cool to look at but very comfortable to sit in as well.


I sent the plans and donor skis to my woodworker friend and a couple weeks later he returned with what you see below. Being the consumate professional and perfectionist that he is, he went way beyond what I had asked for. For example, my design had three intact ski tips making up the backrest; the two outside ones angled in a bit and the middle one flat to give the backrest an approximation of curvature. Well, he couldn't produce something that simple and spent a considerable amount of time making very straight and precise lengthwise cuts to the backrest ski tips to make the seats incredibly ergonomic and comfortable. I know almost nothing about woodworking but I think those cuts were very hard to make so perfectly straight and precise on a table saw given the curvature of the ski tips. I was both surprised and ecstatic at the result and am extremely proud to own these chairs and show them off to my guests.


You might notice that on the one chair we didn't have enough skis left to make the chair entirely out of skis so he put in SOLID MAHOGANY planks on the seat base and front legs. He chose mahogany both for the look and its high resistance to water and weathering.












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