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Amazing or Uncomfortable?


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  • Baller
@ALPJr You mean that before the internet people didn’t complain about this type of thing? ? I think we all know that’s not true. Someone mentioned that dentist (wondering if I remember that detail correctly?) who suddenly held a world record some years ago. I think that controversy was written about in WSM. The internet just makes it easier to instantly voice our thoughts to an audience of anyone who wants to listen.
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  • Baller
Sorry @KRoundy--not even close to the same topic ...the dentist was an outright lie and cheat of moving courses, and never would he shorten the rope anywhere but his home site, and on top of that , he looked like sheet skiing. Many people knew it wasn't legit, just had to wait for the opportunity to prove it.
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  • Baller
When I watched the tournament I was amazed watching the boat path for the skiers in slomo replay. I took a mental note with just about every one of the top skiers. Hats off to the drivers, super straight and great driving! The good scores might have something to do with water temps in FL cooling down a little. I’ve heard some of the lakes ski really well this time of year. Great skiing, fun to watch, nice job on the broadcast team!
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  • Baller

@liquid d I agree with your comments--and there are certainly some other sites where skiers, when completely dialed in, will run top scores. Cedar Ridge, Covington, Lake 38 and several others that have not already been named definitely make that list.

I'm glad you have included our lake (back lake at Isles, wintergardenwaterski on insta and fb) on that list. For anybody looking for optimal conditions in which to perform your best, we encourage you to give us a look.

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  • Baller



Just confirming, you are sure "I'm Sure", no scores will be dropped or disqualified from the tournament therefore you are taking the bet that all scores will stand.


12 pack of IPA (within reason) for me saying scores will be disqualified and you're sure they won't be

I mean if this is more your thing, we can swap out your winnings










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  • Baller

This sport gets nowhere eating it’s own. It’s the reason we can’t grow on the competition side of things.


Jamie is incredibly talented. She has been chasing and one Upping herself all season. Her score is no surprise especially on a site she’s training at.


John Travers is an unreal skier and should have a homesite advantage. He does so much for our sport & tournaments and going after him I think is unfair and unsportsman like.


Will Asher is effing will Asher! Dude can get pretty much anything and has.


The cliques in our sport and the want to discredit others is so strong that it is cringe worthy. Great skiing Jamie, John and Will. Leave the haters in the dust.

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I completely disagree that "eating our own" is a key element that prevents popularity of the sport. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Fans of every major sport spend 2/3 of their time criticizing athletes whose performances are 100 times better than anything that fan could ever achieve. They blast refs for missed calls. They blast athletes for dropping a pass. They invent all sorts of zany conspiracy theories to explain why their team didn't win it all. They spew accusations of cheating with zero proof (and other times with plenty of proof :smile:).


Getting attention is the key to popularity. If the goal is to grow the sport from a fanbase standpoint, we need more people paying attention, not fewer.

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@APB I think the title of this thread is correct. I am totally uncomfortable with this subject because I have such a high opinion of the skiers. Unfortunately the scores are such that I would be remiss if I did ask questions.
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Since a world overall record was set, a key component of which was his slalom score, I think the course would be surveyed post event and the ropes re-measured. The boat path videos will be scrutinized. There either was or was not something out of tolerance and it won't be a mystery or subject to opinion; everything will be checked and not subject to conjecture.


I for one doubt anything was off and I will take @scoke up on the case of Zima he is trying to get out of his fridge. I don't know all of the skiers on that list, but of the ones I do know, there is not a single score that is ridiculous PB or beyond what they have scored dozens of times in practice. Take Blaze Grubbs. His 3 and his 4 at 39 seem like big scores (they are very impressive), but he ran 4@39 at the BOS tournament and I know he has run 39 in practice. End of the year, equipment and technique are dialed, perfect day at a perfect site, I believe it is perfectly plausible for 21 of 34 skiers to ski to their PB.

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  • Baller

A challenger has appeared!! heck yeah. @brettmainer


Some amazing skiers were at that tournament. Since matp has crawfished and never has replied or confirming he's taking my bet, let's talk.


My prediction, a record will not be set due to technical issues OR some scores will not count. 2-6 packs, IPA my choice, within reason.


Your prediction: HOORAY, EVERYONE SKIED STATISTICALLY better then a tournament is mathematically capable, all scores stands and records stand and anyone questioning the scores is just a "hater". 2 6 packs of zima or equivalent for you.



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  • Baller
The main problem for the likes of @scoke , @Than_Bogan and myself here is the unavoidable OCD math trigger. The math does not support the results. After being “squared” in engineering school, you just cannot let go something like this...
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  • Baller
Unless I missed a comment in this thread, there is something that no one has mentioned. Lots of "home site", "great site" and on and on, but why did the scores improve so much from the tournament on this same site 3-4 days earlier? Same site, same skiers (for the most part) I can't comment on the specific conditions on each day, but......? Someone mentioned "midweek" as less pressure and more relaxed environment. Come on, these are either pros or well seasoned, high level amateurs, so I don't see too much advantage to the midweek reasoning.
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  • Baller



I love it, you’ve put your money where your mouth is unlike most of the feel good kumbaya posters in this thread who aren’t honest with themselves.


It’s unlikely you’ll be in west Palm any time soon and it’s even more very unlikely I’ll be on the left coast in the next four years.



We can do shipped (didn’t Horton do ipa or online beer provider video) or cut a check for local purchase. What’s your favorite store local?



Anyone else want in on the action? I’d consider laying odds.

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  • Baller_

@scoke I'm in, but the bet is you have to drink the Zima when you lose! I'll even cut you some slack and make it 2 sittings for a 6 pack each - with video of course.


This is for a systemic or intentional issue. The boat getting pulled slightly out on a buoy or 2 is allowable.


If there is a systemic or intentional issue, I'll send you 12 of the IPA of your choice.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

Alrighty then!


What’s an alternative of 2 IPA’s that I can claim in the near future??


Also, it’s odd I haven’t heard of the world record being approved nor the Canadian women’s record being approved. Weird!

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Looks like all the scores from this event are no longer on the IWWF Weekly World Ranking List.




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  • Baller

Smells like another round of wagering is in order!!


Any of you rah rah guys want to put your money where your mouth is to prove a hater like me wrong?


I’m open to laying odds.


A record will not be approved.

A batch of scores in US will not count.

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@scoke it is not looking good for me. You should consider flying out for a few days and a tournament next summer. I’ll buy you a couple beers while you are here and you can take home 12 excellent west coast IPAs when you leave. For an extra $3 you can have @Dirt coach a couple sets.


If I do lose, I would appreciate a specific announcement from AWSA as to why.

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  • Baller
I don't watch a ton of end-course, but I've seen posts of record runs that were legit on this forum with some masterful driving even on boats that don't track as tight like the carbon pro. I've never seen a boat tip all around like in this video...yikers how does one drive a bull of a shortline skier in a boat that moves like that? For those that DO watch a lot of shortline end-course is this common?
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  • Baller

Is that you driving @APB ?


If not, now what?


APB said: "This sport gets nowhere eating it’s own. It’s the reason we can’t grow on the competition side of things.


going after him I think is unfair and unsportsman like.


The cliques in our sport and the want to discredit others is so strong that it is cringe worthy. Great skiing Jamie, John and Will. Leave the haters in the dust"

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