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2021 is my last year of USAWS


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  • Baller

Congress, the USOPC, 50 NGBs, foundations and individual donors fund the Center. It also generates revenue from its fee-for-service model for educating and training sport organizations outside of the USOPC.




I don’t see a line item


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  • Baller
I watched a very well done, homegrown webcast from an East region tournament this past weekend. All ages, talent levels, and an abundance of knowledge, camaraderie and fun. It sure got me stoked for next year’s tourney calendar. Based on that I’d say that USAWSWS is doing a nice job and I’m looking forward to renewing my membership.
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  • Baller

Most of us are going to comply with completing the training.

My thought is when do we get to the breaking point when it is too much $ or time?

And the hard working people (all old btw) say I'll just ski at home have a good time and save the $/time?

Membership, safesport, clinics, pay for promo's, world ranking charge, travel....


Gordon Hall ask me when he was EVP how we grow the membership? I replied if you can't get the people that live in your developments to see a value in it you should look inward first.....

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  • Baller

Senate hearing happening right now regarding the FBI's handling (actually, tragic mishandling) of sexual abuse by Larry Nassar of young female gymnasts, including our top Olympic gymnasts.

Senator Grassley specifically asked if they could comment on SafeSport and their role in helping them.

The gymnast that answered had to start by saying, "I'll try not to be disrespectful". She basically went on to say that SafeSport failed them. Her and her mom raised the abuses to SafeSport and they didn't help, their issues were just passed around the organization like a hot potato.

The young ladies feel they were failed to be protected, or they're reporting of abuses buried or mishandled by the USOC, USAG, SafeSport and the FBI.

Food for thought, I guess.

What comes out of this hearing may shed new light on the abuses that have occurred, but more importantly the lack of doing what was needed to protect or help the victims, and stop the abusers.


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  • Baller

Its probably a conspiracy. I'm mean all things are not what they seem. I bet its

voter fraud or bad parenting or aliens in Area 51. This whole thread started with complaining about awsa requiring a 1 hr video for membership to possibly help a few potential victims. Somehow its turned into "good ole days syndrome" , bad parenting habits, 'woke america'.


Now look.. "The DOJ didnt even show up". I look forward forward to more complaining and watching the video with MS



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  • Baller_

I think bottom line here is "MANDATE!" WTF????




So why the gripe? Now we have beuracrats running this very small sport!! Understandable in sports like usatennis where two medium size cities in the usa have more members then all of usaws..

It has truly gotten stupid!!


USOC DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SPORT NOR DOES THIS SPORT NEED USOC TO SURVIVE! In fact membership would probably boost within the sport if this nonsense just went away..

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  • Baller

When I brought up today's Senate hearing about the FBI's horrible mishandling of the Nassar sexual abuses, it was just to note that SafeSport was specifically brought up. And, that the SafeSport handling of the matter was viewed very unfavorably by the victims.

I was not offering an opinion on what value SafeSport may offer today. Maybe they learned from their mishandling or lackluster response to the crimes against the gymnasts, maybe they haven't? IDK

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  • Baller
Agree with Jody_Seal. So, here's the deal. Key people in a couple regions and a couple states, have been controlling AWSA for a long time. We (AWSA) sold our soul to the USOC in hopes of becoming an Olympic sport, which we now know will never happen. AWSA began as an association of water skiers who wanted to promote the sport, fight for our right to access of public waterways and government regulation against that sport, do some competitions, and have a lot of fun along the way. Key word people, FUN. We owned a nice little peice of property in Winter Haven for our museum, hall of fame, and offices. Then we sell the property and give the proceeds to AWSEF to move the museum to the Holy Cow location and have office space (HQ) for a nominal cost. So it happened that we have no assets and AWSEF has no fiduciary responsibility to AWSA. We host the world championships, spend a boatload building a lake at Holy Cow, establishing a competitor to long standing supporting ski schools, become a part of USOC as USAWS. Now we're financially strapped and totally dependent on our relationship with USOC and IWWF for our survival. We have been misled to believe being in the Olympics would grow our sport. The opposite happened. We have become a totally competiton based organization with all attention to Elite levels. And, we are unable to support our Elite competitors as we should. Now we are in bed with Polk County to set up a new HQ and what do they do, build a wakeboard cable park. Let's not forget it was 3 event and show skiing which built this sport years ago. Meanwhile, what happened to the FUN? I am truly saddened by what we have become. It seems the inevitable solution will be a breakup, forming a new amateur water skiing association. The elites can continue the chase their dreams with USAWS, we can go have some fun. If the whole thing collapses, guess what, we can still go have some fun. My name is Terry Early, I've been a water skier for 60 years, and I just want to ski.
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  • Baller

Do your research people..


Q: Who is required to take training?


Beginning January 1, 2022, all adult participants (members 18 years and older) will be required to complete the Core SafeSport course and any required refresher courses annually. The purpose of this requirement is to educate members on how to prevent abuse in sport, how to recognize the red flags of emotional, physical and sexual misconduct, and what to do if abuse does occur.



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I just throw Buford Danger in the lake when she's bad. She didn't believe I would do it the first time. Now the threat of doing it is all I need.
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  • Baller

It does strike me as at least interesting that only members 18+ have to take the course in order to ski.


I may be wrong, but haven't the most prominent waterski issues related to safesport involved under 18 teenage females? Might it be appropriate to have a course set up for them as well?


If you're a hiker hiking in bear country, you take a class on what to do if bears attack. Hiking amongst mountain lions? Well then, let's catch you up on how you should react to mountain lion attacks right? 16 year old female going to a waterski tournament? Then here's a refresher course on best practice when you meet a 21 year old man.


Someone on here will accuse me of "victim blaming". Fine. You can't please everybody. Nevertheless, I think it is certainly possible, while not blaming the victim, to help pre-emptively give the potential future victim every tool possible in their tool belt for how to reduce the probability of becoming a victim.

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  • Baller_
One thing that I think has been overlooked is that the SafeSport training requirement apparently does not just apply to tournament skiers. If you don't complete the course/certification, your membership is considered "inactive". For clubs with USA Water Ski insurance, members must have an active membership, especially clubs that sanction their practices for insurance purposes. That would imply skiers need to complete the training just to ski in their clubs, whether they compete in tournaments or not.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller


February 1st, 2022.


It will be interesting to see the number of active members of usawaterski after 1 months purging of non-safesport users. Especially those passive or recreational members who are actually unaware of the requirement. Even better will be the data on the financial hit awsa will be taking.

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  • Baller
OK I'm sure I'll get flamed but there needs to be a reality check here as this thread is way off the rails. This is not about the effectiveness of the SS requirement, or whether it makes sense or not or any of that. As was clearly noted earlier some other organizations are losing their coverage because of increased incidents. This is a requirement now in place to help mitigate that risk. Period. USAWS can now check that box for their carriers which are now likely requiring it anyway as a coverage requisite. This is not a silver bullet or referendum on SS effectiveness but simply a business requirement by USAWS to keep the lights on and a pass through requirement to members. It's a product of the environment. Membership can complain and boycott but it doesn't change the reason it exists nor the business requirement. It's a minor inconvenience and expense but it is a requirement. Up to each member to take it or leave it. Is it possible to have this repealed... sure...... but extremely unlikely. Programs deemed as safety related are generally permanent once implemented. This is a done deal.
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So I deleted three or four posts. It started with somebody trollishly trying to be funny* and then some of you overreacting and freaking out. National politics are not allowed on the website and apparently humor is also.


*(was actually an overt attempt torture me by one of my friends who fully knew what he was doing.)

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