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Handle guard saved my life


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  • Baller

Two weeks ago at a lk in the nw I had a prerelease out of my reflex 3 ball -32 and high sided toward the boat and my head went into my handle I have been using hard shell boots since 1990 started with ARC boots been reflex for 14 plus yrs with no problems ever.

thank god I had a handle guard made of soft material the handle Caught my chin a released if the guard would of been a harder plastic material I believe it would of deflected more.

I was air lifted to Harborview I tore the muscle and tendons in the right side of my neck broke no bones and no spin injury I’m in neck brace for 3 months I will have a 100 percent recovery.


but please never ski or wake board with out a handle guard at least use duck tape


plastic is best anything soft material can catch but is better than nothing but still dangerous God saved my life! Now it is my job to let the world know please always use a handle guard


I have been skiing for 50 years and like everyone else it could not happen to me but it did.


FM has the best one on the market right now I hope other big company’s start make them stock on their handles

like I said before god saved my life now I need to let the world know that it can happen to anyone and please go right now and put a handle guard on or at least make one from duck tape Hard plastic that does don’t conform is the best d31yogu1dw7g.jpeg




Here is a few examples and one pic of the handle guard I was using god bless us all and may we ski short line forever



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  • Baller_
@Deanoski, glad that the guard saved you and you will recover. I use the guard you show on the turquoise and black rope. I’ve been using some sort of guard for about 10 years. Thanks for sharing this firsthand reminder.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

Glad you're gonna be OK @Deanoski and thanks for the reminder!

I put back mine 1.5 months ago when that other gentlemen wasn't lucky enough to get a warning...


My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
IIRC, there was a Baller here who started making really excellent guards at a fair price. He got a "cease" letter from the lawyer of a patent holder who doesn't even provide the product. It is a shame that this patent hold can't even come to a minimal license agreement or something so that more manufacturers could offer products. I see too many home made solutions. I guess something is better than nothing...
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  • Baller

anything soft like netting or like to one I used will grab your head. the handle guard must be hard plastic and connected to the handle or you may wind up like me hurt bad almost dead even duck tape will conform the material must be plastic FM is the best one to use and that is what me and all my skiing friends will use from now on until some else make something better see attached like @Alberto Soares said if I would of had this style I would be skiing today and not in a neck brace for 3 monthsikots0hpcevz.jpg


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  • Baller

@Deanoski thanks for posting this information. I think it needs to be echoed and maybe spelled out, as you're doing us a service by sharing this info. Please correct me if this is wrong but here's the key takeaways that I got:


Any handle guard is probably better than no handle guard

Some handle guards are less safe than others

Specifically, hard plastic handle guards like the Fluid Motion product will prevent your head from getting into the handle 'V' much, if any, at all

Conversely, with a soft/mesh guard your head can still get into the handle, although not necessarily all the way through. This is better than nothing but can still result in the handle catching on your chin and doing serious damage


Conclusion: Use a hard plastic handle guard!


For what it's worth, I've had a hard plastic handle guard on my handle for over 10 years and in no way has it negatively impacted my skiing. I've hardly ever noticed that it's there.

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  • Baller

@skispray you are 100% correct on the soft guards they will keep you from putting your head through the handle but will still grab your head or jaw and rip the s$%%t of your head or Neck a hard plastic guard will move away from and not conform to the head or jaw.


please everyone put a hard plastic guard on and never let anyone ski or wake board with out one.


my goal is spread awareness and keep anyone else from going through what I'm going through

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  • Baller

I don't get the opening in the upper handle with only a cross bar leaving place to an arm to go through and tougher to get out...?

Might as well close that opening completely,no?


My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

@Deanoski - scarier than s--t. Glad you are OK. I've dislocated my elbow through the handle and used a handle guard for years, then somehow just let it slide the last few seasons. I will go put a handle guard back on NOW.


I wish god would've seen fit to save Brett Yager and others.

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